=========================================================================== FUN_001077c0 ===========================================================================

                                                               Real name: png_chunk_unknown_handling                                                                

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function swaps the bytes of a given parameter and passes it to    |
                                             | the png_handle_as_unknown() function.                                  |

                                libpng/png.c:962                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001077c0                           
#if defined(PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED) ||\                               | void FUN_001077c0(undefined8 param_1,uint param_2)
   defined(PNG_HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN_SUPPORTED)                                      | 
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | {
png_chunk_unknown_handling(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 chunk_name)   |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
{                                                                                |   uint local_15;
   png_byte chunk_string[5];                                                     |   undefined local_11;
                                                                                 |   long local_10;
   PNG_CSTRING_FROM_CHUNK(chunk_string, chunk_name);                             | 
   return png_handle_as_unknown(png_ptr, chunk_string);                          |   local_15 = param_2 >> 0x18 | (param_2 & 0xff0000) >> 8 | (param_2 & 0xff00) << 8 | param_2 << 0x18
}                                                                                |   ;
#endif /* READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS || HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN */                            |   local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
#endif /* SET_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS */                                                  |   local_11 = 0;
                                                                                 |   png_handle_as_unknown(param_1,&local_15);
                                                                                 |   if (local_10 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00119fb0 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_zlib_inflate                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function returns the inflate of a given parameter and checks if   |
                                             | the window size is valid.                                              |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:454                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119fb0                           
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        | undefined8 FUN_00119fb0(long param_1)
/* Handle the start of the inflate stream if we called inflateInit2(strm,0);     | 
 * in this case some zlib versions skip validation of the CINFO field and, in    | {
 * certain circumstances, libpng may end up displaying an invalid image, in      |   undefined8 uVar1;
 * contrast to implementations that call zlib in the normal way (e.g. libpng     | 
 * 1.5).                                                                         |   if ((*(char *)(param_1 + 0x270) != '\0') && (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x148) != 0)) {
 */                                                                              |     if (**(char **)(param_1 + 0x140) < '\0') {
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                |       *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "invalid window size (libpng)";
png_zlib_inflate(png_structrp png_ptr, int flush)                                |       return 0xfffffffd;
{                                                                                |     }
   if (png_ptr->zstream_start && png_ptr->zstream.avail_in > 0)                  |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x270) = 0;
   {                                                                             |   }
      if ((*png_ptr->zstream.next_in >> 4) > 7)                                  |   uVar1 = inflate(param_1 + 0x140);
      {                                                                          |   return uVar1;
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = "invalid window size (libpng)";                  | }
         return Z_DATA_ERROR;                                                    | 
      }                                                                          | 
      png_ptr->zstream_start = 0;                                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return inflate(&png_ptr->zstream, flush);                                     | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* Zlib >= 1.2.4 */                                                       | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00107840 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_zstream_error                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function sets an error message for a given zlib return code in    |
                                             | the memory location pointed to by param_1 + 0x170.                     |

                                libpng/png.c:999                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00107840                           
#if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED)                  | void FUN_00107840(long param_1,undefined4 param_2)
/* Ensure that png_ptr->zstream.msg holds some appropriate error message string. | 
 * If it doesn't 'ret' is used to set it to something appropriate, even in cases | {
 * like Z_OK or Z_STREAM_END where the error code is apparently a success code.  |   if (*(long *)(param_1 + 0x170) != 0) {
 */                                                                              |     return;
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               |   }
png_zstream_error(png_structrp png_ptr, int ret)                                 |   switch(param_2) {
{                                                                                |   default:
   /* Translate 'ret' into an appropriate error string, priority is given to the |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "unexpected zlib return code";
    * one in zstream if set.  This always returns a string, even in cases like   |     return;
    * Z_OK or Z_STREAM_END where the error code is a success code.               |   case 1:
    */                                                                           |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "unexpected end of LZ stream";
   if (png_ptr->zstream.msg == NULL) switch (ret)                                |     return;
   {                                                                             |   case 2:
      default:                                                                   |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "missing LZ dictionary";
      case Z_OK:                                                                 |     return;
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("unexpected zlib return code");    |   case 0xfffffff9:
         break;                                                                  |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "unexpected zlib return";
                                                                                 |     return;
      case Z_STREAM_END:                                                         |   case 0xfffffffa:
         /* Normal exit */                                                       |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "unsupported zlib version";
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("unexpected end of LZ stream");    |     return;
         break;                                                                  |   case 0xfffffffb:
                                                                                 |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "truncated";
      case Z_NEED_DICT:                                                          |     return;
         /* This means the deflate stream did not have a dictionary; this        |   case 0xfffffffc:
          * indicates a bogus PNG.                                               |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "insufficient memory";
          */                                                                     |     return;
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("missing LZ dictionary");          |   case 0xfffffffd:
         break;                                                                  |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "damaged LZ stream";
                                                                                 |     return;
      case Z_ERRNO:                                                              |   case 0xfffffffe:
         /* gz APIs only: should not happen */                                   |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "bad parameters to zlib";
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("zlib IO error");                  |     return;
         break;                                                                  |   case 0xffffffff:
                                                                                 |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "zlib IO error";
      case Z_STREAM_ERROR:                                                       |     return;
         /* internal libpng error */                                             |   }
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("bad parameters to zlib");         | }
         break;                                                                  | 
      case Z_DATA_ERROR:                                                         | 
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("damaged LZ stream");              | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case Z_MEM_ERROR:                                                          | 
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("insufficient memory");            | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case Z_BUF_ERROR:                                                          | 
         /* End of input or output; not a problem if the caller is doing         | 
          * incremental read or write.                                           | 
          */                                                                     | 
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("truncated");                      | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case Z_VERSION_ERROR:                                                      | 
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("unsupported zlib version");       | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN:                                           | 
         /* Compile errors here mean that zlib now uses the value co-opted in    | 
          * pngpriv.h for PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN; update the switch above    | 
          * and change pngpriv.h.  Note that this message is "... return",       | 
          * whereas the default/Z_OK one is "... return code".                   | 
          */                                                                     | 
         png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("unexpected zlib return");         | 
         break;                                                                  | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00106590 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: is_ICC_signature_char                                                                  

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if the given parameter is between 0x41 and 0x5A   |
                                             | (inclusive).                                                           |

                               libpng/png.c:1809                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00106590                           
static int                                                                       | bool FUN_00106590(ulong param_1)
is_ICC_signature_char(png_alloc_size_t it)                                       | 
{                                                                                | {
   return it == 32 || (it >= 48 && it <= 57) || (it >= 65 && it <= 90) ||        |   return (param_1 & 0xffffffffffffffdf) - 0x41 < 0x1a;
      (it >= 97 && it <= 122);                                                   | }
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001068b0 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_reset_crc                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates and stores a CRC32 value into the memory      |
                                             | location specified by the parameter `param_1`.                         |

                                libpng/png.c:128                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001068b0                           
/* Reset the CRC variable to 32 bits of 1's.  Care must be taken                 | void FUN_001068b0(long param_1)
 * in case CRC is > 32 bits to leave the top bits 0.                             | 
 */                                                                              | {
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               |   undefined4 uVar1;
png_reset_crc(png_structrp png_ptr)                                              | 
{                                                                                |   uVar1 = crc32(0,0,0);
   /* The cast is safe because the crc is a 32-bit value. */                     |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x24c) = uVar1;
   png_ptr->crc = (png_uint_32)crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0);                              |   return;
}                                                                                | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0010b470 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_app_warning                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks a byte of data at a given address, and if it is   |
                                             | set to a certain value, it calls the png_warning function, otherwise   |
                                             | it calls the png_error function.                                       |

                             libpng/pngerror.c:393                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010b470                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0010b470(long param_1)
png_app_warning(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_message)       | 
{                                                                                | {
   if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_APP_WARNINGS_WARN) != 0)                       |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x132) & 0x20) != 0) {
      png_warning(png_ptr, error_message);                                       |     png_warning();
   else                                                                          |     return;
      png_error(png_ptr, error_message);                                         |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
#  ifndef PNG_ERROR_TEXT_SUPPORTED                                               |   png_error();
      PNG_UNUSED(error_message)                                                  | }
#  endif                                                                         | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010b490 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_app_error                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and if it is, it calls the png_warning() function,     |
                                             | otherwise it calls the png_error() function.                           |

                             libpng/pngerror.c:406                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010b490                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0010b490(long param_1)
png_app_error(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_message)         | 
{                                                                                | {
   if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_APP_ERRORS_WARN) != 0)                         |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x132) & 0x40) != 0) {
      png_warning(png_ptr, error_message);                                       |     png_warning();
   else                                                                          |     return;
      png_error(png_ptr, error_message);                                         |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
#  ifndef PNG_ERROR_TEXT_SUPPORTED                                               |   png_error();
      PNG_UNUSED(error_message)                                                  | }
#  endif                                                                         | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* BENIGN_ERRORS */                                                       | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010cbb0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_malloc_base                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function allocates a block of memory of size param_2 and returns  |
                                             | a pointer to it, or a pointer to a function if param_1 is not 0.       |

                               libpng/pngmem.c:70                                |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010cbb0                           
/* png_malloc_base, an internal function added at libpng 1.6.0, does the work of | void * FUN_0010cbb0(long param_1,size_t param_2)
 * allocating memory, taking into account limits and PNG_USER_MEM_SUPPORTED.     | 
 * Checking and error handling must happen outside this routine; it returns NULL | {
 * if the allocation cannot be done (for any reason.)                            |   void *pvVar1;
 */                                                                              | 
PNG_FUNCTION(png_voidp /* PRIVATE */,                                            |   if (param_2 == 0) {
png_malloc_base,(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t size),             |     return (void *)0x0;
    PNG_ALLOCATED)                                                               |   }
{                                                                                |   if ((param_1 != 0) && (*(code **)(param_1 + 0x3f0) != (code *)0x0)) {
   /* Moved to png_malloc_base from png_malloc_default in 1.6.0; the DOS         |                     /* WARNING: Could not recover jumptable at 0x0010cbca. Too many branches */
    * allocators have also been removed in 1.6.0, so any 16-bit system now has   |                     /* WARNING: Treating indirect jump as call */
    * to implement a user memory handler.  This checks to be sure it isn't       |     pvVar1 = (void *)(**(code **)(param_1 + 0x3f0))();
    * called with big numbers.                                                   |     return pvVar1;
    */                                                                           |   }
#ifndef PNG_USER_MEM_SUPPORTED                                                   |   pvVar1 = malloc(param_2);
   PNG_UNUSED(png_ptr)                                                           |   return pvVar1;
#endif                                                                           | }
   /* Some compilers complain that this is always true.  However, it             | 
    * can be false when integer overflow happens.                                | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if (size > 0 && size <= PNG_SIZE_MAX                                          | 
#     ifdef PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K                                                   | 
         && size <= 65536U                                                       | 
#     endif                                                                      | 
      )                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
#ifdef PNG_USER_MEM_SUPPORTED                                                    | 
      if (png_ptr != NULL && png_ptr->malloc_fn != NULL)                         | 
         return png_ptr->malloc_fn(png_constcast(png_structrp,png_ptr), size);   | 
      else                                                                       | 
#endif                                                                           | 
         return malloc((size_t)size); /* checked for truncation above */         | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
      return NULL;                                                               | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011d6f0 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_check_chunk_name                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a chunk type is valid and if it is not, throws |
                                             | an error.                                                              |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:3136                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011d6f0                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0011d6f0(undefined8 param_1,uint param_2)
png_check_chunk_name(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 chunk_name)         | 
{                                                                                | {
   int i;                                                                        |   int iVar1;
   png_uint_32 cn=chunk_name;                                                    | 
                                                                                 |   iVar1 = 4;
   png_debug(1, "in png_check_chunk_name");                                      |   while( true ) {
                                                                                 |     if ((0x39 < (param_2 & 0xff) - 0x41) || ((param_2 & 0xff) - 0x5b < 6)) break;
   for (i=1; i<=4; ++i)                                                          |     param_2 = param_2 >> 8;
   {                                                                             |     iVar1 = iVar1 + -1;
      int c = cn & 0xff;                                                         |     if (iVar1 == 0) {
                                                                                 |       return;
      if (c < 65 || c > 122 || (c > 90 && c < 97))                               |     }
         png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "invalid chunk type");                         |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      cn >>= 8;                                                                  |   png_chunk_error(param_1,"invalid chunk type");
   }                                                                             | }
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00113740 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_read_data                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, and if  |
                                             | it is, calls the function pointed to. If not, it calls the png_error   |
                                             | function with an error message.                                        |

                               libpng/pngrio.c:33                                |                           Decompilation: FUN_00113740                           
/* Read the data from whatever input you are using.  The default routine         | void FUN_00113740(long param_1)
 * reads from a file pointer.  Note that this routine sometimes gets called      | 
 * with very small lengths, so you should implement some kind of simple          | {
 * buffering if you are using unbuffered reads.  This should never be asked      |   if (*(code **)(param_1 + 0x100) != (code *)0x0) {
 * to read more than 64K on a 16-bit machine.                                    |                     /* WARNING: Could not recover jumptable at 0x00113750. Too many branches */
 */                                                                              |                     /* WARNING: Treating indirect jump as call */
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               |     (**(code **)(param_1 + 0x100))();
png_read_data(png_structrp png_ptr, png_bytep data, size_t length)               |     return;
{                                                                                |   }
   png_debug1(4, "reading %d bytes", (int)length);                               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   png_error(param_1,"Call to NULL read function");
   if (png_ptr->read_data_fn != NULL)                                            | }
      (*(png_ptr->read_data_fn))(png_ptr, data, length);                         | 
   else                                                                          | 
      png_error(png_ptr, "Call to NULL read function");                          | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001068d0 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_calculate_crc                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function computes a CRC32 checksum of a given memory region.      |

                                libpng/png.c:140                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001068d0                           
/* Calculate the CRC over a section of data.  We can only pass as                | void FUN_001068d0(long param_1,long param_2,ulong param_3)
 * much data to this routine as the largest single buffer size.  We              | 
 * also check that this data will actually be used before going to the           | {
 * trouble of calculating it.                                                    |   ulong uVar1;
 */                                                                              |   ulong uVar2;
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               |   ulong uVar3;
png_calculate_crc(png_structrp png_ptr, png_const_bytep ptr, size_t length)      | 
{                                                                                |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) == 0) {
   int need_crc = 1;                                                             |     if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) & 0x800) != 0) {
                                                                                 |       return;
   if (PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLARY(png_ptr->chunk_name) != 0)                            |     }
   {                                                                             |   }
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_MASK) ==                      |   else if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) & 0x300) == 0x300) {
          (PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE | PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN))          |     return;
         need_crc = 0;                                                           |   }
   }                                                                             |   if (param_3 != 0) {
                                                                                 |     uVar1 = (ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x24c);
   else /* critical */                                                           |     do {
   {                                                                             |       uVar2 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_CRITICAL_IGNORE) != 0)                  |       uVar3 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
         need_crc = 0;                                                           |       if ((int)param_3 == 0) {
   }                                                                             |         uVar3 = 0xffffffff;
                                                                                 |         uVar2 = 0xffffffff;
   /* 'uLong' is defined in zlib.h as unsigned long; this means that on some     |       }
    * systems it is a 64-bit value.  crc32, however, returns 32 bits so the      |       uVar1 = crc32(uVar1,param_2,uVar2);
    * following cast is safe.  'uInt' may be no more than 16 bits, so it is      |       param_3 = param_3 - uVar3;
    * necessary to perform a loop here.                                          |       param_2 = param_2 + uVar3;
    */                                                                           |     } while (param_3 != 0);
   if (need_crc != 0 && length > 0)                                              |     *(int *)(param_1 + 0x24c) = (int)uVar1;
   {                                                                             |   }
      uLong crc = png_ptr->crc; /* Should never issue a warning */               |   return;
                                                                                 | }
      do                                                                         | 
      {                                                                          | 
         uInt safe_length = (uInt)length;                                        | 
#ifndef __COVERITY__                                                             | 
         if (safe_length == 0)                                                   | 
            safe_length = (uInt)-1; /* evil, but safe */                         | 
#endif                                                                           | 
         crc = crc32(crc, ptr, safe_length);                                     | 
         /* The following should never issue compiler warnings; if they do the   | 
          * target system has characteristics that will probably violate other   | 
          * assumptions within the libpng code.                                  | 
          */                                                                     | 
         ptr += safe_length;                                                     | 
         length -= safe_length;                                                  | 
      }                                                                          | 
      while (length > 0);                                                        | 
      /* And the following is always safe because the crc is only 32 bits. */    | 
      png_ptr->crc = (png_uint_32)crc;                                           | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011d730 ===========================================================================

                                                                 Real name: png_check_chunk_length                                                                  

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if the size of a given chunk is valid and returns |
                                             | an error if it is too large.                                           |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:3155                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011d730                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0011d730(long param_1,uint param_2)
png_check_chunk_length(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 length)           | 
{                                                                                | {
   png_alloc_size_t limit = PNG_UINT_31_MAX;                                     |   ulong uVar1;
                                                                                 |   long lVar2;
# ifdef PNG_SET_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                            |   ulong uVar3;
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max > 0 &&                                     |   ulong uVar4;
       png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max < limit)                                   |   long lVar5;
      limit = png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max;                                    | 
# elif PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX > 0                                             |   uVar1 = *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430);
   if (PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX < limit)                                        |   if (0x7ffffffd < uVar1 - 1) {
      limit = PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX;                                         |     uVar1 = 0x7fffffff;
# endif                                                                          |   }
   if (png_ptr->chunk_name == png_IDAT)                                          |   if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x218) == 0x49444154) {
   {                                                                             |     lVar2 = (ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1f8) * (ulong)*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26b);
      png_alloc_size_t idat_limit = PNG_UINT_31_MAX;                             |     if (8 < *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x268)) {
      size_t row_factor =                                                        |       lVar2 = lVar2 * 2;
         (size_t)png_ptr->width                                                  |     }
         * (size_t)png_ptr->channels                                             |     lVar5 = 0x80000005;
         * (png_ptr->bit_depth > 8? 2: 1)                                        |     uVar4 = lVar2 + 1 + (ulong)(~-(uint)(*(char *)(param_1 + 0x264) == '\0') & 6);
         + 1                                                                     |     uVar3 = 0x7fffffff;
         + (png_ptr->interlaced? 6: 0);                                          |     if ((ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1fc) <=
      if (png_ptr->height > PNG_UINT_32_MAX/row_factor)                          |         SUB168((ZEXT816(0) << 0x40 | ZEXT816(0xffffffff)) / ZEXT816(uVar4),0)) {
         idat_limit = PNG_UINT_31_MAX;                                           |       uVar3 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1fc) * uVar4;
      else                                                                       |       lVar5 = uVar3 + 6;
         idat_limit = png_ptr->height * row_factor;                              |     }
      row_factor = row_factor > 32566? 32566 : row_factor;                       |     if (0x7f36 < uVar4) {
      idat_limit += 6 + 5*(idat_limit/row_factor+1); /* zlib+deflate overhead */ |       uVar4 = 0x7f36;
      idat_limit=idat_limit < PNG_UINT_31_MAX? idat_limit : PNG_UINT_31_MAX;     |     }
      limit = limit < idat_limit? idat_limit : limit;                            |     uVar4 = (uVar3 / uVar4) * 5 + 5 + lVar5;
   }                                                                             |     if (0x7fffffff < uVar4) {
                                                                                 |       uVar4 = 0x7fffffff;
   if (length > limit)                                                           |     }
   {                                                                             |     if (uVar1 < uVar4) {
      png_debug2(0," length = %lu, limit = %lu",                                 |       uVar1 = uVar4;
         (unsigned long)length,(unsigned long)limit);                            |     }
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "chunk data is too large");                       |   }
   }                                                                             |   if (uVar1 < param_2) {
}                                                                                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"chunk data is too large");
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_001091d0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_reciprocal                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function computes a division of 10000000000 by the parameter,     |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, and returns either the integer or 0  |
                                             | if it is not between -2147483648 and 2147483647.                       |

                               libpng/png.c:3489                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001091d0                           
#ifdef PNG_GAMMA_SUPPORTED /* more fixed point functions for gamma */            | ulong FUN_001091d0(int param_1)
/* Calculate a reciprocal, return 0 on div-by-zero or overflow. */               | 
png_fixed_point                                                                  | {
png_reciprocal(png_fixed_point a)                                                |   ulong in_RAX;
{                                                                                |   double dVar1;
#ifdef PNG_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC_SUPPORTED                                         | 
   double r = floor(1E10/a+.5);                                                  |   dVar1 = 10000000000.0 / (double)param_1 + 0.5;
                                                                                 |   if ((double)((ulong)dVar1 & 0x7fffffffffffffff) < 4503599627370496.0) {
   if (r <= 2147483647. && r >= -2147483648.)                                    |     in_RAX = (ulong)dVar1;
      return (png_fixed_point)r;                                                 |     dVar1 = (double)((ulong)dVar1 & 0x8000000000000000 |
#else                                                                            |                     (ulong)((double)in_RAX -
   png_fixed_point res;                                                          |                            (double)(-(ulong)(dVar1 < (double)in_RAX) & 0x3ff0000000000000)));
                                                                                 |   }
   if (png_muldiv(&res, 100000, 100000, a) != 0)                                 |   if ((dVar1 <= 2147483647.0) && (-2147483648.0 <= dVar1)) {
      return res;                                                                |     return in_RAX & 0xffffffff00000000 | (ulong)(uint)(int)dVar1;
#endif                                                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   return 0;
   return 0; /* error/overflow */                                                | }
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119ae0 ===========================================================================

                                                                   Real name: png_get_fixed_point                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates an integer value from the bytes of an array.  |

                              libpng/pngrutil.c:43                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119ae0                           
static png_fixed_point /* PRIVATE */                                             | int FUN_00119ae0(byte *param_1)
png_get_fixed_point(png_structrp png_ptr, png_const_bytep buf)                   | 
{                                                                                | {
   png_uint_32 uval = png_get_uint_32(buf);                                      |   int iVar1;
   if (uval <= PNG_UINT_31_MAX)                                                  |   iVar1 = (uint)param_1[2] * 0x100 +
      return (png_fixed_point)uval; /* known to be in range */                   |           (uint)param_1[3] + (uint)param_1[1] * 0x10000 + (uint)*param_1 * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |   if (iVar1 < 0) {
   /* The caller can turn off the warning by passing NULL. */                    |     iVar1 = -1;
   if (png_ptr != NULL)                                                          |   }
      png_warning(png_ptr, "PNG fixed point integer out of range");              |   return iVar1;
                                                                                 | }
   return PNG_FIXED_ERROR;                                                       | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00107910 ===========================================================================

                                                                Real name: png_colorspace_sync_info                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function sets bits in a variable based on the value of a ushort   |
                                             | at a given address.                                                    |

                               libpng/png.c:1170                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00107910                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_00107910(undefined8 param_1,long param_2)
png_colorspace_sync_info(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr)        | 
{                                                                                | {
   if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)               |   ushort uVar1;
   {                                                                             |   uint uVar2;
      /* Everything is invalid */                                                |   uint uVar3;
      info_ptr->valid &= ~(PNG_INFO_gAMA|PNG_INFO_cHRM|PNG_INFO_sRGB|            | 
         PNG_INFO_iCCP);                                                         |   uVar1 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x7e);
                                                                                 |   uVar3 = *(uint *)(param_2 + 8);
#     ifdef PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED                                             |   if (-1 < (short)uVar1) {
      /* Clean up the iCCP profile now if it won't be used. */                   |     uVar2 = uVar3 & 0xfffff7ff;
      png_free_data(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_FREE_ICCP, -1/*not used*/);           |     if ((uVar1 & 0x80) != 0) {
#     else                                                                       |       uVar2 = uVar3 | 0x800;
      PNG_UNUSED(png_ptr)                                                        |     }
#     endif                                                                      |     uVar3 = uVar2 & 0xfffffffb;
   }                                                                             |     if ((uVar1 & 2) != 0) {
                                                                                 |       uVar3 = uVar2 | 4;
   else                                                                          |     }
   {                                                                             |     uVar2 = uVar3 | 1;
#     ifdef PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED                                             |     if ((uVar1 & 1) == 0) {
      /* Leave the INFO_iCCP flag set if the pngset.c code has already set       |       uVar2 = uVar3 & 0xfffffffe;
       * it; this allows a PNG to contain a profile which matches sRGB and       |     }
       * yet still have that profile retrievable by the application.             |     *(uint *)(param_2 + 8) = uVar2;
       */                                                                        |     return;
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_MATCHES_sRGB) != 0)       |   }
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_sRGB;                                       |   *(uint *)(param_2 + 8) = uVar3 & 0xffffe7fa;
                                                                                 |   png_free_data(param_1,param_2,0x10,0xffffffff);
      else                                                                       |   return;
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_sRGB;                                      | }
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_ENDPOINTS) != 0)     | 
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_cHRM;                                       | 
      else                                                                       | 
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_cHRM;                                      | 
#     endif                                                                      | 
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_GAMMA) != 0)         | 
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_gAMA;                                       | 
      else                                                                       | 
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_gAMA;                                      | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00108240 ===========================================================================

                                                                   Real name: png_check_fp_number                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function parses a string and sets flags based on the characters   |
                                             | in the string.                                                         |

                               libpng/png.c:2714                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00108240                           
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | bool FUN_00108240(long param_1,ulong param_2,uint *param_3,ulong *param_4)
png_check_fp_number(png_const_charp string, size_t size, int *statep,            | 
    png_size_tp whereami)                                                        | {
{                                                                                |   byte bVar1;
   int state = *statep;                                                          |   uint uVar2;
   size_t i = *whereami;                                                         |   uint uVar3;
                                                                                 |   uint uVar4;
   while (i < size)                                                              |   ulong uVar5;
   {                                                                             | 
      int type;                                                                  |   uVar5 = *param_4;
      /* First find the type of the next character */                            |   uVar4 = *param_3;
      switch (string[i])                                                         |   if ((param_2 <= uVar5) || (bVar1 = *(char *)(param_1 + uVar5) - 0x2b, 0x3a < bVar1)) {
      {                                                                          |     *param_3 = uVar4;
      case 43:  type = PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN;                   break;                 |     *param_4 = uVar5;
      case 45:  type = PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN + PNG_FP_NEGATIVE; break;                 |     return (uVar4 & 8) != 0;
      case 46:  type = PNG_FP_SAW_DOT;                    break;                 |   }
      case 48:  type = PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT;                  break;                 |   do {
      case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52:                                        |     switch((long)&switchD_0010827d::switchdataD_001299c8 +
      case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56:                                        |            (long)(int)(&switchD_0010827d::switchdataD_001299c8)[bVar1]) {
      case 57:  type = PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT + PNG_FP_NONZERO; break;                 |     case 0x1082b0:
      case 69:                                                                   | switchD_0010827d_caseD_1082b0:
      case 101: type = PNG_FP_SAW_E;                      break;                 |       uVar2 = uVar4 & 8;
      default:  goto PNG_FP_End;                                                 | LAB_001082b6:
      }                                                                          |       *param_3 = uVar4;
                                                                                 |       *param_4 = uVar5;
      /* Now deal with this type according to the current                        |       return uVar2 != 0;
       * state, the type is arranged to not overlap the                          |     case 0x1082d0:
       * bits of the PNG_FP_STATE.                                               |       uVar2 = 8;
       */                                                                        |       uVar3 = 0x108;
      switch ((state & PNG_FP_STATE) + (type & PNG_FP_SAW_ANY))                  |       break;
      {                                                                          |     case 0x1082f8:
      case PNG_FP_INTEGER + PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN:                                     |       uVar2 = 0x20;
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_ANY) != 0)                                      |       uVar3 = 0x20;
            goto PNG_FP_End; /* not a part of the number */                      |       break;
                                                                                 |     case 0x108308:
         png_fp_add(state, type);                                                |       uVar2 = 8;
         break;                                                                  |       uVar3 = 8;
                                                                                 |       break;
      case PNG_FP_INTEGER + PNG_FP_SAW_DOT:                                      |     case 0x108318:
         /* Ok as trailer, ok as lead of fraction. */                            |       uVar2 = 0x10;
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_DOT) != 0) /* two dots */                       |       uVar3 = 0x10;
            goto PNG_FP_End;                                                     |       break;
                                                                                 |     case 0x1083f0:
         else if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT) != 0) /* trailing dot? */           |       uVar2 = 4;
            png_fp_add(state, type);                                             |       uVar3 = 4;
                                                                                 |       break;
         else                                                                    |     case 0x108400:
            png_fp_set(state, PNG_FP_FRACTION | type);                           |       uVar2 = 4;
                                                                                 |       uVar3 = 0x84;
         break;                                                                  |     }
                                                                                 |     switch(uVar4 & 3 | uVar2) {
      case PNG_FP_INTEGER + PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT:                                    |     case 4:
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_DOT) != 0) /* delayed fraction */               |       if ((uVar4 & 0x3c) != 0) goto switchD_0010827d_caseD_1082b0;
            png_fp_set(state, PNG_FP_FRACTION | PNG_FP_SAW_DOT);                 |       uVar4 = uVar4 | uVar3;
                                                                                 |       break;
         png_fp_add(state, type | PNG_FP_WAS_VALID);                             |     default:
                                                                                 |       goto switchD_0010827d_caseD_1082b0;
         break;                                                                  |     case 6:
                                                                                 |       if ((uVar4 & 0x3c) != 0) goto switchD_0010827d_caseD_1082b0;
      case PNG_FP_INTEGER + PNG_FP_SAW_E:                                        |       uVar4 = uVar4 | 4;
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT) == 0)                                    |       break;
            goto PNG_FP_End;                                                     |     case 8:
                                                                                 |       if ((uVar4 & 0x10) != 0) {
         png_fp_set(state, PNG_FP_EXPONENT);                                     |         uVar4 = uVar4 & 0x1c0 | 0x11;
                                                                                 |       }
         break;                                                                  |       uVar4 = uVar4 | uVar3 | 0x40;
                                                                                 |       break;
   /* case PNG_FP_FRACTION + PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN:                                    |     case 9:
         goto PNG_FP_End; ** no sign in fraction */                              |       uVar4 = uVar4 | uVar3 | 0x40;
                                                                                 |       break;
   /* case PNG_FP_FRACTION + PNG_FP_SAW_DOT:                                     |     case 10:
         goto PNG_FP_End; ** Because SAW_DOT is always set */                    |       uVar4 = uVar4 | 0x48;
                                                                                 |       break;
      case PNG_FP_FRACTION + PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT:                                   |     case 0x10:
         png_fp_add(state, type | PNG_FP_WAS_VALID);                             |       uVar2 = uVar4 & 8;
         break;                                                                  |       if ((uVar4 & 0x10) != 0) goto LAB_001082b6;
                                                                                 |       if (uVar2 == 0) {
      case PNG_FP_FRACTION + PNG_FP_SAW_E:                                       |         uVar4 = uVar4 & 0x1c0 | uVar3 | 1;
         /* This is correct because the trailing '.' on an                       |       }
          * integer is handled above - so we can only get here                   |       else {
          * with the sequence ".E" (with no preceding digits).                   |         uVar4 = uVar4 | uVar3;
          */                                                                     |       }
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT) == 0)                                    |       break;
            goto PNG_FP_End;                                                     |     case 0x20:
                                                                                 |     case 0x21:
         png_fp_set(state, PNG_FP_EXPONENT);                                     |       uVar2 = uVar4 & 8;
                                                                                 |       if (uVar2 == 0) goto LAB_001082b6;
         break;                                                                  |       uVar4 = uVar4 & 0x1c0 | 2;
                                                                                 |     }
      case PNG_FP_EXPONENT + PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN:                                    |     uVar5 = uVar5 + 1;
         if ((state & PNG_FP_SAW_ANY) != 0)                                      |     if ((param_2 == uVar5) || (bVar1 = *(char *)(param_1 + uVar5) - 0x2b, 0x3a < bVar1))
            goto PNG_FP_End; /* not a part of the number */                      |     goto switchD_0010827d_caseD_1082b0;
                                                                                 |   } while( true );
         png_fp_add(state, PNG_FP_SAW_SIGN);                                     | }
         break;                                                                  | 
   /* case PNG_FP_EXPONENT + PNG_FP_SAW_DOT:                                     | 
         goto PNG_FP_End; */                                                     | 
      case PNG_FP_EXPONENT + PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT:                                   | 
         png_fp_add(state, PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT | PNG_FP_WAS_VALID);                 | 
         break;                                                                  | 
   /* case PNG_FP_EXPONEXT + PNG_FP_SAW_E:                                       | 
         goto PNG_FP_End; */                                                     | 
      default: goto PNG_FP_End; /* I.e. break 2 */                               | 
      }                                                                          | 
      /* The character seems ok, continue. */                                    | 
      ++i;                                                                       | 
   }                                                                             | 
PNG_FP_End:                                                                      | 
   /* Here at the end, update the state and return the correct                   | 
    * return code.                                                               | 
    */                                                                           | 
   *statep = state;                                                              | 
   *whereami = i;                                                                | 
   return (state & PNG_FP_SAW_DIGIT) != 0;                                       | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001062e0 ===========================================================================

                                                             Real name: png_colorspace_endpoints_match                                                              

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function returns true if all elements of two arrays, plus or      |
                                             | minus a given parameter, are equal.                                    |

                               libpng/png.c:1595                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001062e0                           
static int                                                                       | bool FUN_001062e0(int *param_1,int *param_2,int param_3)
png_colorspace_endpoints_match(const png_xy *xy1, const png_xy *xy2, int delta)  | 
{                                                                                | {
   /* Allow an error of +/-0.01 (absolute value) on each chromaticity */         |   bool bVar1;
   if (PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->whitex, xy2->whitex,delta) ||                       |   bool bVar2;
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->whitey, xy2->whitey,delta) ||                       | 
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->redx,   xy2->redx,  delta) ||                       |   bVar2 = false;
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->redy,   xy2->redy,  delta) ||                       |   bVar1 = false;
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->greenx, xy2->greenx,delta) ||                       |   if ((param_2[6] - param_3 <= param_1[6]) && (param_1[6] <= param_2[6] + param_3)) {
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->greeny, xy2->greeny,delta) ||                       |     if ((param_2[7] - param_3 <= param_1[7]) && (bVar2 = bVar1, param_1[7] <= param_2[7] + param_3))
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->bluex,  xy2->bluex, delta) ||                       |     {
       PNG_OUT_OF_RANGE(xy1->bluey,  xy2->bluey, delta))                         |       if ((*param_2 - param_3 <= *param_1) && (*param_1 <= *param_2 + param_3)) {
      return 0;                                                                  |         if ((param_2[1] - param_3 <= param_1[1]) && (param_1[1] <= param_2[1] + param_3)) {
   return 1;                                                                     |           if ((param_2[2] - param_3 <= param_1[2]) && (param_1[2] <= param_2[2] + param_3)) {
}                                                                                |             if ((param_2[3] - param_3 <= param_1[3]) && (param_1[3] <= param_2[3] + param_3)) {
                                                                                 |               if ((param_2[4] - param_3 <= param_1[4]) && (param_1[4] <= param_2[4] + param_3)) {
                                                                                 |                 if (param_2[5] - param_3 <= param_1[5]) {
                                                                                 |                   bVar2 = param_1[5] <= param_2[5] + param_3;
                                                                                 |                 }
                                                                                 |               }
                                                                                 |             }
                                                                                 |           }
                                                                                 |         }
                                                                                 |       }
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   return bVar2;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00108ce0 ===========================================================================

                                                                       Real name: png_muldiv                                                                        

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates the result of the division of two integers,   |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, and stores it in the first           |
                                             | parameter.                                                             |

                               libpng/png.c:3351                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00108ce0                           
#if defined(PNG_GAMMA_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED) ||\        | int FUN_00108ce0(int *param_1,int param_2,int param_3,int param_4)
/* muldiv functions */                                                           | {
/* This API takes signed arguments and rounds the result to the nearest          |   double dVar1;
 * integer (or, for a fixed point number - the standard argument - to            | 
 * the nearest .00001).  Overflow and divide by zero are signalled in            |   if (param_4 != 0) {
 * the result, a boolean - true on success, false on overflow.                   |     if ((param_2 == 0) || (param_3 == 0)) {
 */                                                                              |       *param_1 = 0;
#if GCC_STRICT_OVERFLOW /* from above */                                         |       return 1;
/* It is not obvious which comparison below gets optimized in such a way that    |     }
 * signed overflow would change the result; looking through the code does not    |     dVar1 = ((double)param_3 * (double)param_2) / (double)param_4 + 0.5;
 * reveal any tests which have the form GCC complains about, so presumably the   |     if (dVar1 < 4503599627370496.0) {
 * optimizer is moving an add or subtract into the 'if' somewhere.               |       dVar1 = (double)((ulong)dVar1 & 0x8000000000000000 |
 */                                                                              |                       (ulong)((double)(long)dVar1 -
#pragma GCC diagnostic push                                                      |                              (double)(-(ulong)(dVar1 < (double)(long)dVar1) & 0x3ff0000000000000)));
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wstrict-overflow=2"                             |     }
#endif /* GCC_STRICT_OVERFLOW */                                                 |     if ((dVar1 <= 2147483647.0) && (-2147483648.0 <= dVar1)) {
int                                                                              |       *param_1 = (int)dVar1;
png_muldiv(png_fixed_point_p res, png_fixed_point a, png_int_32 times,           |       return 1;
    png_int_32 divisor)                                                          |     }
{                                                                                |     param_4 = 0;
   /* Return a * times / divisor, rounded. */                                    |   }
   if (divisor != 0)                                                             |   return param_4;
   {                                                                             | }
      if (a == 0 || times == 0)                                                  | 
      {                                                                          | 
         *res = 0;                                                               | 
         return 1;                                                               | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
#ifdef PNG_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC_SUPPORTED                                         | 
         double r = a;                                                           | 
         r *= times;                                                             | 
         r /= divisor;                                                           | 
         r = floor(r+.5);                                                        | 
         /* A png_fixed_point is a 32-bit integer. */                            | 
         if (r <= 2147483647. && r >= -2147483648.)                              | 
         {                                                                       | 
            *res = (png_fixed_point)r;                                           | 
            return 1;                                                            | 
         }                                                                       | 
#else                                                                            | 
         int negative = 0;                                                       | 
         png_uint_32 A, T, D;                                                    | 
         png_uint_32 s16, s32, s00;                                              | 
         if (a < 0)                                                              | 
            negative = 1, A = -a;                                                | 
         else                                                                    | 
            A = a;                                                               | 
         if (times < 0)                                                          | 
            negative = !negative, T = -times;                                    | 
         else                                                                    | 
            T = times;                                                           | 
         if (divisor < 0)                                                        | 
            negative = !negative, D = -divisor;                                  | 
         else                                                                    | 
            D = divisor;                                                         | 
         /* Following can't overflow because the arguments only                  | 
          * have 31 bits each, however the result may be 32 bits.                | 
          */                                                                     | 
         s16 = (A >> 16) * (T & 0xffff) +                                        | 
                           (A & 0xffff) * (T >> 16);                             | 
         /* Can't overflow because the a*times bit is only 30                    | 
          * bits at most.                                                        | 
          */                                                                     | 
         s32 = (A >> 16) * (T >> 16) + (s16 >> 16);                              | 
         s00 = (A & 0xffff) * (T & 0xffff);                                      | 
         s16 = (s16 & 0xffff) << 16;                                             | 
         s00 += s16;                                                             | 
         if (s00 < s16)                                                          | 
            ++s32; /* carry */                                                   | 
         if (s32 < D) /* else overflow */                                        | 
         {                                                                       | 
            /* s32.s00 is now the 64-bit product, do a standard                  | 
             * division, we know that s32 < D, so the maximum                    | 
             * required shift is 31.                                             | 
             */                                                                  | 
            int bitshift = 32;                                                   | 
            png_fixed_point result = 0; /* NOTE: signed */                       | 
            while (--bitshift >= 0)                                              | 
            {                                                                    | 
               png_uint_32 d32, d00;                                             | 
               if (bitshift > 0)                                                 | 
                  d32 = D >> (32-bitshift), d00 = D << bitshift;                 | 
               else                                                              | 
                  d32 = 0, d00 = D;                                              | 
               if (s32 > d32)                                                    | 
               {                                                                 | 
                  if (s00 < d00) --s32; /* carry */                              | 
                  s32 -= d32, s00 -= d00, result += 1<<bitshift;                 | 
               }                                                                 | 
               else                                                              | 
                  if (s32 == d32 && s00 >= d00)                                  | 
                     s32 = 0, s00 -= d00, result += 1<<bitshift;                 | 
            }                                                                    | 
            /* Handle the rounding. */                                           | 
            if (s00 >= (D >> 1))                                                 | 
               ++result;                                                         | 
            if (negative != 0)                                                   | 
               result = -result;                                                 | 
            /* Check for overflow. */                                            | 
            if ((negative != 0 && result <= 0) ||                                | 
                (negative == 0 && result >= 0))                                  | 
            {                                                                    | 
               *res = result;                                                    | 
               return 1;                                                         | 
            }                                                                    | 
         }                                                                       | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return 0;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 
#if GCC_STRICT_OVERFLOW                                                          | 
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop                                                       | 
#endif /* GCC_STRICT_OVERFLOW */                                                 | 
#endif /* READ_GAMMA || INCH_CONVERSIONS */                                      | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00109960 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_gamma_significant                                                                  

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function returns true if the value of param_1 is greater than     |
                                             | 105000, and false otherwise.                                           |

                               libpng/png.c:3510                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109960                           
/* This is the shared test on whether a gamma value is 'significant' - whether   | bool FUN_00109960(int param_1)
 * it is worth doing gamma correction.                                           | 
 */                                                                              | {
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                |   return 10000 < param_1 - 95000U;
png_gamma_significant(png_fixed_point gamma_val)                                 | }
{                                                                                | 
   return gamma_val < PNG_FP_1 - PNG_GAMMA_THRESHOLD_FIXED ||                    | 
       gamma_val > PNG_FP_1 + PNG_GAMMA_THRESHOLD_FIXED;                         | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010ae00 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_format_number                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function converts a number to a string of hexadecimal or decimal  |
                                             | characters.                                                            |

                             libpng/pngerror.c:135                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010ae00                           
#if defined(PNG_WARNINGS_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_TIME_RFC1123_SUPPORTED)       | char * FUN_0010ae00(char *param_1,long param_2,int param_3,ulong param_4)
/* Utility to dump an unsigned value into a buffer, given a start pointer and    | 
 * and end pointer (which should point just *beyond* the end of the buffer!)     | {
 * Returns the pointer to the start of the formatted string.                     |   bool bVar1;
 */                                                                              |   int iVar2;
png_charp                                                                        |   int iVar3;
png_format_number(png_const_charp start, png_charp end, int format,              |   char *pcVar4;
    png_alloc_size_t number)                                                     | 
{                                                                                |   pcVar4 = (char *)(param_2 - 1);
   int count = 0;    /* number of digits output */                               |   *(undefined *)(param_2 + -1) = 0;
   int mincount = 1; /* minimum number required */                               |   if (pcVar4 <= param_1) {
   int output = 0;   /* digit output (for the fixed point format) */             |     return pcVar4;
                                                                                 |   }
   *--end = '\0';                                                                |   bVar1 = false;
                                                                                 |   iVar3 = 0;
   /* This is written so that the loop always runs at least once, even with      |   iVar2 = 1;
    * number zero.                                                               | LAB_0010ae48:
    */                                                                           |   do {
   while (end > start && (number != 0 || count < mincount))                      |     iVar3 = iVar3 + 1;
   {                                                                             |     switch(param_3) {
                                                                                 |     default:
      static const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";                           |       param_4 = 0;
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0010aed0;
      switch (format)                                                            |     case 2:
      {                                                                          |       iVar2 = param_3;
         case PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_fixed:                                           |     case 1:
            /* Needs five digits (the fraction) */                               |       pcVar4 = pcVar4 + -1;
            mincount = 5;                                                        |       *pcVar4 = "0123456789ABCDEF"[param_4 % 10];
            if (output != 0 || number % 10 != 0)                                 |       param_4 = param_4 / 10;
            {                                                                    |       break;
               *--end = digits[number % 10];                                     |     case 4:
               output = 1;                                                       |       iVar2 = 2;
            }                                                                    |     case 3:
            number /= 10;                                                        |       pcVar4 = pcVar4 + -1;
            break;                                                               |       *pcVar4 = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(uint)param_4 & 0xf];
                                                                                 |       param_4 = param_4 >> 4;
         case PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_02u:                                             |       break;
            /* Expects at least 2 digits. */                                     |     case 5:
            mincount = 2;                                                        |       if ((bVar1) || (param_4 % 10 != 0)) {
            /* FALLTHROUGH */                                                    |         pcVar4 = pcVar4 + -1;
                                                                                 |         bVar1 = true;
         case PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_u:                                               |         *pcVar4 = "0123456789ABCDEF"[param_4 % 10];
            *--end = digits[number % 10];                                        |       }
            number /= 10;                                                        |       param_4 = param_4 / 10;
            break;                                                               |       iVar2 = param_3;
                                                                                 |     }
         case PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_02x:                                             |     if ((param_3 == 5) && (iVar3 == 5)) {
            /* This format expects at least two digits */                        |       if (pcVar4 <= param_1) {
            mincount = 2;                                                        |         return pcVar4;
            /* FALLTHROUGH */                                                    |       }
                                                                                 |       if (!bVar1) {
         case PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_x:                                               |         if (param_4 == 0) {
            *--end = digits[number & 0xf];                                       |           pcVar4[-1] = '0';
            number >>= 4;                                                        |           return pcVar4 + -1;
            break;                                                               |         }
                                                                                 |         iVar3 = 5;
         default: /* an error */                                                 |         goto LAB_0010ae48;
            number = 0;                                                          |       }
            break;                                                               |       pcVar4[-1] = '.';
      }                                                                          |       pcVar4 = pcVar4 + -1;
                                                                                 |     }
      /* Keep track of the number of digits added */                             | LAB_0010aed0:
      ++count;                                                                   |     if (pcVar4 <= param_1) {
                                                                                 |       return pcVar4;
      /* Float a fixed number here: */                                           |     }
      if ((format == PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_fixed) && (count == 5) && (end > start))  |     if ((param_4 == 0) && (iVar2 <= iVar3)) {
      {                                                                          |       return pcVar4;
         /* End of the fraction, but maybe nothing was output?  In that case     |     }
          * drop the decimal point.  If the number is a true zero handle that    |   } while( true );
          * here.                                                                | }
          */                                                                     | 
         if (output != 0)                                                        | 
            *--end = '.';                                                        | 
         else if (number == 0) /* and !output */                                 | 
            *--end = '0';                                                        | 
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return end;                                                                   | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010adb0 ===========================================================================

                                                                       Real name: png_safecat                                                                       

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function copies a string from param_4 to param_1, up to a maximum |
                                             | of param_2 characters or until the end of the string is reached.       |

                             libpng/pngerror.c:114                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010adb0                           
/* Utility to safely appends strings to a buffer.  This never errors out so      | void FUN_0010adb0(long param_1,ulong param_2,ulong param_3,char *param_4)
 * error checking is not required in the caller.                                 | 
 */                                                                              | {
size_t                                                                           |   ulong uVar1;
png_safecat(png_charp buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t pos,                        |   char cVar2;
    png_const_charp string)                                                      | 
{                                                                                |   if ((param_1 != 0) && (param_3 < param_2)) {
   if (buffer != NULL && pos < bufsize)                                          |     uVar1 = param_3;
   {                                                                             |     if ((param_4 != (char *)0x0) && ((cVar2 = *param_4, cVar2 != '\0' && (param_3 < param_2 - 1))))
      if (string != NULL)                                                        |     {
         while (*string != '\0' && pos < bufsize-1)                              |       do {
           buffer[pos++] = *string++;                                            |         uVar1 = uVar1 + 1;
                                                                                 |         *(char *)(param_1 + -1 + uVar1) = cVar2;
      buffer[pos] = '\0';                                                        |         cVar2 = param_4[uVar1 - param_3];
   }                                                                             |         if (cVar2 == '\0') break;
                                                                                 |       } while (uVar1 < param_2 - 1);
   return pos;                                                                   |     }
}                                                                                |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + uVar1) = 0;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011a130 ===========================================================================

                                                                       Real name: png_inflate                                                                       

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function inflates given data and checks for errors, setting an    |
                                             | error message in the memory location pointed to by param_1 + 0x170 if  |
                                             | necessary.                                                             |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:484                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011a130                           
/* png_inflate_claim: claim the zstream for some nefarious purpose that involves | int FUN_0011a130(long param_1,int param_2,undefined8 param_3,int *param_4,long param_5,long *param_6
 * decompression.  Returns Z_OK on success, else a zlib error code.  It checks   |                 )
 * the owner but, in final release builds, just issues a warning if some other   | 
 * chunk apparently owns the stream.  Prior to release it does a png_error.      | {
 */                                                                              |   uint uVar1;
static int                                                                       |   int iVar2;
png_inflate_claim(png_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 owner)                       |   ulong uVar3;
{                                                                                |   uint uVar4;
   if (png_ptr->zowner != 0)                                                     |   int iVar5;
   {                                                                             |   long lVar6;
      char msg[64];                                                              |   ulong uVar7;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
      PNG_STRING_FROM_CHUNK(msg, png_ptr->zowner);                               |   undefined local_448 [1032];
      /* So the message that results is "<chunk> using zstream"; this is an      |   long local_40;
       * internal error, but is very useful for debugging.  i18n requirements    | 
       * are minimal.                                                            |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
       */                                                                        |   if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) == param_2) {
      (void)png_safecat(msg, (sizeof msg), 4, " using zstream");                 |     lVar6 = *param_6;
#if PNG_RELEASE_BUILD                                                            |     iVar2 = *param_4;
      png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, msg);                                           |     *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x140) = param_3;
      png_ptr->zowner = 0;                                                       |     if (param_5 != 0) {
#else                                                                            |       *(long *)(param_1 + 0x158) = param_5;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, msg);                                             |     }
#endif                                                                           |     uVar7 = 0;
   }                                                                             |     iVar5 = 0;
                                                                                 |     uVar1 = (-(uint)(param_5 == 0) & 0x401) - 1;
   /* Implementation note: unlike 'png_deflate_claim' this internal function     |     while( true ) {
    * does not take the size of the data as an argument.  Some efficiency could  |       uVar7 = lVar6 + uVar7;
    * be gained by using this when it is known *if* the zlib stream itself does  |       *(int *)(param_1 + 0x148) = iVar2 + iVar5;
    * not record the number; however, this is an illusion: the original writer   |       if (param_5 == 0) {
    * of the PNG may have selected a lower window size, and we really must       |         *(undefined **)(param_1 + 0x158) = local_448;
    * follow that because, for systems with with limited capabilities, we        |       }
    * would otherwise reject the application's attempts to use a smaller window  |       uVar3 = (ulong)uVar1;
    * size (zlib doesn't have an interface to say "this or lower"!).             |       uVar4 = uVar1;
    *                                                                            |       if (uVar7 < uVar1) {
    * inflateReset2 was added to zlib 1.2.4; before this the window could not be |         uVar3 = uVar7;
    * reset, therefore it is necessary to always allocate the maximum window     |         uVar4 = (uint)uVar7;
    * size with earlier zlibs just in case later compressed chunks need it.      |       }
    */                                                                           |       *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x160) = uVar4;
   {                                                                             |       lVar6 = uVar7 - uVar3;
      int ret; /* zlib return code */                                            |       iVar2 = FUN_00119fb0(param_1,(ulong)(lVar6 == 0) << 2);
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        |       if (iVar2 != 0) break;
      int window_bits = 0;                                                       |       iVar5 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x148);
                                                                                 |       uVar7 = (ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x160);
# if defined(PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_MAXIMUM_INFLATE_WINDOW)    |       iVar2 = 0;
      if (((png_ptr->options >> PNG_MAXIMUM_INFLATE_WINDOW) & 3) ==              |     }
          PNG_OPTION_ON)                                                         |     if (param_5 == 0) {
      {                                                                          |       *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x158) = 0;
         window_bits = 15;                                                       |     }
         png_ptr->zstream_start = 0; /* fixed window size */                     |     iVar5 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x148);
      }                                                                          |     lVar6 = lVar6 + (ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x160);
                                                                                 |     if (lVar6 != 0) {
      else                                                                       |       *param_6 = *param_6 - lVar6;
      {                                                                          |     }
         png_ptr->zstream_start = 1;                                             |     if (iVar5 != 0) {
      }                                                                          |       *param_4 = *param_4 - iVar5;
# endif                                                                          |     }
                                                                                 |     FUN_00107840(param_1,iVar2);
#endif /* ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240 */                                               |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
      /* Set this for safety, just in case the previous owner left pointers to   |     *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "zstream unclaimed";
       * memory allocations.                                                     |     iVar2 = -2;
       */                                                                        |   }
      png_ptr->zstream.next_in = NULL;                                           |   if (local_40 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_in = 0;                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_ptr->zstream.next_out = NULL;                                          |     __stack_chk_fail();
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_out = 0;                                            |   }
                                                                                 |   return iVar2;
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_ZSTREAM_INITIALIZED) != 0)                  | }
      {                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        | 
         ret = inflateReset2(&png_ptr->zstream, window_bits);                    | 
#else                                                                            | 
         ret = inflateReset(&png_ptr->zstream);                                  | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        | 
         ret = inflateInit2(&png_ptr->zstream, window_bits);                     | 
#else                                                                            | 
         ret = inflateInit(&png_ptr->zstream);                                   | 
#endif                                                                           | 
         if (ret == Z_OK)                                                        | 
            png_ptr->flags |= PNG_FLAG_ZSTREAM_INITIALIZED;                      | 
      }                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1290 && \                                                   | 
   defined(PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_IGNORE_ADLER32)              | 
      if (((png_ptr->options >> PNG_IGNORE_ADLER32) & 3) == PNG_OPTION_ON)       | 
         /* Turn off validation of the ADLER32 checksum in IDAT chunks */        | 
         ret = inflateValidate(&png_ptr->zstream, 0);                            | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      if (ret == Z_OK)                                                           | 
         png_ptr->zowner = owner;                                                | 
      else                                                                       | 
         png_zstream_error(png_ptr, ret);                                        | 
      return ret;                                                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
#ifdef window_bits                                                               | 
# undef window_bits                                                              | 
#endif                                                                           | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010b520 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_chunk_report                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and calls the appropriate function depending on the    |
                                             | value of the bit and the value of the parameter.                       |

                             libpng/pngerror.c:532                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010b520                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0010b520(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
png_chunk_report(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_const_charp message, int error) | 
{                                                                                | {
#  ifndef PNG_WARNINGS_SUPPORTED                                                 |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x12d) & 0x80) == 0) {
      PNG_UNUSED(message)                                                        |     if (0 < param_3) {
#  endif                                                                         |       FUN_0010b490();
                                                                                 |       return;
   /* This is always supported, but for just read or just write it               |     }
    * unconditionally does the right thing.                                      |     FUN_0010b470();
    */                                                                           |     return;
#  if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED)                |   }
      if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_IS_READ_STRUCT) != 0)                             |   if (1 < param_3) {
#  endif                                                                         |     png_chunk_benign_error();
                                                                                 |     return;
#  ifdef PNG_READ_SUPPORTED                                                      |   }
      {                                                                          |   png_chunk_warning();
         if (error < PNG_CHUNK_ERROR)                                            |   return;
            png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, message);                                 | }
         else                                                                    | 
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, message);                            | 
      }                                                                          | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
#  if defined(PNG_READ_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED)                | 
      else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_IS_READ_STRUCT) == 0)                        | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
#  ifdef PNG_WRITE_SUPPORTED                                                     | 
      {                                                                          | 
         if (error < PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR)                                      | 
            png_app_warning(png_ptr, message);                                   | 
         else                                                                    | 
            png_app_error(png_ptr, message);                                     | 
      }                                                                          | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0010cc20 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_realloc_array                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function allocates a block of memory of size param_2 and copies   |
                                             | param_3 elements of data stored in param_2 into it, filling the rest   |
                                             | of the block with zeroes, then returns a pointer to it.                |

                              libpng/pngmem.c:134                                |                           Decompilation: FUN_0010cc20                           
PNG_FUNCTION(png_voidp /* PRIVATE */,                                            | void * FUN_0010cc20(undefined8 param_1,void *param_2,int param_3,int param_4,ulong param_5)
png_realloc_array,(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_const_voidp old_array,        | 
    int old_elements, int add_elements, size_t element_size),PNG_ALLOCATED)      | {
{                                                                                |   void *__dest;
   /* These are internal errors: */                                              | 
   if (add_elements <= 0 || element_size == 0 || old_elements < 0 ||             |   if (((0 < param_4 && param_5 != 0) && (-1 < param_3)) &&
      (old_array == NULL && old_elements > 0))                                   |      ((param_2 != (void *)0x0 || (param_3 < 1)))) {
      png_error(png_ptr, "internal error: array realloc");                       |     if (((param_4 <= 0x7fffffff - param_3) &&
                                                                                 |         (SUB168(ZEXT816((ulong)(long)(param_4 + param_3)) * ZEXT816(param_5) >> 0x40,0) == 0)) &&
   /* Check for overflow on the elements count (so the caller does not have to   |        (__dest = (void *)FUN_0010cbb0(), __dest != (void *)0x0)) {
    * check.)                                                                    |       if (param_3 != 0) {
    */                                                                           |         memcpy(__dest,param_2,(long)param_3 * param_5);
   if (add_elements <= INT_MAX - old_elements)                                   |       }
   {                                                                             |       memset((void *)((long)__dest + (long)param_3 * param_5),0,(long)param_4 * param_5);
      png_voidp new_array = png_malloc_array_checked(png_ptr,                    |       return __dest;
          old_elements+add_elements, element_size);                              |     }
                                                                                 |     return (void *)0x0;
      if (new_array != NULL)                                                     |   }
      {                                                                          |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
         /* Because png_malloc_array worked the size calculations below cannot   |   png_error(param_1,"internal error: array realloc");
          * overflow.                                                            | }
          */                                                                     | 
         if (old_elements > 0)                                                   | 
            memcpy(new_array, old_array, element_size*(unsigned)old_elements);   | 
         memset((char*)new_array + element_size*(unsigned)old_elements, 0,       | 
             element_size*(unsigned)add_elements);                               | 
         return new_array;                                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return NULL; /* error */                                                      | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* TEXT || sPLT || STORE_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS */                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119a20 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_read_buffer                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function allocates a block of memory of size param_2 and returns  |
                                             | a pointer to it, or returns a pointer to a function and/or displays a  |
                                             | warning or error message if param_1 is not 0.                          |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:299                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119a20                           
#if defined(PNG_READ_iCCP_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED) ||\     | void * FUN_00119a20(long param_1,ulong param_2,int param_3)
    defined(PNG_READ_pCAL_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_READ_sCAL_SUPPORTED) ||\     | 
    defined(PNG_READ_sPLT_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_READ_tEXt_SUPPORTED) ||\     | {
    defined(PNG_READ_zTXt_SUPPORTED) || defined(PNG_SEQUENTIAL_READ_SUPPORTED)   |   void *pvVar1;
/* Manage the read buffer; this simply reallocates the buffer if it is not small | 
 * enough (or if it is not allocated).  The routine returns a pointer to the     |   pvVar1 = *(void **)(param_1 + 0x460);
 * buffer; if an error occurs and 'warn' is set the routine returns NULL, else   |   if (pvVar1 != (void *)0x0) {
 * it will call png_error (via png_malloc) on failure.  (warn == 2 means         |     if (param_2 <= *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x468)) {
 * 'silent').                                                                    |       return pvVar1;
 */                                                                              |     }
static png_bytep                                                                 |     *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x460) = 0;
png_read_buffer(png_structrp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t new_size, int warn)       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x468) = 0;
{                                                                                |     png_free(param_1,pvVar1);
   png_bytep buffer = png_ptr->read_buffer;                                      |   }
                                                                                 |   pvVar1 = (void *)FUN_0010cbb0(param_1);
   if (buffer != NULL && new_size > png_ptr->read_buffer_size)                   |   if (pvVar1 == (void *)0x0) {
   {                                                                             |     if (param_3 != 2) {
      png_ptr->read_buffer = NULL;                                               |       if (param_3 == 0) {
      png_ptr->read_buffer_size = 0;                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_free(png_ptr, buffer);                                                 |         png_chunk_error(param_1,"insufficient memory to read chunk");
      buffer = NULL;                                                             |       }
   }                                                                             |       png_chunk_warning();
                                                                                 |     }
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |     return (void *)0x0;
   {                                                                             |   }
      buffer = png_voidcast(png_bytep, png_malloc_base(png_ptr, new_size));      |   memset(pvVar1,0,param_2);
                                                                                 |   *(void **)(param_1 + 0x460) = pvVar1;
      if (buffer != NULL)                                                        |   *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x468) = param_2;
      {                                                                          |   return pvVar1;
         memset(buffer, 0, new_size); /* just in case */                         | }
         png_ptr->read_buffer = buffer;                                          | 
         png_ptr->read_buffer_size = new_size;                                   | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else if (warn < 2) /* else silent */                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
         if (warn != 0)                                                          | 
             png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "insufficient memory to read chunk");    | 
         else                                                                    | 
             png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "insufficient memory to read chunk");      | 
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return buffer;                                                                | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_iCCP|iTXt|pCAL|sCAL|sPLT|tEXt|zTXt|SEQUENTIAL_READ */             | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119cf0 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_crc_error                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if the pointer at the given address is valid and  |
                                             | calls the function pointed to, or calls the png_error function with an |
                                             | error message if not.                                                  |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:252                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119cf0                           
/* Compare the CRC stored in the PNG file with that calculated by libpng from    | bool FUN_00119cf0(long param_1)
 * the data it has read thus far.                                                | 
 */                                                                              | {
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
png_crc_error(png_structrp png_ptr)                                              |   bool bVar1;
{                                                                                |   byte local_14;
   png_byte crc_bytes[4];                                                        |   byte local_13;
   png_uint_32 crc;                                                              |   byte local_12;
   int need_crc = 1;                                                             |   byte local_11;
                                                                                 |   long local_10;
   if (PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLARY(png_ptr->chunk_name) != 0)                            | 
   {                                                                             |   local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_MASK) ==                      |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) == 0) {
          (PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE | PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN))          |     if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) & 0x800) != 0) goto LAB_00119d95;
         need_crc = 0;                                                           |   }
   }                                                                             |   else if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) & 0x300) == 0x300) {
                                                                                 | LAB_00119d95:
   else /* critical */                                                           |     *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x474) = 0x81;
   {                                                                             |     FUN_00113740(param_1,&local_14,4);
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_CRITICAL_IGNORE) != 0)                  |     bVar1 = false;
         need_crc = 0;                                                           |     goto LAB_00119d74;
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x474) = 0x81;
#ifdef PNG_IO_STATE_SUPPORTED                                                    |   FUN_00113740(param_1,&local_14,4);
   png_ptr->io_state = PNG_IO_READING | PNG_IO_CHUNK_CRC;                        |   bVar1 = (uint)local_12 * 0x100 +
#endif                                                                           |           (uint)local_11 + (uint)local_13 * 0x10000 + (uint)local_14 * 0x1000000 !=
                                                                                 |           *(int *)(param_1 + 0x24c);
   /* The chunk CRC must be serialized in a single I/O call. */                  | LAB_00119d74:
   png_read_data(png_ptr, crc_bytes, 4);                                         |   if (local_10 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return bVar1;
   if (need_crc != 0)                                                            |   }
   {                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      crc = png_get_uint_32(crc_bytes);                                          |   __stack_chk_fail();
      return ((int)(crc != png_ptr->crc));                                       | }
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
      return (0);                                                                | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119be0 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_read_sig                                                                       

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the validity of a pointer to a given address and  |
                                             | calls the corresponding function if it is valid, otherwise it calls    |
                                             | the png_error function with an error message.                          |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:122                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119be0                           
/* Read and check the PNG file signature */                                      | void FUN_00119be0(long param_1,long param_2)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_read_sig(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr)                          | {
{                                                                                |   byte bVar1;
   size_t num_checked, num_to_check;                                             |   int iVar2;
                                                                                 |   ulong uVar3;
   /* Exit if the user application does not expect a signature. */               | 
   if (png_ptr->sig_bytes >= 8)                                                  |   bVar1 = *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26d);
      return;                                                                    |   if (bVar1 < 8) {
                                                                                 |     uVar3 = (ulong)bVar1;
   num_checked = png_ptr->sig_bytes;                                             |     *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x474) = 0x11;
   num_to_check = 8 - num_checked;                                               |     FUN_00113740(param_1,param_2 + 0x2c + uVar3,8 - uVar3);
                                                                                 |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x26d) = 8;
#ifdef PNG_IO_STATE_SUPPORTED                                                    |     iVar2 = png_sig_cmp(param_2 + 0x2c,uVar3,8 - uVar3);
   png_ptr->io_state = PNG_IO_READING | PNG_IO_SIGNATURE;                        |     if (iVar2 != 0) {
#endif                                                                           |       if (bVar1 < 4) {
                                                                                 |         iVar2 = png_sig_cmp(param_2 + 0x2c,uVar3,4 - uVar3);
   /* The signature must be serialized in a single I/O call. */                  |         if (iVar2 != 0) {
   png_read_data(png_ptr, &(info_ptr->signature[num_checked]), num_to_check);    |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   png_ptr->sig_bytes = 8;                                                       |           png_error(param_1,"Not a PNG file");
                                                                                 |         }
   if (png_sig_cmp(info_ptr->signature, num_checked, num_to_check) != 0)         |       }
   {                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      if (num_checked < 4 &&                                                     |       png_error(param_1,"PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion");
          png_sig_cmp(info_ptr->signature, num_checked, num_to_check - 4))       |     }
         png_error(png_ptr, "Not a PNG file");                                   |     if (bVar1 < 3) {
      else                                                                       |       *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) | 0x1000;
         png_error(png_ptr, "PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion");           |       return;
   }                                                                             |     }
   if (num_checked < 3)                                                          |   }
      png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_PNG_SIGNATURE;                                   |   return;
}                                                                                | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00119cb0 ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_crc_read                                                                       

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, and computes a CRC32 checksum of the given    |
                                             | memory region.                                                         |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:197                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119cb0                           
/* Read data, and (optionally) run it through the CRC. */                        | void FUN_00119cb0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined4 param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_crc_read(png_structrp png_ptr, png_bytep buf, png_uint_32 length)            | {
{                                                                                |   if (param_1 != 0) {
   if (png_ptr == NULL)                                                          |     FUN_00113740(param_1,param_2,param_3);
      return;                                                                    |     FUN_001068d0(param_1,param_2,param_3);
                                                                                 |     return;
   png_read_data(png_ptr, buf, length);                                          |   }
   png_calculate_crc(png_ptr, buf, length);                                      |   return;
}                                                                                | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011d820 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_read_chunk_header                                                                  

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a given chunk type is valid, computes a CRC32  |
                                             | checksum of its memory region, and throws an error if the size of the  |
                                             | chunk is too large.                                                    |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:157                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011d820                           
/* Read the chunk header (length + type name).                                   | undefined4 FUN_0011d820(long param_1)
 * Put the type name into png_ptr->chunk_name, and return the length.            | 
 */                                                                              | {
png_uint_32 /* PRIVATE */                                                        |   undefined4 uVar1;
png_read_chunk_header(png_structrp png_ptr)                                      |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
{                                                                                |   undefined auStack40 [4];
   png_byte buf[8];                                                              |   uint local_24;
   png_uint_32 length;                                                           |   long local_20;
#ifdef PNG_IO_STATE_SUPPORTED                                                    |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   png_ptr->io_state = PNG_IO_READING | PNG_IO_CHUNK_HDR;                        |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x474) = 0x21;
#endif                                                                           |   FUN_00113740(param_1,auStack40,8);
                                                                                 |   uVar1 = png_get_uint_31(param_1,auStack40);
   /* Read the length and the chunk name.                                        |   *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x218) =
    * This must be performed in a single I/O call.                               |        local_24 >> 0x18 | (local_24 & 0xff0000) >> 8 | (local_24 & 0xff00) << 8 | local_24 << 0x18;
    */                                                                           |   FUN_001068b0(param_1);
   png_read_data(png_ptr, buf, 8);                                               |   FUN_001068d0(param_1,&local_24,4);
   length = png_get_uint_31(png_ptr, buf);                                       |   FUN_0011d6f0(param_1,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x218));
                                                                                 |   FUN_0011d730(param_1,uVar1);
   /* Put the chunk name into png_ptr->chunk_name. */                            |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x474) = 0x41;
   png_ptr->chunk_name = PNG_CHUNK_FROM_STRING(buf+4);                           |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return uVar1;
   png_debug2(0, "Reading %lx chunk, length = %lu",                              |   }
       (unsigned long)png_ptr->chunk_name, (unsigned long)length);               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
   /* Reset the crc and run it over the chunk name. */                           | }
   png_reset_crc(png_ptr);                                                       | 
   png_calculate_crc(png_ptr, buf + 4, 4);                                       | 
   /* Check to see if chunk name is valid. */                                    | 
   png_check_chunk_name(png_ptr, png_ptr->chunk_name);                           | 
   /* Check for too-large chunk length */                                        | 
   png_check_chunk_length(png_ptr, length);                                      | 
#ifdef PNG_IO_STATE_SUPPORTED                                                    | 
   png_ptr->io_state = PNG_IO_READING | PNG_IO_CHUNK_DATA;                       | 
#endif                                                                           | 
   return length;                                                                | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00107970 ===========================================================================

                                                                   Real name: png_colorspace_sync                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function sets bits in a variable based on the value of a ushort   |
                                             | at a given address and stores the result in a second variable.         |

                               libpng/png.c:1216                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00107970                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_00107970(long param_1,long param_2)
png_colorspace_sync_info(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr)        | 
{                                                                                | {
   if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)               |   undefined4 uVar1;
   {                                                                             |   undefined8 uVar2;
      /* Everything is invalid */                                                |   undefined8 uVar3;
      info_ptr->valid &= ~(PNG_INFO_gAMA|PNG_INFO_cHRM|PNG_INFO_sRGB|            |   undefined8 uVar4;
         PNG_INFO_iCCP);                                                         |   undefined8 uVar5;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 uVar6;
#     ifdef PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED                                             |   undefined8 uVar7;
      /* Clean up the iCCP profile now if it won't be used. */                   |   undefined8 uVar8;
      png_free_data(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_FREE_ICCP, -1/*not used*/);           |   undefined8 uVar9;
#     else                                                                       | 
      PNG_UNUSED(png_ptr)                                                        |   if (param_2 != 0) {
#     endif                                                                      |     uVar2 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4a0);
   }                                                                             |     uVar3 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4a8);
                                                                                 |     uVar4 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4b0);
   else                                                                          |     uVar5 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4b8);
   {                                                                             |     uVar6 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4c0);
#     ifdef PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED                                             |     uVar7 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4c8);
      /* Leave the INFO_iCCP flag set if the pngset.c code has already set       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x74) = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4e0);
       * it; this allows a PNG to contain a profile which matches sRGB and       |     uVar1 = *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x4e8);
       * yet still have that profile retrievable by the application.             |     uVar8 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4d0);
       */                                                                        |     uVar9 = *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x4d8);
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_MATCHES_sRGB) != 0)       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x34) = uVar2;
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_sRGB;                                       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x3c) = uVar3;
                                                                                 |     *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x7c) = uVar1;
      else                                                                       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x44) = uVar4;
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_sRGB;                                      |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x4c) = uVar5;
                                                                                 |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x54) = uVar6;
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_ENDPOINTS) != 0)     |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x5c) = uVar7;
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_cHRM;                                       |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 100) = uVar8;
                                                                                 |     *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x6c) = uVar9;
      else                                                                       |     FUN_00107910(uVar2,uVar4,uVar6,uVar8);
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_cHRM;                                      |     return;
#     endif                                                                      |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
      if ((info_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_GAMMA) != 0)         | }
         info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_gAMA;                                       | 
      else                                                                       | 
         info_ptr->valid &= ~PNG_INFO_gAMA;                                      | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00106470 ===========================================================================

                                                              Real name: png_colorspace_set_xy_and_XYZ                                                              

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function compares two arrays and returns true if all elements are |
                                             | equal, plus or minus a given parameter.                                |

                               libpng/png.c:1676                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00106470                           
static int                                                                       | undefined4
png_colorspace_set_xy_and_XYZ(png_const_structrp png_ptr,                        | FUN_00106470(undefined8 param_1,long param_2,undefined8 *param_3,undefined8 *param_4,int param_5)
    png_colorspacerp colorspace, const png_xy *xy, const png_XYZ *XYZ,           | 
    int preferred)                                                               | {
{                                                                                |   undefined8 uVar1;
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                        |   undefined8 uVar2;
      return 0;                                                                  |   undefined8 uVar3;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 uVar4;
   /* The consistency check is performed on the chromaticities; this factors out |   undefined8 uVar5;
    * variations because of the normalization (or not) of the end point Y        |   undefined8 uVar6;
    * values.                                                                    |   undefined8 uVar7;
    */                                                                           |   undefined8 uVar8;
   if (preferred < 2 &&                                                          |   int iVar9;
       (colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_ENDPOINTS) != 0)                 |   ushort uVar10;
   {                                                                             | 
      /* The end points must be reasonably close to any we already have.  The    |   uVar10 = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a);
       * following allows an error of up to +/-.001                              |   if ((short)uVar10 < 0) {
       */                                                                        |     return 0;
      if (png_colorspace_endpoints_match(xy, &colorspace->end_points_xy,         |   }
          100) == 0)                                                             |   if ((param_5 < 2) && ((uVar10 & 2) != 0)) {
      {                                                                          |     iVar9 = FUN_001062e0(param_3,param_2 + 4,100);
         colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                            |     if (iVar9 == 0) {
         png_benign_error(png_ptr, "inconsistent chromaticities");               |       *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = uVar10 | 0x8000;
         return 0; /* failed */                                                  |       png_benign_error(param_1,"inconsistent chromaticities");
      }                                                                          |       return 0;
                                                                                 |     }
      /* Only overwrite with preferred values */                                 |     if (param_5 == 0) {
      if (preferred == 0)                                                        |       return 1;
         return 1; /* ok, but no change */                                       |     }
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   uVar1 = *param_3;
   colorspace->end_points_xy = *xy;                                              |   uVar2 = param_3[1];
   colorspace->end_points_XYZ = *XYZ;                                            |   uVar3 = param_3[2];
   colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_ENDPOINTS;                           |   uVar4 = param_3[3];
                                                                                 |   uVar5 = *param_4;
   /* The end points are normally quoted to two decimal digits, so allow +/-0.01 |   uVar6 = param_4[1];
    * on this test.                                                              |   *(undefined4 *)(param_2 + 0x44) = *(undefined4 *)(param_4 + 4);
    */                                                                           |   uVar7 = param_4[2];
   if (png_colorspace_endpoints_match(xy, &sRGB_xy, 1000) != 0)                  |   uVar8 = param_4[3];
      colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_ENDPOINTS_MATCH_sRGB;                  |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 4) = uVar1;
                                                                                 |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xc) = uVar2;
   else                                                                          |   *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = uVar10 | 2;
      colorspace->flags &= PNG_COLORSPACE_CANCEL(                                |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x14) = uVar3;
         PNG_COLORSPACE_ENDPOINTS_MATCH_sRGB);                                   |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x1c) = uVar4;
                                                                                 |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x24) = uVar5;
   return 2; /* ok and changed */                                                |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x2c) = uVar6;
}                                                                                |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x34) = uVar7;
                                                                                 |   *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0x3c) = uVar8;
                                                                                 |   iVar9 = FUN_001062e0(uVar1,uVar3,uVar5,uVar7);
                                                                                 |   if (iVar9 == 0) {
                                                                                 |     *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = uVar10 & 0xffbf | 2;
                                                                                 |     return 2;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = uVar10 | 0x42;
                                                                                 |   return 2;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00109270 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_XYZ_from_xy                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates the result of the division of two integers,   |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, stores it in the first parameter and |
                                             | returns either the integer or 0 if it is not between -2147483648 and   |
                                             | 2147483647.                                                            |

                               libpng/png.c:1277                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109270                           
static int                                                                       | undefined FUN_00109270(long param_1,uint *param_2)
png_XYZ_from_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)                                  | 
{                                                                                | {
   png_fixed_point red_inverse, green_inverse, blue_scale;                       |   uint uVar1;
   png_fixed_point left, right, denominator;                                     |   uint uVar2;
                                                                                 |   uint uVar3;
   /* Check xy and, implicitly, z.  Note that wide gamut color spaces typically  |   uint uVar4;
    * have end points with 0 tristimulus values (these are impossible end        |   int iVar5;
    * points, but they are used to cover the possible colors).  We check         |   int iVar6;
    * xy->whitey against 5, not 0, to avoid a possible integer overflow.         |   int iVar7;
    */                                                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   if (xy->redx   < 0 || xy->redx > PNG_FP_1) return 1;                          |   undefined uVar8;
   if (xy->redy   < 0 || xy->redy > PNG_FP_1-xy->redx) return 1;                 |   int local_50;
   if (xy->greenx < 0 || xy->greenx > PNG_FP_1) return 1;                        |   int local_4c;
   if (xy->greeny < 0 || xy->greeny > PNG_FP_1-xy->greenx) return 1;             |   int local_48;
   if (xy->bluex  < 0 || xy->bluex > PNG_FP_1) return 1;                         |   int local_44;
   if (xy->bluey  < 0 || xy->bluey > PNG_FP_1-xy->bluex) return 1;               |   long local_40;
   if (xy->whitex < 0 || xy->whitex > PNG_FP_1) return 1;                        | 
   if (xy->whitey < 5 || xy->whitey > PNG_FP_1-xy->whitex) return 1;             |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
                                                                                 |   if (*param_2 < 0x186a1) {
   /* The reverse calculation is more difficult because the original tristimulus |     uVar1 = param_2[1];
    * value had 9 independent values (red,green,blue)x(X,Y,Z) however only 8     |     if ((((((-1 < (int)uVar1) && ((int)uVar1 <= (int)(100000 - *param_2))) &&
    * derived values were recorded in the cHRM chunk;                            |           (uVar2 = param_2[2], uVar2 < 0x186a1)) &&
    * (red,green,blue,white)x(x,y).  This loses one degree of freedom and        |          ((-1 < (int)param_2[3] && ((int)param_2[3] <= (int)(100000 - uVar2))))) &&
    * therefore an arbitrary ninth value has to be introduced to undo the        |         ((uVar3 = param_2[4], uVar3 < 0x186a1 &&
    * original transformations.                                                  |          ((uVar4 = param_2[5], -1 < (int)uVar4 && ((int)uVar4 <= (int)(100000 - uVar3))))))) &&
    *                                                                            |        (param_2[6] < 0x186a1)) {
    * Think of the original end-points as points in (X,Y,Z) space.  The          |       if ((4 < (int)param_2[7]) && ((int)param_2[7] <= (int)(100000 - param_2[6]))) {
    * chromaticity values (c) have the property:                                 |         iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_48,uVar2 - uVar3,uVar1 - uVar4,7);
    *                                                                            |         if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *           C                                                                |           iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_44,param_2[3] - param_2[5],*param_2 - param_2[4],7);
    *   c = ---------                                                            |           iVar7 = local_44;
    *       X + Y + Z                                                            |           iVar5 = local_48;
    *                                                                            |           if (iVar6 != 0) {
    * For each c (x,y,z) from the corresponding original C (X,Y,Z).  Thus the    |             iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_48,param_2[2] - param_2[4],param_2[7] - param_2[5],7);
    * three chromaticity values (x,y,z) for each end-point obey the              |             if (iVar6 != 0) {
    * relationship:                                                              |               iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_44,param_2[3] - param_2[5],param_2[6] - param_2[4],7);
    *                                                                            |               if (iVar6 != 0) {
    *   x + y + z = 1                                                            |                 iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_50,param_2[7],iVar5 - iVar7,local_48 - local_44);
    *                                                                            |                 if ((iVar6 == 0) || (local_50 <= (int)param_2[7])) goto LAB_001095a0;
    * This describes the plane in (X,Y,Z) space that intersects each axis at the |                 iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_48,param_2[1] - param_2[5],param_2[6] - param_2[4],7);
    * value 1.0; call this the chromaticity plane.  Thus the chromaticity        |                 if (iVar6 != 0) {
    * calculation has scaled each end-point so that it is on the x+y+z=1 plane   |                   iVar6 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_44,*param_2 - param_2[4],param_2[7] - param_2[5],7);
    * and chromaticity is the intersection of the vector from the origin to the  |                   if (iVar6 != 0) {
    * (X,Y,Z) value with the chromaticity plane.                                 |                     iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_4c,param_2[7],iVar5 - iVar7,local_48 - local_44);
    *                                                                            |                     if ((iVar5 != 0) && ((int)param_2[7] < local_4c)) {
    * To fully invert the chromaticity calculation we would need the three       |                       iVar5 = FUN_001091d0();
    * end-point scale factors, (red-scale, green-scale, blue-scale), but these   |                       iVar7 = FUN_001091d0(local_50);
    * were not recorded.  Instead we calculated the reference white (X,Y,Z) and  |                       iVar6 = FUN_001091d0(local_4c);
    * recorded the chromaticity of this.  The reference white (X,Y,Z) would have |                       iVar6 = (iVar5 - iVar7) - iVar6;
    * given all three of the scale factors since:                                |                       if (0 < iVar6) {
    *                                                                            |                         iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1,*param_2,100000,local_50);
    *    color-C = color-c * color-scale                                         |                         if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *    white-C = red-C + green-C + blue-C                                      |                           iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 4,param_2[1],100000,local_50);
    *            = red-c*red-scale + green-c*green-scale + blue-c*blue-scale     |                           if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *                                                                            |                             iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 8,(100000 - *param_2) - param_2[1],100000
    * But cHRM records only white-x and white-y, so we have lost the white scale |                                                  ,local_50);
    * factor:                                                                    |                             if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *                                                                            |                               iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0xc,param_2[2],100000,local_4c);
    *    white-C = white-c*white-scale                                           |                               if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *                                                                            |                                 iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x10,param_2[3],100000,local_4c);
    * To handle this the inverse transformation makes an arbitrary assumption    |                                 if (iVar5 != 0) {
    * about white-scale:                                                         |                                   iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x14,
    *                                                                            |                                                        (100000 - param_2[2]) - param_2[3],100000,
    *    Assume: white-Y = 1.0                                                   |                                                        local_4c);
    *    Hence:  white-scale = 1/white-y                                         |                                   if (iVar5 != 0) {
    *    Or:     red-Y + green-Y + blue-Y = 1.0                                  |                                     iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x18,param_2[4],iVar6,100000);
    *                                                                            |                                     if (iVar5 != 0) {
    * Notice the last statement of the assumption gives an equation in three of  |                                       iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x1c,param_2[5],iVar6,100000);
    * the nine values we want to calculate.  8 more equations come from the      |                                       if (iVar5 != 0) {
    * above routine as summarised at the top above (the chromaticity             |                                         iVar5 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x20,
    * calculation):                                                              |                                                              (100000 - param_2[4]) - param_2[5],
    *                                                                            |                                                              iVar6,100000);
    *    Given: color-x = color-X / (color-X + color-Y + color-Z)                |                                         uVar8 = iVar5 == 0;
    *    Hence: (color-x - 1)*color-X + color.x*color-Y + color.x*color-Z = 0    |                                         goto LAB_001095a5;
    *                                                                            |                                       }
    * This is 9 simultaneous equations in the 9 variables "color-C" and can be   |                                     }
    * solved by Cramer's rule.  Cramer's rule requires calculating 10 9x9 matrix |                                   }
    * determinants, however this is not as bad as it seems because only 28 of    |                                 }
    * the total of 90 terms in the various matrices are non-zero.  Nevertheless  |                               }
    * Cramer's rule is notoriously numerically unstable because the determinant  |                             }
    * calculation involves the difference of large, but similar, numbers.  It is |                           }
    * difficult to be sure that the calculation is stable for real world values  |                         }
    * and it is certain that it becomes unstable where the end points are close  |                       }
    * together.                                                                  |                     }
    *                                                                            |                     goto LAB_001095a0;
    * So this code uses the perhaps slightly less optimal but more               |                   }
    * understandable and totally obvious approach of calculating color-scale.    |                 }
    *                                                                            |               }
    * This algorithm depends on the precision in white-scale and that is         |             }
    * (1/white-y), so we can immediately see that as white-y approaches 0 the    |           }
    * accuracy inherent in the cHRM chunk drops off substantially.               |         }
    *                                                                            |         uVar8 = 2;
    * libpng arithmetic: a simple inversion of the above equations               |         goto LAB_001095a5;
    * ------------------------------------------------------------               |       }
    *                                                                            |     }
    *    white_scale = 1/white-y                                                 |   }
    *    white-X = white-x * white-scale                                         | LAB_001095a0:
    *    white-Y = 1.0                                                           |   uVar8 = 1;
    *    white-Z = (1 - white-x - white-y) * white_scale                         | LAB_001095a5:
    *                                                                            |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
    *    white-C = red-C + green-C + blue-C                                      |     return uVar8;
    *            = red-c*red-scale + green-c*green-scale + blue-c*blue-scale     |   }
    *                                                                            |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
    * This gives us three equations in (red-scale,green-scale,blue-scale) where  |   __stack_chk_fail();
    * all the coefficients are now known:                                        | }
    *                                                                            | 
    *    red-x*red-scale + green-x*green-scale + blue-x*blue-scale               | 
    *       = white-x/white-y                                                    | 
    *    red-y*red-scale + green-y*green-scale + blue-y*blue-scale = 1           | 
    *    red-z*red-scale + green-z*green-scale + blue-z*blue-scale               | 
    *       = (1 - white-x - white-y)/white-y                                    | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * In the last equation color-z is (1 - color-x - color-y) so we can add all  | 
    * three equations together to get an alternative third:                      | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    red-scale + green-scale + blue-scale = 1/white-y = white-scale          | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * So now we have a Cramer's rule solution where the determinants are just    | 
    * 3x3 - far more tractible.  Unfortunately 3x3 determinants still involve    | 
    * multiplication of three coefficients so we can't guarantee to avoid        | 
    * overflow in the libpng fixed point representation.  Using Cramer's rule in | 
    * floating point is probably a good choice here, but it's not an option for  | 
    * fixed point.  Instead proceed to simplify the first two equations by       | 
    * eliminating what is likely to be the largest value, blue-scale:            | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    blue-scale = white-scale - red-scale - green-scale                      | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * Hence:                                                                     | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    (red-x - blue-x)*red-scale + (green-x - blue-x)*green-scale =           | 
    *                (white-x - blue-x)*white-scale                              | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    (red-y - blue-y)*red-scale + (green-y - blue-y)*green-scale =           | 
    *                1 - blue-y*white-scale                                      | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * And now we can trivially solve for (red-scale,green-scale):                | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    green-scale =                                                           | 
    *                (white-x - blue-x)*white-scale - (red-x - blue-x)*red-scale | 
    *                ----------------------------------------------------------- | 
    *                                  green-x - blue-x                          | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    red-scale =                                                             | 
    *                1 - blue-y*white-scale - (green-y - blue-y) * green-scale   | 
    *                ---------------------------------------------------------   | 
    *                                  red-y - blue-y                            | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * Hence:                                                                     | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    red-scale =                                                             | 
    *          ( (green-x - blue-x) * (white-y - blue-y) -                       | 
    *            (green-y - blue-y) * (white-x - blue-x) ) / white-y             | 
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------  | 
    *  (green-x - blue-x)*(red-y - blue-y)-(green-y - blue-y)*(red-x - blue-x)   | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *    green-scale =                                                           | 
    *          ( (red-y - blue-y) * (white-x - blue-x) -                         | 
    *            (red-x - blue-x) * (white-y - blue-y) ) / white-y               | 
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------  | 
    *  (green-x - blue-x)*(red-y - blue-y)-(green-y - blue-y)*(red-x - blue-x)   | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * Accuracy:                                                                  | 
    * The input values have 5 decimal digits of accuracy.  The values are all in | 
    * the range 0 < value < 1, so simple products are in the same range but may  | 
    * need up to 10 decimal digits to preserve the original precision and avoid  | 
    * underflow.  Because we are using a 32-bit signed representation we cannot  | 
    * match this; the best is a little over 9 decimal digits, less than 10.      | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * The approach used here is to preserve the maximum precision within the     | 
    * signed representation.  Because the red-scale calculation above uses the   | 
    * difference between two products of values that must be in the range -1..+1 | 
    * it is sufficient to divide the product by 7; ceil(100,000/32767*2).  The   | 
    * factor is irrelevant in the calculation because it is applied to both      | 
    * numerator and denominator.                                                 | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * Note that the values of the differences of the products of the             | 
    * chromaticities in the above equations tend to be small, for example for    | 
    * the sRGB chromaticities they are:                                          | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * red numerator:    -0.04751                                                 | 
    * green numerator:  -0.08788                                                 | 
    * denominator:      -0.2241 (without white-y multiplication)                 | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *  The resultant Y coefficients from the chromaticities of some widely used  | 
    *  color space definitions are (to 15 decimal places):                       | 
    *                                                                            | 
    *  sRGB                                                                      | 
    *    0.212639005871510 0.715168678767756 0.072192315360734                   | 
    *  Kodak ProPhoto                                                            | 
    *    0.288071128229293 0.711843217810102 0.000085653960605                   | 
    *  Adobe RGB                                                                 | 
    *    0.297344975250536 0.627363566255466 0.075291458493998                   | 
    *  Adobe Wide Gamut RGB                                                      | 
    *    0.258728243040113 0.724682314948566 0.016589442011321                   | 
    */                                                                           | 
   /* By the argument, above overflow should be impossible here. The return      | 
    * value of 2 indicates an internal error to the caller.                      | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->redy - xy->bluey, 7) == 0)    | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->redx - xy->bluex, 7) == 0)   | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   denominator = left - right;                                                   | 
   /* Now find the red numerator. */                                             | 
   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->greenx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 7) == 0)    | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->greeny-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 7) == 0)   | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   /* Overflow is possible here and it indicates an extreme set of PNG cHRM      | 
    * chunk values.  This calculation actually returns the reciprocal of the     | 
    * scale value because this allows us to delay the multiplication of white-y  | 
    * into the denominator, which tends to produce a small number.               | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if (png_muldiv(&red_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator, left-right) == 0 ||     | 
       red_inverse <= xy->whitey /* r+g+b scales = white scale */)               | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   /* Similarly for green_inverse: */                                            | 
   if (png_muldiv(&left, xy->redy-xy->bluey, xy->whitex-xy->bluex, 7) == 0)      | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&right, xy->redx-xy->bluex, xy->whitey-xy->bluey, 7) == 0)     | 
      return 2;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&green_inverse, xy->whitey, denominator, left-right) == 0 ||   | 
       green_inverse <= xy->whitey)                                              | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   /* And the blue scale, the checks above guarantee this can't overflow but it  | 
    * can still produce 0 for extreme cHRM values.                               | 
    */                                                                           | 
   blue_scale = png_reciprocal(xy->whitey) - png_reciprocal(red_inverse) -       | 
       png_reciprocal(green_inverse);                                            | 
   if (blue_scale <= 0)                                                          | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   /* And fill in the png_XYZ: */                                                | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->red_X, xy->redx, PNG_FP_1, red_inverse) == 0)            | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->red_Y, xy->redy, PNG_FP_1, red_inverse) == 0)            | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->red_Z, PNG_FP_1 - xy->redx - xy->redy, PNG_FP_1,         | 
       red_inverse) == 0)                                                        | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->green_X, xy->greenx, PNG_FP_1, green_inverse) == 0)      | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->green_Y, xy->greeny, PNG_FP_1, green_inverse) == 0)      | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->green_Z, PNG_FP_1 - xy->greenx - xy->greeny, PNG_FP_1,   | 
       green_inverse) == 0)                                                      | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->blue_X, xy->bluex, blue_scale, PNG_FP_1) == 0)           | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->blue_Y, xy->bluey, blue_scale, PNG_FP_1) == 0)           | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   if (png_muldiv(&XYZ->blue_Z, PNG_FP_1 - xy->bluex - xy->bluey, blue_scale,    | 
       PNG_FP_1) == 0)                                                           | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   return 0; /*success*/                                                         | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00108dd0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_xy_from_XYZ                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates the result of multiple divisions of integers, |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, and stores it in the first           |
                                             | parameter.                                                             |

                               libpng/png.c:1234                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00108dd0                           
#ifdef PNG_COLORSPACE_SUPPORTED                                                  | bool FUN_00108dd0(long param_1,int *param_2)
/* Added at libpng-1.5.5 to support read and write of true CIEXYZ values for     | 
 * cHRM, as opposed to using chromaticities.  These internal APIs return         | {
 * non-zero on a parameter error.  The X, Y and Z values are required to be      |   int iVar1;
 * positive and less than 1.0.                                                   |   int iVar2;
 */                                                                              |   int iVar3;
static int                                                                       |   int iVar4;
png_xy_from_XYZ(png_xy *xy, const png_XYZ *XYZ)                                  |   int iVar5;
{                                                                                |   int iVar6;
   png_int_32 d, dwhite, whiteX, whiteY;                                         |   int iVar7;
                                                                                 |   int iVar8;
   d = XYZ->red_X + XYZ->red_Y + XYZ->red_Z;                                     |   int iVar9;
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redx, XYZ->red_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                      |   int iVar10;
      return 1;                                                                  |   int iVar11;
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->redy, XYZ->red_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                      |   int iVar12;
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   dwhite = d;                                                                   |   iVar11 = *param_2;
   whiteX = XYZ->red_X;                                                          |   iVar1 = param_2[1];
   whiteY = XYZ->red_Y;                                                          |   iVar2 = param_2[2];
                                                                                 |   iVar8 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1,iVar11,100000);
   d = XYZ->green_X + XYZ->green_Y + XYZ->green_Z;                               |   if ((iVar8 != 0) && (iVar8 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 4,param_2[1],100000), iVar8 != 0)) {
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greenx, XYZ->green_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                  |     iVar8 = param_2[3];
      return 1;                                                                  |     iVar3 = *param_2;
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->greeny, XYZ->green_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                  |     iVar4 = param_2[4];
      return 1;                                                                  |     iVar5 = param_2[1];
   dwhite += d;                                                                  |     iVar6 = param_2[5];
   whiteX += XYZ->green_X;                                                       |     iVar9 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 8,iVar8,100000);
   whiteY += XYZ->green_Y;                                                       |     if ((iVar9 != 0) && (iVar9 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0xc,param_2[4],100000), iVar9 != 0)) {
                                                                                 |       iVar9 = param_2[4];
   d = XYZ->blue_X + XYZ->blue_Y + XYZ->blue_Z;                                  |       iVar7 = param_2[3];
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluex, XYZ->blue_X, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                    |       iVar12 = param_2[7] + param_2[6] + param_2[8];
      return 1;                                                                  |       iVar10 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x10,param_2[6],100000);
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->bluey, XYZ->blue_Y, PNG_FP_1, d) == 0)                    |       if ((iVar10 != 0) &&
      return 1;                                                                  |          (iVar10 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x14,param_2[7],100000,iVar12), iVar10 != 0)) {
   dwhite += d;                                                                  |         iVar10 = param_2[7];
   whiteX += XYZ->blue_X;                                                        |         iVar12 = iVar4 + iVar8 + iVar6 + iVar1 + iVar11 + iVar2 + iVar12;
   whiteY += XYZ->blue_Y;                                                        |         iVar11 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x18,iVar7 + iVar3 + param_2[6],100000,iVar12);
                                                                                 |         if (iVar11 != 0) {
   /* The reference white is simply the sum of the end-point (X,Y,Z) vectors,    |           iVar11 = FUN_00108ce0(param_1 + 0x1c,iVar10 + iVar5 + iVar9,100000,iVar12);
    * thus:                                                                      |           return iVar11 == 0;
    */                                                                           |         }
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->whitex, whiteX, PNG_FP_1, dwhite) == 0)                   |       }
      return 1;                                                                  |     }
   if (png_muldiv(&xy->whitey, whiteY, PNG_FP_1, dwhite) == 0)                   |   }
      return 1;                                                                  |   return true;
                                                                                 | }
   return 0;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119890 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_inflate_claim                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function initializes the zlib stream for compression or           |
                                             | decompression and sets an error message for a given zlib return code.  |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:342                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119890                           
/* png_inflate_claim: claim the zstream for some nefarious purpose that involves | int FUN_00119890(long param_1,undefined4 param_2)
 * decompression.  Returns Z_OK on success, else a zlib error code.  It checks   | 
 * the owner but, in final release builds, just issues a warning if some other   | {
 * chunk apparently owns the stream.  Prior to release it does a png_error.      |   long lVar1;
 */                                                                              |   uint uVar2;
static int                                                                       |   int iVar3;
png_inflate_claim(png_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 owner)                       |   undefined8 uVar4;
{                                                                                |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   if (png_ptr->zowner != 0)                                                     |   bool bVar5;
   {                                                                             |   uint local_78 [18];
      char msg[64];                                                              |   long local_30;
      PNG_STRING_FROM_CHUNK(msg, png_ptr->zowner);                               |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      /* So the message that results is "<chunk> using zstream"; this is an      |   uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x138);
       * internal error, but is very useful for debugging.  i18n requirements    |   if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) != 0) {
       * are minimal.                                                            |     local_78[0] = uVar2 >> 0x18 | (uVar2 & 0xff0000) >> 8 | (uVar2 & 0xff00) << 8 | uVar2 << 0x18;
       */                                                                        |     FUN_0010adb0(local_78,0x40,4," using zstream");
      (void)png_safecat(msg, (sizeof msg), 4, " using zstream");                 |     png_chunk_warning(param_1,local_78);
#if PNG_RELEASE_BUILD                                                            |     *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
      png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, msg);                                           |   }
      png_ptr->zowner = 0;                                                       |   *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x140) = 0;
#else                                                                            |   lVar1 = param_1 + 0x140;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, msg);                                             |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x148) = 0;
#endif                                                                           |   *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x158) = 0;
   }                                                                             |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x160) = 0;
                                                                                 |   bVar5 = (*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x388) >> 2 & 3) != 3;
   /* Implementation note: unlike 'png_deflate_claim' this internal function     |   uVar4 = 0xf;
    * does not take the size of the data as an argument.  Some efficiency could  |   if (bVar5) {
    * be gained by using this when it is known *if* the zlib stream itself does  |     uVar4 = 0;
    * not record the number; however, this is an illusion: the original writer   |   }
    * of the PNG may have selected a lower window size, and we really must       |   *(bool *)(param_1 + 0x270) = bVar5;
    * follow that because, for systems with with limited capabilities, we        |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x130) & 2) == 0) {
    * would otherwise reject the application's attempts to use a smaller window  |     iVar3 = inflateInit2_(lVar1,uVar4,"1.2.11",0x70);
    * size (zlib doesn't have an interface to say "this or lower"!).             |     if (iVar3 != 0) {
    *                                                                            |       if ((((byte)((uint)*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x388) >> 8) ^ 3) & 3) == 0) goto LAB_001199a0;
    * inflateReset2 was added to zlib 1.2.4; before this the window could not be |       goto LAB_001199c6;
    * reset, therefore it is necessary to always allocate the maximum window     |     }
    * size with earlier zlibs just in case later compressed chunks need it.      |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) | 2;
    */                                                                           |     if ((((byte)((uint)*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x388) >> 8) ^ 3) & 3) == 0) {
   {                                                                             | LAB_001199a0:
      int ret; /* zlib return code */                                            |       iVar3 = inflateValidate(lVar1,0);
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        |       goto joined_r0x001199b0;
      int window_bits = 0;                                                       |     }
                                                                                 |   }
# if defined(PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_MAXIMUM_INFLATE_WINDOW)    |   else {
      if (((png_ptr->options >> PNG_MAXIMUM_INFLATE_WINDOW) & 3) ==              |     iVar3 = inflateReset2(lVar1);
          PNG_OPTION_ON)                                                         |     if ((((byte)((uint)*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x388) >> 8) ^ 3) & 3) == 0) goto LAB_001199a0;
      {                                                                          | joined_r0x001199b0:
         window_bits = 15;                                                       |     if (iVar3 != 0) {
         png_ptr->zstream_start = 0; /* fixed window size */                     | LAB_001199c6:
      }                                                                          |       FUN_00107840(param_1,iVar3);
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0011994d;
      else                                                                       |     }
      {                                                                          |   }
         png_ptr->zstream_start = 1;                                             |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = param_2;
      }                                                                          |   iVar3 = 0;
# endif                                                                          | LAB_0011994d:
                                                                                 |   if (local_30 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
#endif /* ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240 */                                               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     __stack_chk_fail();
      /* Set this for safety, just in case the previous owner left pointers to   |   }
       * memory allocations.                                                     |   return iVar3;
       */                                                                        | }
      png_ptr->zstream.next_in = NULL;                                           | 
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_in = 0;                                             | 
      png_ptr->zstream.next_out = NULL;                                          | 
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_out = 0;                                            | 
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_ZSTREAM_INITIALIZED) != 0)                  | 
      {                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        | 
         ret = inflateReset2(&png_ptr->zstream, window_bits);                    | 
#else                                                                            | 
         ret = inflateReset(&png_ptr->zstream);                                  | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1240                                                        | 
         ret = inflateInit2(&png_ptr->zstream, window_bits);                     | 
#else                                                                            | 
         ret = inflateInit(&png_ptr->zstream);                                   | 
#endif                                                                           | 
         if (ret == Z_OK)                                                        | 
            png_ptr->flags |= PNG_FLAG_ZSTREAM_INITIALIZED;                      | 
      }                                                                          | 
#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x1290 && \                                                   | 
   defined(PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED) && defined(PNG_IGNORE_ADLER32)              | 
      if (((png_ptr->options >> PNG_IGNORE_ADLER32) & 3) == PNG_OPTION_ON)       | 
         /* Turn off validation of the ADLER32 checksum in IDAT chunks */        | 
         ret = inflateValidate(&png_ptr->zstream, 0);                            | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      if (ret == Z_OK)                                                           | 
         png_ptr->zowner = owner;                                                | 
      else                                                                       | 
         png_zstream_error(png_ptr, ret);                                        | 
      return ret;                                                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
#ifdef window_bits                                                               | 
# undef window_bits                                                              | 
#endif                                                                           | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00109980 ===========================================================================

                                                               Real name: png_colorspace_check_gamma                                                                

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and calls functions to calculate the result of the     |
                                             | division of two integers, round it to the nearest integer, and check   |
                                             | if the value of param_1 is greater than 105000, returning true or      |
                                             | false depending on the results.                                        |

                               libpng/png.c:1070                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109980                           
/* Added at libpng version 1.2.34 and 1.4.0 (moved from pngset.c) */             | bool FUN_00109980(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,byte *param_3,undefined8 param_4,int param_5
#ifdef PNG_GAMMA_SUPPORTED /* always set if COLORSPACE */                        |                  )
static int                                                                       | 
png_colorspace_check_gamma(png_const_structrp png_ptr,                           | {
    png_colorspacerp colorspace, png_fixed_point gAMA, int from)                 |   int iVar1;
   /* This is called to check a new gamma value against an existing one.  The    |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
    * routine returns false if the new gamma value should not be written.        |   bool bVar2;
    *                                                                            |   undefined4 local_24;
    * 'from' says where the new gamma value comes from:                          |   long local_20;
    *                                                                            | 
    *    0: the new gamma value is the libpng estimate for an ICC profile        |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
    *    1: the new gamma value comes from a gAMA chunk                          |   if (((*param_3 & 1) != 0) &&
    *    2: the new gamma value comes from an sRGB chunk                         |      ((iVar1 = FUN_00108ce0(&local_24,param_2,100000), iVar1 == 0 ||
    */                                                                           |       (iVar1 = FUN_00109960(local_24), iVar1 != 0)))) {
{                                                                                |     bVar2 = param_5 == 2;
   png_fixed_point gtest;                                                        |     if (((*param_3 & 0x20) != 0) || (bVar2)) {
                                                                                 |       FUN_0010b520(param_1,"gamma value does not match sRGB",2);
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_GAMMA) != 0 &&                   |       goto LAB_001099a2;
       (png_muldiv(&gtest, colorspace->gamma, PNG_FP_1, gAMA) == 0  ||           |     }
      png_gamma_significant(gtest) != 0))                                        |     FUN_0010b520(param_1,"gamma value does not match libpng estimate",0);
   {                                                                             |   }
      /* Either this is an sRGB image, in which case the calculated gamma        |   bVar2 = true;
       * approximation should match, or this is an image with a profile and the  | LAB_001099a2:
       * value libpng calculates for the gamma of the profile does not match the |   if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
       * value recorded in the file.  The former, sRGB, case is an error, the    |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
       * latter is just a warning.                                               |     __stack_chk_fail();
       */                                                                        |   }
      if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_FROM_sRGB) != 0 || from == 2)      |   return bVar2;
      {                                                                          | }
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "gamma value does not match sRGB",            | 
             PNG_CHUNK_ERROR);                                                   | 
         /* Do not overwrite an sRGB value */                                    | 
         return from == 2;                                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else /* sRGB tag not involved */                                           | 
      {                                                                          | 
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "gamma value does not match libpng estimate", | 
             PNG_CHUNK_WARNING);                                                 | 
         return from == 1;                                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return 1;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001065b0 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_icc_profile_error                                                                  

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set, checks if the given parameter is between 0x41 and     |
                                             | 0x5A (inclusive), converts a number to a string of hexadecimal or      |
                                             | decimal characters, copies a string from param_4 to param_1, up to a   |
                                             | maximum of param_2 characters or until the end of the string is        |
                                             | reached, and calls the appropriate function depending on the value of  |
                                             | the bit and the value of the parameter.                                |

                               libpng/png.c:1825                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001065b0                           
static int                                                                       | undefined8
png_icc_profile_error(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_colorspacerp colorspace,   | FUN_001065b0(undefined8 param_1,long param_2,undefined8 param_3,ulong param_4,undefined8 param_5)
    png_const_charp name, png_alloc_size_t value, png_const_charp reason)        | 
{                                                                                | {
   size_t pos;                                                                   |   int iVar1;
   char message[196]; /* see below for calculation */                            |   long lVar2;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 uVar3;
   if (colorspace != NULL)                                                       |   long lVar4;
      colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                               |   byte bVar5;
                                                                                 |   byte bVar6;
   pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), 0, "profile '"); /* 9 chars */   |   ulong uVar7;
   pos = png_safecat(message, pos+79, pos, name); /* Truncate to 79 chars */     |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), pos, "': "); /* +2 = 90 */       |   undefined auStack296 [24];
   if (is_ICC_signature(value) != 0)                                             |   undefined local_110 [8];
   {                                                                             |   byte local_108 [200];
      /* So 'value' is at most 4 bytes and the following cast is safe */         |   long local_40;
      png_icc_tag_name(message+pos, (png_uint_32)value);                         | 
      pos += 6; /* total +8; less than the else clause */                        |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      message[pos++] = ':';                                                      |   if (param_2 != 0) {
      message[pos++] = ' ';                                                      |     *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) | 0x8000;
   }                                                                             |   }
#  ifdef PNG_WARNINGS_SUPPORTED                                                  |   lVar2 = FUN_0010adb0(local_108,0xc4,0,"profile \'");
   else                                                                          |   uVar3 = FUN_0010adb0(local_108,lVar2 + 0x4f,lVar2,param_3);
      {                                                                          |   lVar2 = FUN_0010adb0(local_108,0xc4,uVar3);
         char number[PNG_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* +24 = 114 */                    |   if (((param_4 >> 0x18) - 0x30 < 10) || (param_4 >> 0x18 == 0x20)) {
                                                                                 | LAB_001066f8:
         pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), pos,                       |     uVar7 = param_4 >> 0x10 & 0xff;
             png_format_number(number, number+(sizeof number),                   |     if ((9 < uVar7 - 0x30) && (uVar7 != 0x20)) {
             PNG_NUMBER_FORMAT_x, value));                                       |       iVar1 = FUN_00106590();
         pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), pos, "h: "); /* +2 = 116 */ |       if (iVar1 == 0) goto LAB_00106661;
      }                                                                          |     }
#  endif                                                                         |     bVar6 = (byte)(param_4 >> 8);
   /* The 'reason' is an arbitrary message, allow +79 maximum 195 */             |     if ((9 < (ulong)bVar6 - 0x30) && ((ulong)bVar6 != 0x20)) {
   pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), pos, reason);                    |       iVar1 = FUN_00106590();
   PNG_UNUSED(pos)                                                               |       if (iVar1 == 0) goto LAB_00106661;
                                                                                 |     }
   /* This is recoverable, but make it unconditionally an app_error on write to  |     if ((9 < (param_4 & 0xff) - 0x30) && ((param_4 & 0xff) != 0x20)) {
    * avoid writing invalid ICC profiles into PNG files (i.e., we handle them    |       iVar1 = FUN_00106590();
    * on read, with a warning, but on write unless the app turns off             |       if (iVar1 == 0) goto LAB_00106661;
    * application errors the PNG won't be written.)                              |     }
    */                                                                           |     local_108[lVar2] = 0x27;
   png_chunk_report(png_ptr, message,                                            |     local_108[lVar2 + 5] = 0x27;
       (colorspace != NULL) ? PNG_CHUNK_ERROR : PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);          |     bVar5 = (byte)((param_4 & 0xffffffff) >> 0x18);
                                                                                 |     if (0x5e < (int)((param_4 & 0xffffffff) >> 0x18) - 0x20U) {
   return 0;                                                                     |       bVar5 = 0x3f;
}                                                                                |     }
#endif /* sRGB || iCCP */                                                        |     local_108[lVar2 + 1] = bVar5;
                                                                                 |     bVar5 = (byte)((param_4 & 0xffffffff) >> 0x10);
                                                                                 |     if (0x5e < ((uint)((param_4 & 0xffffffff) >> 0x10) & 0xff) - 0x20) {
                                                                                 |       bVar5 = 0x3f;
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     local_108[lVar2 + 2] = bVar5;
                                                                                 |     if (0x5e < bVar6 - 0x20) {
                                                                                 |       bVar6 = 0x3f;
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     if (0x5e < ((uint)param_4 & 0xff) - 0x20) {
                                                                                 |       param_4 = 0x3f;
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     local_108[lVar2 + 3] = bVar6;
                                                                                 |     local_108[lVar2 + 4] = (byte)param_4;
                                                                                 |     lVar4 = lVar2 + 8;
                                                                                 |     local_108[lVar2 + 6] = 0x3a;
                                                                                 |     local_108[lVar2 + 7] = 0x20;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
                                                                                 |     iVar1 = FUN_00106590();
                                                                                 |     if (iVar1 != 0) goto LAB_001066f8;
                                                                                 | LAB_00106661:
                                                                                 |     uVar3 = FUN_0010ae00(auStack296,local_110,3,param_4);
                                                                                 |     uVar3 = FUN_0010adb0(local_108,0xc4,lVar2,uVar3);
                                                                                 |     lVar4 = FUN_0010adb0(local_108,0xc4,uVar3,&DAT_0012902a);
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   FUN_0010adb0(local_108,0xc4,lVar4,param_5);
                                                                                 |   FUN_0010b520(param_1,local_108,(param_2 != 0) + '\x01');
                                                                                 |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return 0;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_001200e0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_set_text_2                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the parameters, allocates a block of memory,      |
                                             | copies data into it, and calls the appropriate function depending on   |
                                             | the value of the bit and the value of the parameter.                   |

                              libpng/pngset.c:775                                |                           Decompilation: FUN_001200e0                           
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | undefined8 FUN_001200e0(long param_1,long param_2,int *param_3,int param_4)
png_set_text_2(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr,                  | 
    png_const_textp text_ptr, int num_text)                                      | {
{                                                                                |   int *piVar1;
   int i;                                                                        |   int iVar2;
                                                                                 |   char *__s;
   png_debug1(1, "in %lx storage function", png_ptr == NULL ? 0xabadca11U :      |   size_t __n;
      (unsigned long)png_ptr->chunk_name);                                       |   void *pvVar3;
                                                                                 |   size_t __n_00;
   if (png_ptr == NULL || info_ptr == NULL || num_text <= 0 || text_ptr == NULL) |   long lVar4;
      return(0);                                                                 |   undefined8 uVar5;
                                                                                 |   int iVar6;
   /* Make sure we have enough space in the "text" array in info_struct          |   int iVar7;
    * to hold all of the incoming text_ptr objects.  This compare can't overflow |   uint uVar8;
    * because max_text >= num_text (anyway, subtract of two positive integers    |   size_t local_60;
    * can't overflow in any case.)                                               |   size_t local_58;
    */                                                                           | 
   if (num_text > info_ptr->max_text - info_ptr->num_text)                       |   if ((((param_1 == 0) || (param_2 == 0)) || (param_4 < 1)) || (param_3 == (int *)0x0)) {
   {                                                                             | LAB_00120330:
      int old_num_text = info_ptr->num_text;                                     |     uVar5 = 0;
      int max_text;                                                              |   }
      png_textp new_text = NULL;                                                 |   else {
                                                                                 |     iVar6 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x94);
      /* Calculate an appropriate max_text, checking for overflow. */            |     if (param_4 <= *(int *)(param_2 + 0x98) - iVar6) {
      max_text = old_num_text;                                                   |       lVar4 = *(long *)(param_2 + 0xa0);
      if (num_text <= INT_MAX - max_text)                                        | LAB_00120141:
      {                                                                          |       iVar7 = 0;
         max_text += num_text;                                                   |       do {
                                                                                 |         if (*(char **)(param_3 + 2) != (char *)0x0) {
         /* Round up to a multiple of 8 */                                       |           iVar2 = *param_3;
         if (max_text < INT_MAX-8)                                               |           if (iVar2 + 1U < 4) {
            max_text = (max_text + 8) & ~0x7;                                    |             piVar1 = (int *)(lVar4 + (long)iVar6 * 0x38);
                                                                                 |             __n = strlen(*(char **)(param_3 + 2));
         else                                                                    |             __s = *(char **)(param_3 + 4);
            max_text = INT_MAX;                                                  |             if (iVar2 < 1) {
                                                                                 |               if ((__s != (char *)0x0) && (*__s != '\0')) {
         /* Now allocate a new array and copy the old members in; this does all  |                 local_60 = 0;
          * the overflow checks.                                                 |                 local_58 = 0;
          */                                                                     |                 goto LAB_00120365;
         new_text = png_voidcast(png_textp,png_realloc_array(png_ptr,            |               }
             info_ptr->text, old_num_text, max_text-old_num_text,                |               *piVar1 = -1;
             sizeof *new_text));                                                 |               __n_00 = 0;
      }                                                                          |               local_58 = 0;
                                                                                 |               local_60 = 0;
      if (new_text == NULL)                                                      |             }
      {                                                                          |             else {
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "too many text chunks",                       |               local_60 = 0;
             PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);                                             |               if (*(char **)(param_3 + 10) != (char *)0x0) {
                                                                                 |                 local_60 = strlen(*(char **)(param_3 + 10));
         return 1;                                                               |               }
      }                                                                          |               local_58 = 0;
                                                                                 |               if (*(char **)(param_3 + 0xc) != (char *)0x0) {
      png_free(png_ptr, info_ptr->text);                                         |                 local_58 = strlen(*(char **)(param_3 + 0xc));
                                                                                 |               }
      info_ptr->text = new_text;                                                 |               if ((__s == (char *)0x0) || (*__s == '\0')) {
      info_ptr->free_me |= PNG_FREE_TEXT;                                        |                 *piVar1 = 1;
      info_ptr->max_text = max_text;                                             |                 __n_00 = 0;
      /* num_text is adjusted below as the entries are copied in */              |               }
                                                                                 |               else {
      png_debug1(3, "allocated %d entries for info_ptr->text", max_text);        | LAB_00120365:
   }                                                                             |                 __n_00 = strlen(__s);
                                                                                 |                 *piVar1 = iVar2;
   for (i = 0; i < num_text; i++)                                                |               }
   {                                                                             |             }
      size_t text_length, key_len;                                               |             pvVar3 = (void *)FUN_0010cbb0(param_1,__n_00 + 4 + __n + local_58 + local_60);
      size_t lang_len, lang_key_len;                                             |             *(void **)(piVar1 + 2) = pvVar3;
      png_textp textp = &(info_ptr->text[info_ptr->num_text]);                   |             if (pvVar3 == (void *)0x0) {
                                                                                 |               FUN_0010b520(param_1,"text chunk: out of memory",1);
      if (text_ptr[i].key == NULL)                                               |               return 1;
          continue;                                                              |             }
                                                                                 |             pvVar3 = memcpy(pvVar3,*(void **)(param_3 + 2),__n);
      if (text_ptr[i].compression < PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE ||                 |             iVar6 = *param_3;
          text_ptr[i].compression >= PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_LAST)                  |             *(undefined *)((long)pvVar3 + __n) = 0;
      {                                                                          |             pvVar3 = (void *)((long)pvVar3 + __n + 1);
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "text compression mode is out of range",      |             if (iVar6 < 1) {
             PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);                                             |               *(undefined8 *)(piVar1 + 10) = 0;
         continue;                                                               |               *(undefined8 *)(piVar1 + 0xc) = 0;
      }                                                                          |               *(void **)(piVar1 + 4) = pvVar3;
                                                                                 |               if (__n_00 != 0) goto LAB_001202fb;
      key_len = strlen(text_ptr[i].key);                                         | LAB_0012016d:
                                                                                 |               *(undefined *)((long)pvVar3 + __n_00) = 0;
      if (text_ptr[i].compression <= 0)                                          |               if (*piVar1 < 1) goto LAB_0012031b;
      {                                                                          | LAB_0012017d:
         lang_len = 0;                                                           |               *(undefined8 *)(piVar1 + 6) = 0;
         lang_key_len = 0;                                                       |               *(size_t *)(piVar1 + 8) = __n_00;
      }                                                                          |             }
                                                                                 |             else {
      else                                                                       |               *(void **)(piVar1 + 10) = pvVar3;
#  ifdef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED                                                      |               pvVar3 = memcpy(pvVar3,*(void **)(param_3 + 10),local_60);
      {                                                                          |               *(undefined *)((long)pvVar3 + local_60) = 0;
         /* Set iTXt data */                                                     |               pvVar3 = (void *)(*(long *)(piVar1 + 10) + 1 + local_60);
                                                                                 |               *(void **)(piVar1 + 0xc) = pvVar3;
         if (text_ptr[i].lang != NULL)                                           |               memcpy(pvVar3,*(void **)(param_3 + 0xc),local_58);
            lang_len = strlen(text_ptr[i].lang);                                 |               *(undefined *)(*(long *)(piVar1 + 0xc) + local_58) = 0;
                                                                                 |               pvVar3 = (void *)(*(long *)(piVar1 + 0xc) + 1 + local_58);
         else                                                                    |               *(void **)(piVar1 + 4) = pvVar3;
            lang_len = 0;                                                        |               if (__n_00 == 0) goto LAB_0012016d;
                                                                                 | LAB_001202fb:
         if (text_ptr[i].lang_key != NULL)                                       |               memcpy(pvVar3,*(void **)(param_3 + 4),__n_00);
            lang_key_len = strlen(text_ptr[i].lang_key);                         |               *(undefined *)(*(long *)(piVar1 + 4) + __n_00) = 0;
                                                                                 |               if (0 < *piVar1) goto LAB_0012017d;
         else                                                                    | LAB_0012031b:
            lang_key_len = 0;                                                    |               *(size_t *)(piVar1 + 6) = __n_00;
      }                                                                          |               *(undefined8 *)(piVar1 + 8) = 0;
#  else /* iTXt */                                                               |             }
      {                                                                          |             *(int *)(param_2 + 0x94) = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x94) + 1;
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "iTXt chunk not supported",                   |           }
             PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);                                             |           else {
         continue;                                                               |             FUN_0010b520(param_1,"text compression mode is out of range",1);
      }                                                                          |           }
#  endif                                                                         |         }
                                                                                 |         iVar7 = iVar7 + 1;
      if (text_ptr[i].text == NULL || text_ptr[i].text[0] == '\0')               |         param_3 = param_3 + 0xe;
      {                                                                          |         if (param_4 <= iVar7) goto LAB_00120330;
         text_length = 0;                                                        |         lVar4 = *(long *)(param_2 + 0xa0);
#  ifdef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED                                                      |         iVar6 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x94);
         if (text_ptr[i].compression > 0)                                        |       } while( true );
            textp->compression = PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;                      |     }
                                                                                 |     iVar7 = 0x7fffffff - iVar6;
         else                                                                    |     if (param_4 <= iVar7) {
#  endif                                                                         |       uVar8 = 0x7fffffff;
            textp->compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;                      |       if (param_4 + iVar6 < 0x7ffffff7) {
      }                                                                          |         uVar8 = param_4 + iVar6 + 8U & 0xfffffff8;
                                                                                 |         iVar7 = uVar8 - iVar6;
      else                                                                       |       }
      {                                                                          |       lVar4 = FUN_0010cc20(param_1,*(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xa0),iVar6,iVar7,0x38);
         text_length = strlen(text_ptr[i].text);                                 |       if (lVar4 != 0) {
         textp->compression = text_ptr[i].compression;                           |         png_free(param_1,*(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xa0));
      }                                                                          |         *(long *)(param_2 + 0xa0) = lVar4;
                                                                                 |         iVar6 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0x94);
      textp->key = png_voidcast(png_charp,png_malloc_base(png_ptr,               |         *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) | 0x4000;
          key_len + text_length + lang_len + lang_key_len + 4));                 |         *(uint *)(param_2 + 0x98) = uVar8;
                                                                                 |         goto LAB_00120141;
      if (textp->key == NULL)                                                    |       }
      {                                                                          |     }
         png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "text chunk: out of memory",                  |     FUN_0010b520(param_1,"too many text chunks",1);
             PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);                                             |     uVar5 = 1;
                                                                                 |   }
         return 1;                                                               |   return uVar5;
      }                                                                          | }
      png_debug2(2, "Allocated %lu bytes at %p in png_set_text",                 | 
          (unsigned long)(png_uint_32)                                           | 
          (key_len + lang_len + lang_key_len + text_length + 4),                 | 
          textp->key);                                                           | 
      memcpy(textp->key, text_ptr[i].key, key_len);                              | 
      *(textp->key + key_len) = '\0';                                            | 
      if (text_ptr[i].compression > 0)                                           | 
      {                                                                          | 
         textp->lang = textp->key + key_len + 1;                                 | 
         memcpy(textp->lang, text_ptr[i].lang, lang_len);                        | 
         *(textp->lang + lang_len) = '\0';                                       | 
         textp->lang_key = textp->lang + lang_len + 1;                           | 
         memcpy(textp->lang_key, text_ptr[i].lang_key, lang_key_len);            | 
         *(textp->lang_key + lang_key_len) = '\0';                               | 
         textp->text = textp->lang_key + lang_key_len + 1;                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
         textp->lang=NULL;                                                       | 
         textp->lang_key=NULL;                                                   | 
         textp->text = textp->key + key_len + 1;                                 | 
      }                                                                          | 
      if (text_length != 0)                                                      | 
         memcpy(textp->text, text_ptr[i].text, text_length);                     | 
      *(textp->text + text_length) = '\0';                                       | 
#  ifdef PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED                                                      | 
      if (textp->compression > 0)                                                | 
      {                                                                          | 
         textp->text_length = 0;                                                 | 
         textp->itxt_length = text_length;                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
      {                                                                          | 
         textp->text_length = text_length;                                       | 
         textp->itxt_length = 0;                                                 | 
      }                                                                          | 
      info_ptr->num_text++;                                                      | 
      png_debug1(3, "transferred text chunk %d", info_ptr->num_text);            | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return(0);                                                                    | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011a000 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_inflate_read                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function inflates a given parameter, sets an error message for a  |
                                             | given zlib return code, checks if a pointer at a given address is      |
                                             | valid, calls the function pointed to, and computes a CRC32 checksum of |
                                             | the given memory region.                                               |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:773                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011a000                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_iCCP_SUPPORTED                                                   | int FUN_0011a000(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint *param_3,ulong *param_4)
/* Perform a partial read and decompress, producing 'avail_out' bytes and        | 
 * reading from the current chunk as required.                                   | {
 */                                                                              |   uint uVar1;
static int                                                                       |   int iVar2;
png_inflate_read(png_structrp png_ptr, png_bytep read_buffer, uInt read_size,    |   ulong uVar3;
    png_uint_32p chunk_bytes, png_bytep next_out, png_alloc_size_t *out_size,    |   ulong uVar4;
    int finish)                                                                  |   uint uVar5;
{                                                                                | 
   if (png_ptr->zowner == png_ptr->chunk_name)                                   |   uVar5 = 0x400;
   {                                                                             |   while( true ) {
      int ret;                                                                   |     uVar1 = *param_3;
                                                                                 |     if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x148) == 0) {
      /* next_in and avail_in must have been initialized by the caller. */       |       if (uVar1 < uVar5) {
      png_ptr->zstream.next_out = next_out;                                      |         uVar5 = uVar1;
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_out = 0; /* set in the loop */                      |       }
                                                                                 |       *param_3 = uVar1 - uVar5;
      do                                                                         |       if (uVar5 != 0) {
      {                                                                          |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,param_2,uVar5);
         if (png_ptr->zstream.avail_in == 0)                                     |       }
         {                                                                       |       *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x140) = param_2;
            if (read_size > *chunk_bytes)                                        |       *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x148) = uVar5;
               read_size = (uInt)*chunk_bytes;                                   |     }
            *chunk_bytes -= read_size;                                           |     if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x160) == 0) {
                                                                                 |       uVar3 = *param_4;
            if (read_size > 0)                                                   |       uVar4 = 0;
               png_crc_read(png_ptr, read_buffer, read_size);                    |       if (0xfffffffe < uVar3) {
                                                                                 |         uVar4 = uVar3 - 0xffffffff;
            png_ptr->zstream.next_in = read_buffer;                              |         uVar3 = 0xffffffff;
            png_ptr->zstream.avail_in = read_size;                               |       }
         }                                                                       |       *param_4 = uVar4;
                                                                                 |       *(int *)(param_1 + 0x160) = (int)uVar3;
         if (png_ptr->zstream.avail_out == 0)                                    |     }
         {                                                                       |     iVar2 = FUN_00119fb0(param_1);
            uInt avail = ZLIB_IO_MAX;                                            |     if (iVar2 != 0) break;
            if (avail > *out_size)                                               |     if ((*param_4 == 0) && (uVar1 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x160), uVar1 == 0)) {
               avail = (uInt)*out_size;                                          | LAB_0011a0ce:
            *out_size -= avail;                                                  |       *param_4 = *param_4 + (ulong)uVar1;
                                                                                 |       *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x160) = 0;
            png_ptr->zstream.avail_out = avail;                                  |       FUN_00107840(param_1,iVar2);
         }                                                                       |       return iVar2;
                                                                                 |     }
         /* Use Z_SYNC_FLUSH when there is no more chunk data to ensure that all |   }
          * the available output is produced; this allows reading of truncated   |   uVar1 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x160);
          * streams.                                                             |   goto LAB_0011a0ce;
          */                                                                     | }
         ret = PNG_INFLATE(png_ptr, *chunk_bytes > 0 ?                           | 
             Z_NO_FLUSH : (finish ? Z_FINISH : Z_SYNC_FLUSH));                   | 
      }                                                                          | 
      while (ret == Z_OK && (*out_size > 0 || png_ptr->zstream.avail_out > 0));  | 
      *out_size += png_ptr->zstream.avail_out;                                   | 
      png_ptr->zstream.avail_out = 0; /* Should not be required, but is safe */  | 
      /* Ensure the error message pointer is always set: */                      | 
      png_zstream_error(png_ptr, ret);                                           | 
      return ret;                                                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      png_ptr->zstream.msg = PNGZ_MSG_CAST("zstream unclaimed");                 | 
      return Z_STREAM_ERROR;                                                     | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_iCCP */                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00119dc0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_crc_finish                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an    |
                                             | error message or warning, respectively.                                |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:212                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119dc0                           
/* Optionally skip data and then check the CRC.  Depending on whether we         | undefined8 FUN_00119dc0(long param_1,uint param_2)
 * are reading an ancillary or critical chunk, and how the program has set       | 
 * things up, we may calculate the CRC on the data and print a message.          | {
 * Returns '1' if there was a CRC error, '0' otherwise.                          |   byte bVar1;
 */                                                                              |   undefined8 uVar2;
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                |   uint uVar3;
png_crc_finish(png_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 skip)                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
{                                                                                |   undefined auStack1080 [1032];
   /* The size of the local buffer for inflate is a good guess as to a           |   long local_30;
    * reasonable size to use for buffering reads from the application.           | 
    */                                                                           |   uVar3 = param_2 & 0x3ff;
   while (skip > 0)                                                              |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   {                                                                             |   if (param_2 != 0) {
      png_uint_32 len;                                                           |     do {
      png_byte tmpbuf[PNG_INFLATE_BUF_SIZE];                                     |       if (param_2 == uVar3) {
                                                                                 |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,auStack1080,param_2);
      len = (sizeof tmpbuf);                                                     |         break;
      if (len > skip)                                                            |       }
         len = skip;                                                             |       param_2 = param_2 - 0x400;
      skip -= len;                                                               |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,auStack1080,0x400);
                                                                                 |     } while (param_2 != 0);
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, tmpbuf, len);                                        |   }
   }                                                                             |   uVar2 = FUN_00119cf0(param_1);
                                                                                 |   if ((int)uVar2 != 0) {
   if (png_crc_error(png_ptr) != 0)                                              |     if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) == 0) {
   {                                                                             |       bVar1 = (byte)(*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) >> 10);
      if (PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLARY(png_ptr->chunk_name) != 0 ?                        |     }
          (png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN) == 0 :                |     else {
          (png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_CRITICAL_USE) != 0)                     |       bVar1 = (byte)(*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x130) >> 9) ^ 1;
      {                                                                          |     }
         png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error");                                |     if ((bVar1 & 1) == 0) {
      }                                                                          |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_error(param_1,"CRC error");
      else                                                                       |     }
         png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "CRC error");                                  |     png_chunk_warning();
                                                                                 |     uVar2 = 1;
      return (1);                                                                |   }
   }                                                                             |   if (local_30 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   return (0);                                                                   |     __stack_chk_fail();
}                                                                                |   }
                                                                                 |   return uVar2;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00108f30 ===========================================================================

                                                                 Real name: png_colorspace_check_xy                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates the result of multiple divisions of integers, |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, checks if the result and a given     |
                                             | array, plus or minus a given parameter, are equal, and returns true if |
                                             | they are.                                                              |

                               libpng/png.c:1618                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00108f30                           
/* Added in libpng-1.6.0, a different check for the validity of a set of cHRM    | ulong FUN_00108f30(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2)
 * chunk chromaticities.  Earlier checks used to simply look for the overflow    | 
 * condition (where the determinant of the matrix to solve for XYZ ends up zero  | {
 * because the chromaticity values are not all distinct.)  Despite this it is    |   int iVar1;
 * theoretically possible to produce chromaticities that are apparently valid    |   ulong uVar2;
 * but that rapidly degrade to invalid, potentially crashing, sets because of    |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
 * arithmetic inaccuracies when calculations are performed on them.  The new     |   undefined auStack72 [40];
 * check is to round-trip xy -> XYZ -> xy and then check that the result is      |   long local_20;
 * within a small percentage of the original.                                    | 
 */                                                                              |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
static int                                                                       |   uVar2 = FUN_00108dd0(auStack72,param_1);
png_colorspace_check_xy(png_XYZ *XYZ, const png_xy *xy)                          |   if ((int)uVar2 == 0) {
{                                                                                |     iVar1 = FUN_001062e0(param_2,auStack72,5);
   int result;                                                                   |     uVar2 = (ulong)(iVar1 == 0);
   png_xy xy_test;                                                               |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   /* As a side-effect this routine also returns the XYZ endpoints. */           |     return uVar2;
   result = png_XYZ_from_xy(XYZ, xy);                                            |   }
   if (result != 0)                                                              |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      return result;                                                             |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }
   result = png_xy_from_XYZ(&xy_test, XYZ);                                      | 
   if (result != 0)                                                              | 
      return result;                                                             | 
   if (png_colorspace_endpoints_match(xy, &xy_test,                              | 
       5/*actually, the math is pretty accurate*/) != 0)                         | 
      return 0;                                                                  | 
   /* Too much slip */                                                           | 
   return 1;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011a2b0 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_decompress_chunk                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function inflates given data, allocates a block of memory,        |
                                             | initializes the zlib stream, sets an error message, and checks for     |
                                             | errors.                                                                |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:609                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011a2b0                           
/*                                                                               | int FUN_0011a2b0(long param_1,int param_2,uint param_3,long *param_4)
 * Decompress trailing data in a chunk.  The assumption is that read_buffer      | 
 * points at an allocated area holding the contents of a chunk with a            | {
 * trailing compressed part.  What we get back is an allocated area              |   size_t __n;
 * holding the original prefix part and an uncompressed version of the           |   void *__src;
 * trailing part (the malloc area passed in is freed).                           |   int iVar1;
 */                                                                              |   ulong uVar2;
static int                                                                       |   long lVar3;
png_decompress_chunk(png_structrp png_ptr,                                       |   void *pvVar4;
    png_uint_32 chunklength, png_uint_32 prefix_size,                            |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
    png_alloc_size_t *newlength /* must be initialized to the maximum! */,       |   int local_44;
    int terminate /*add a '\0' to the end of the uncompressed data*/)            |   long local_40;
{                                                                                | 
   /* TODO: implement different limits for different types of chunk.             |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
    *                                                                            |   uVar2 = *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430);
    * The caller supplies *newlength set to the maximum length of the            |   if (uVar2 - 1 < 0xfffffffffffffffe) {
    * uncompressed data, but this routine allocates space for the prefix and     |     if (uVar2 < param_3 + 1) {
    * maybe a '\0' terminator too.  We have to assume that 'prefix_size' is      |       FUN_00107840(param_1,0xfffffffc);
    * limited only by the maximum chunk size.                                    |       iVar1 = -4;
    */                                                                           |       goto LAB_0011a31e;
   png_alloc_size_t limit = PNG_SIZE_MAX;                                        |     }
                                                                                 |   }
# ifdef PNG_SET_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                            |   else {
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max > 0 &&                                     |     uVar2 = 0xffffffffffffffff;
       png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max < limit)                                   |   }
      limit = png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max;                                    |   lVar3 = uVar2 - (param_3 + 1);
# elif PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX > 0                                             |   if (lVar3 != -1) {
   if (PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX < limit)                                        |     *param_4 = lVar3;
      limit = PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX;                                         |   }
# endif                                                                          |   iVar1 = FUN_00119890(param_1,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x218));
                                                                                 |   if (iVar1 != 0) {
   if (limit >= prefix_size + (terminate != 0))                                  |     if (iVar1 == 1) {
   {                                                                             |       iVar1 = -7;
      int ret;                                                                   |     }
                                                                                 |     goto LAB_0011a31e;
      limit -= prefix_size + (terminate != 0);                                   |   }
                                                                                 |   uVar2 = (ulong)param_3;
      if (limit < *newlength)                                                    |   local_44 = param_2 - param_3;
         *newlength = limit;                                                     |   iVar1 = FUN_0011a130(param_1,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x218),*(long *)(param_1 + 0x460) + uVar2,
                                                                                 |                        &local_44,0,param_4);
      /* Now try to claim the stream. */                                         |   if (iVar1 == 1) {
      ret = png_inflate_claim(png_ptr, png_ptr->chunk_name);                     |     iVar1 = inflateReset(param_1 + 0x140);
                                                                                 |     if (iVar1 == 0) {
      if (ret == Z_OK)                                                           |       lVar3 = *param_4;
      {                                                                          |       __n = uVar2 + 1 + lVar3;
         png_uint_32 lzsize = chunklength - prefix_size;                         |       pvVar4 = (void *)FUN_0010cbb0(param_1);
                                                                                 |       if (pvVar4 == (void *)0x0) {
         ret = png_inflate(png_ptr, png_ptr->chunk_name, 1/*finish*/,            |         FUN_00107840(param_1,0xfffffffc);
             /* input: */ png_ptr->read_buffer + prefix_size, &lzsize,           |         iVar1 = -4;
             /* output: */ NULL, newlength);                                     |       }
                                                                                 |       else {
         if (ret == Z_STREAM_END)                                                |         pvVar4 = memset(pvVar4,0,__n);
         {                                                                       |         iVar1 = FUN_0011a130(param_1,*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x218),
            /* Use 'inflateReset' here, not 'inflateReset2' because this         |                              *(long *)(param_1 + 0x460) + uVar2,&local_44);
             * preserves the previously decided window size (otherwise it would  |         if (iVar1 == 1) {
             * be necessary to store the previous window size.)  In practice     |           if (lVar3 != *param_4) goto LAB_0011a490;
             * this doesn't matter anyway, because png_inflate will call inflate |           __src = *(void **)(param_1 + 0x460);
             * with Z_FINISH in almost all cases, so the window will not be      |           *(undefined *)((long)pvVar4 + lVar3 + uVar2) = 0;
             * maintained.                                                       |           if (param_3 != 0) {
             */                                                                  |             pvVar4 = memcpy(pvVar4,__src,uVar2);
            if (inflateReset(&png_ptr->zstream) == Z_OK)                         |           }
            {                                                                    |           *(void **)(param_1 + 0x460) = pvVar4;
               /* Because of the limit checks above we know that the new,        |           *(size_t *)(param_1 + 0x468) = __n;
                * expanded, size will fit in a size_t (let alone an              |           png_free(param_1,__src);
                * png_alloc_size_t).  Use png_malloc_base here to avoid an       |           if (param_2 - param_3 != local_44) {
                * extra OOM message.                                             |             png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"extra compressed data");
                */                                                               |           }
               png_alloc_size_t new_size = *newlength;                           |         }
               png_alloc_size_t buffer_size = prefix_size + new_size +           |         else if (iVar1 == 0) {
                   (terminate != 0);                                             | LAB_0011a490:
               png_bytep text = png_voidcast(png_bytep, png_malloc_base(png_ptr, |           png_free(param_1,pvVar4);
                   buffer_size));                                                |           iVar1 = -7;
                                                                                 |         }
               if (text != NULL)                                                 |         else {
               {                                                                 |           png_free(param_1,pvVar4);
                  memset(text, 0, buffer_size);                                  |         }
                                                                                 |       }
                  ret = png_inflate(png_ptr, png_ptr->chunk_name, 1/*finish*/,   |     }
                      png_ptr->read_buffer + prefix_size, &lzsize,               |     else {
                      text + prefix_size, newlength);                            |       FUN_00107840(param_1,1);
                                                                                 |       iVar1 = -7;
                  if (ret == Z_STREAM_END)                                       |     }
                  {                                                              |   }
                     if (new_size == *newlength)                                 |   else if (iVar1 == 0) {
                     {                                                           |     iVar1 = -7;
                        if (terminate != 0)                                      |   }
                           text[prefix_size + *newlength] = 0;                   |   *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                                                                 | LAB_0011a31e:
                        if (prefix_size > 0)                                     |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                           memcpy(text, png_ptr->read_buffer, prefix_size);      |     return iVar1;
                                                                                 |   }
                        {                                                        |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                           png_bytep old_ptr = png_ptr->read_buffer;             |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }
                           png_ptr->read_buffer = text;                          | 
                           png_ptr->read_buffer_size = buffer_size;              | 
                           text = old_ptr; /* freed below */                     | 
                        }                                                        | 
                     }                                                           | 
                     else                                                        | 
                     {                                                           | 
                        /* The size changed on the second read, there can be no  | 
                         * guarantee that anything is correct at this point.     | 
                         * The 'msg' pointer has been set to "unexpected end of  | 
                         * LZ stream", which is fine, but return an error code   | 
                         * that the caller won't accept.                         | 
                         */                                                      | 
                        ret = PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN;                        | 
                     }                                                           | 
                  }                                                              | 
                  else if (ret == Z_OK)                                          | 
                     ret = PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN; /* for safety */          | 
                  /* Free the text pointer (this is the old read_buffer on       | 
                   * success)                                                    | 
                   */                                                            | 
                  png_free(png_ptr, text);                                       | 
                  /* This really is very benign, but it's still an error because | 
                   * the extra space may otherwise be used as a Trojan Horse.    | 
                   */                                                            | 
                  if (ret == Z_STREAM_END &&                                     | 
                      chunklength - prefix_size != lzsize)                       | 
                     png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "extra compressed data");   | 
               }                                                                 | 
               else                                                              | 
               {                                                                 | 
                  /* Out of memory allocating the buffer */                      | 
                  ret = Z_MEM_ERROR;                                             | 
                  png_zstream_error(png_ptr, Z_MEM_ERROR);                       | 
               }                                                                 | 
            }                                                                    | 
            else                                                                 | 
            {                                                                    | 
               /* inflateReset failed, store the error message */                | 
               png_zstream_error(png_ptr, ret);                                  | 
               ret = PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN;                                 | 
            }                                                                    | 
         }                                                                       | 
         else if (ret == Z_OK)                                                   | 
            ret = PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN;                                    | 
         /* Release the claimed stream */                                        | 
         png_ptr->zowner = 0;                                                    | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else /* the claim failed */ if (ret == Z_STREAM_END) /* impossible! */     | 
         ret = PNG_UNEXPECTED_ZLIB_RETURN;                                       | 
      return ret;                                                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      /* Application/configuration limits exceeded */                            | 
      png_zstream_error(png_ptr, Z_MEM_ERROR);                                   | 
      return Z_MEM_ERROR;                                                        | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_zTXt || READ_iTXt */                                              | 
#endif /* READ_COMPRESSED_TEXT */                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00109a40 ===========================================================================

                                                                Real name: png_colorspace_set_gamma                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and calls the appropriate function depending on the    |
                                             | value of the bit and the value of the parameter, and calculates the    |
                                             | result of the division of two integers, rounds it to the nearest       |
                                             | integer and checks if the value of param_1 is greater than 105000.     |

                               libpng/png.c:1116                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109a40                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_00109a40(long param_1,int *param_2,int param_3)
png_colorspace_set_gamma(png_const_structrp png_ptr,                             | 
    png_colorspacerp colorspace, png_fixed_point gAMA)                           | {
{                                                                                |   ushort uVar1;
   /* Changed in libpng-1.5.4 to limit the values to ensure overflow can't       |   int iVar2;
    * occur.  Since the fixed point representation is asymmetrical it is         |   char *pcVar3;
    * possible for 1/gamma to overflow the limit of 21474 and this means the     | 
    * gamma value must be at least 5/100000 and hence at most 20000.0.  For      |   uVar1 = *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a);
    * safety the limits here are a little narrower.  The values are 0.00016 to   |   if (param_3 - 0x10U < 0x2540be31) {
    * 6250.0, which are truly ridiculous gamma values (and will produce          |     if (((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x12d) & 0x80) == 0) || ((uVar1 & 8) == 0)) {
    * displays that are all black or all white.)                                 |       if (-1 < (short)uVar1) {
    *                                                                            |         iVar2 = FUN_00109980(param_1,*param_2,(long)param_2 + 0x4a,param_3,1);
    * In 1.6.0 this test replaces the ones in pngrutil.c, in the gAMA chunk      |         if (iVar2 != 0) {
    * handling code, which only required the value to be >0.                     |           *param_2 = param_3;
    */                                                                           |           *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a) = *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a) | 9;
   png_const_charp errmsg;                                                       |           return;
                                                                                 |         }
   if (gAMA < 16 || gAMA > 625000000)                                            |       }
      errmsg = "gamma value out of range";                                       |       return;
                                                                                 |     }
#  ifdef PNG_READ_gAMA_SUPPORTED                                                 |     pcVar3 = "duplicate";
   /* Allow the application to set the gamma value more than once */             |   }
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_IS_READ_STRUCT) != 0 &&                         |   else {
      (colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_FROM_gAMA) != 0)                       |     pcVar3 = "gamma value out of range";
      errmsg = "duplicate";                                                      |   }
#  endif                                                                         |   *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a) = uVar1 | 0x8000;
                                                                                 |   FUN_0010b520(param_1,pcVar3,1);
   /* Do nothing if the colorspace is already invalid */                         |   return;
   else if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                   | }
      return;                                                                    | 
   else                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      if (png_colorspace_check_gamma(png_ptr, colorspace, gAMA,                  | 
          1/*from gAMA*/) != 0)                                                  | 
      {                                                                          | 
         /* Store this gamma value. */                                           | 
         colorspace->gamma = gAMA;                                               | 
         colorspace->flags |=                                                    | 
      }                                                                          | 
      /* At present if the check_gamma test fails the gamma of the colorspace is | 
       * not updated however the colorspace is not invalidated.  This            | 
       * corresponds to the case where the existing gamma comes from an sRGB     | 
       * chunk or profile.  An error message has already been output.            | 
       */                                                                        | 
      return;                                                                    | 
   }                                                                             | 
   /* Error exit - errmsg has been set. */                                       | 
   colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                                  | 
   png_chunk_report(png_ptr, errmsg, PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_ERROR);                     | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00107e00 ===========================================================================

                                                                 Real name: png_icc_check_tag_table                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and calls the appropriate function depending on the    |
                                             | value of the bit and the value of the parameter, as well as converting |
                                             | a number to a string of hexadecimal or decimal characters, and copying |
                                             | a string from param_4 to param_1, up to a maximum of param_2           |
                                             | characters or until the end of the string is reached.                  |

                               libpng/png.c:2200                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00107e00                           
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | undefined8
png_icc_check_tag_table(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_colorspacerp colorspace, | FUN_00107e00(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,uint param_4,long param_5)
    png_const_charp name, png_uint_32 profile_length,                            | 
    png_const_bytep profile /* header plus whole tag table */)                   | {
{                                                                                |   byte *pbVar1;
   png_uint_32 tag_count = png_get_uint_32(profile+128);                         |   int iVar2;
   png_uint_32 itag;                                                             |   uint uVar3;
   png_const_bytep tag = profile+132; /* The first tag */                        |   undefined8 uVar4;
                                                                                 |   byte *pbVar5;
   /* First scan all the tags in the table and add bits to the icc_info value    | 
    * (temporarily in 'tags').                                                   |   iVar2 = (uint)*(byte *)(param_5 + 0x81) * 0x10000 + (uint)*(byte *)(param_5 + 0x80) * 0x1000000 +
    */                                                                           |           (uint)*(byte *)(param_5 + 0x83) + (uint)*(byte *)(param_5 + 0x82) * 0x100;
   for (itag=0; itag < tag_count; ++itag, tag += 12)                             |   if (iVar2 != 0) {
   {                                                                             |     pbVar5 = (byte *)(param_5 + 0x84);
      png_uint_32 tag_id = png_get_uint_32(tag+0);                               |     pbVar1 = (byte *)(param_5 + 0x90 + (ulong)(iVar2 - 1) * 0xc);
      png_uint_32 tag_start = png_get_uint_32(tag+4); /* must be aligned */      |     do {
      png_uint_32 tag_length = png_get_uint_32(tag+8);/* not padded */           |       while( true ) {
                                                                                 |         iVar2 = (uint)pbVar5[2] * 0x100 +
      /* The ICC specification does not exclude zero length tags, therefore the  |                 (uint)pbVar5[3] + (uint)pbVar5[1] * 0x10000 + (uint)*pbVar5 * 0x1000000;
       * start might actually be anywhere if there is no data, but this would be |         uVar3 = (uint)pbVar5[6] * 0x100 +
       * a clear abuse of the intent of the standard so the start is checked for |                 (uint)pbVar5[7] + (uint)pbVar5[5] * 0x10000 + (uint)pbVar5[4] * 0x1000000;
       * being in range.  All defined tag types have an 8 byte header - a 4 byte |         if ((param_4 < uVar3) ||
       * type signature then 0.                                                  |            (param_4 - uVar3 <
       */                                                                        |             (uint)pbVar5[9] * 0x10000 + (uint)pbVar5[8] * 0x1000000 + (uint)pbVar5[0xb] +
                                                                                 |             (uint)pbVar5[10] * 0x100)) {
      /* This is a hard error; potentially it can cause read outside the         |           uVar4 = FUN_001065b0(param_1,param_2,param_3,iVar2,"ICC profile tag outside profile");
       * profile.                                                                |           return uVar4;
       */                                                                        |         }
      if (tag_start > profile_length || tag_length > profile_length - tag_start) |         if ((uVar3 & 3) == 0) break;
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, tag_id,         |         FUN_001065b0(param_1,0,param_3,iVar2,"ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4");
             "ICC profile tag outside profile");                                 |         pbVar5 = pbVar5 + 0xc;
                                                                                 |         if (pbVar5 == pbVar1) {
      if ((tag_start & 3) != 0)                                                  |           return 1;
      {                                                                          |         }
         /* CNHP730S.icc shipped with Microsoft Windows 64 violates this; it is  |       }
          * only a warning here because libpng does not care about the           |       pbVar5 = pbVar5 + 0xc;
          * alignment.                                                           |     } while (pbVar5 != pbVar1);
          */                                                                     |   }
         (void)png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, NULL, name, tag_id,                |   return 1;
             "ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4");                       | }
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return 1; /* success, maybe with warnings */                                  | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00109ad0 ===========================================================================

                                                                 Real name: png_colorspace_set_sRGB                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set, performs various checks and calculations depending on |
                                             | the bit and parameter values, and calls the appropriate function       |
                                             | depending on the bit and parameter values.                             |

                               libpng/png.c:1874                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109ad0                           
#ifdef PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED                                                        | undefined8 FUN_00109ad0(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 *param_2,uint param_3)
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | 
png_colorspace_set_sRGB(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_colorspacerp colorspace, | {
    int intent)                                                                  |   ushort uVar1;
{                                                                                |   int iVar2;
   /* sRGB sets known gamma, end points and (from the chunk) intent. */          |   undefined8 uVar3;
   /* IMPORTANT: these are not necessarily the values found in an ICC profile    |   char *pcVar4;
    * because ICC profiles store values adapted to a D50 environment; it is      | 
    * expected that the ICC profile mediaWhitePointTag will be D50; see the      |   uVar1 = *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a);
    * checks and code elsewhere to understand this better.                       |   if ((short)uVar1 < 0) {
    *                                                                            |     return 0;
    * These XYZ values, which are accurate to 5dp, produce rgb to gray           |   }
    * coefficients of (6968,23435,2366), which are reduced (because they add up  |   pcVar4 = "invalid sRGB rendering intent";
    * to 32769 not 32768) to (6968,23434,2366).  These are the values that       |   if (param_3 < 4) {
    * libpng has traditionally used (and are the best values given the 15bit     |     if ((uVar1 & 4) != 0) {
    * algorithm used by the rgb to gray code.)                                   |       if (*(ushort *)(param_2 + 9) != param_3) {
    */                                                                           |         pcVar4 = "inconsistent rendering intents";
   static const png_XYZ sRGB_XYZ = /* D65 XYZ (*not* the D50 adapted values!) */ |         goto LAB_00109c0e;
   {                                                                             |       }
      /* color      X      Y      Z */                                           |     }
      /* red   */ 41239, 21264,  1933,                                           |     if ((uVar1 & 0x20) == 0) {
      /* green */ 35758, 71517, 11919,                                           |       if ((uVar1 & 2) != 0) {
      /* blue  */ 18048,  7219, 95053                                            |         iVar2 = FUN_001062e0(&DAT_0012a4c0,(long)param_2 + 4,100);
   };                                                                            |         if (iVar2 == 0) {
                                                                                 |           FUN_0010b520(param_1,"cHRM chunk does not match sRGB",2);
   /* Do nothing if the colorspace is already invalidated. */                    |         }
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                        |       }
      return 0;                                                                  |       FUN_00109980(param_1,*(undefined4 *)param_2,(long)param_2 + 0x4a,0xb18f,2);
                                                                                 |       *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a) = *(ushort *)((long)param_2 + 0x4a) | 0xe7;
   /* Check the intent, then check for existing settings.  It is valid for the   |       *param_2 = 0xfa000000b18f;
    * PNG file to have cHRM or gAMA chunks along with sRGB, but the values must  |       param_2[1] = 0x7530000080e8;
    * be consistent with the correct values.  If, however, this function is      |       param_2[2] = 0x3a980000ea60;
    * called below because an iCCP chunk matches sRGB then it is quite           |       param_2[3] = 0x7a2600001770;
    * conceivable that an older app recorded incorrect gAMA and cHRM because of  |       param_2[4] = 0xa11700008084;
    * an incorrect calculation based on the values in the profile - this does    |       param_2[5] = 0x78d00005310;
    * *not* invalidate the profile (though it still produces an error, which can |       param_2[6] = 0x1175d00008bae;
    * be ignored.)                                                               |       *(short *)(param_2 + 9) = (short)param_3;
    */                                                                           |       param_2[7] = 0x468000002e8f;
   if (intent < 0 || intent >= PNG_sRGB_INTENT_LAST)                             |       param_2[8] = 0x1734d00001c33;
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, "sRGB",                  |       uVar3 = 1;
          (png_alloc_size_t)intent, "invalid sRGB rendering intent");            |     }
                                                                                 |     else {
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_INTENT) != 0 &&                  |       png_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate sRGB information ignored");
       colorspace->rendering_intent != intent)                                   |       uVar3 = 0;
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, "sRGB",                  |     }
         (png_alloc_size_t)intent, "inconsistent rendering intents");            |     return uVar3;
                                                                                 |   }
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_FROM_sRGB) != 0)                      | LAB_00109c0e:
   {                                                                             |   uVar3 = FUN_001065b0(param_1,param_2,&DAT_0012938b,(long)(int)param_3,pcVar4);
      png_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate sRGB information ignored");           |   return uVar3;
      return 0;                                                                  | }
   }                                                                             | 
   /* If the standard sRGB cHRM chunk does not match the one from the PNG file   | 
    * warn but overwrite the value with the correct one.                         | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if ((colorspace->flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_ENDPOINTS) != 0 &&               | 
       !png_colorspace_endpoints_match(&sRGB_xy, &colorspace->end_points_xy,     | 
       100))                                                                     | 
      png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "cHRM chunk does not match sRGB",                | 
         PNG_CHUNK_ERROR);                                                       | 
   /* This check is just done for the error reporting - the routine always       | 
    * returns true when the 'from' argument corresponds to sRGB (2).             | 
    */                                                                           | 
   (void)png_colorspace_check_gamma(png_ptr, colorspace, PNG_GAMMA_sRGB_INVERSE, | 
       2/*from sRGB*/);                                                          | 
   /* intent: bugs in GCC force 'int' to be used as the parameter type. */       | 
   colorspace->rendering_intent = (png_uint_16)intent;                           | 
   colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_INTENT;                              | 
   /* endpoints */                                                               | 
   colorspace->end_points_xy = sRGB_xy;                                          | 
   colorspace->end_points_XYZ = sRGB_XYZ;                                        | 
   colorspace->flags |=                                                          | 
   /* gamma */                                                                   | 
   colorspace->gamma = PNG_GAMMA_sRGB_INVERSE;                                   | 
   colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_GAMMA;                               | 
   /* Finally record that we have an sRGB profile */                             | 
   colorspace->flags |=                                                          | 
   return 1; /* set */                                                           | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* sRGB */                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00107a60 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_icc_check_header                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set, checks if the given parameter is between 0x41 and     |
                                             | 0x5A (inclusive), converts a number to a string of hexadecimal or      |
                                             | decimal characters, copies a string from param_4 to param_1, up to a   |
                                             | maximum of param_2 characters or until the end of the string is        |
                                             | reached, and calls the appropriate function depending on the value of  |
                                             | the bit and the value of the parameter, while also validating certain  |
                                             | parameters and checking for various conditions.                        |

                               libpng/png.c:2017                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00107a60                           
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | undefined8
png_icc_check_header(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_colorspacerp colorspace,    | FUN_00107a60(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,uint param_4,byte *param_5,
    png_const_charp name, png_uint_32 profile_length,                            |             uint param_6)
    png_const_bytep profile/* first 132 bytes only */, int color_type)           | 
{                                                                                | {
   png_uint_32 temp;                                                             |   uint uVar1;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 uVar2;
   /* Length check; this cannot be ignored in this code because profile_length   |   char *pcVar3;
    * is used later to check the tag table, so even if the profile seems over    | 
    * long profile_length from the caller must be correct.  The caller can fix   |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[2] * 0x100 +
    * this up on read or write by just passing in the profile header length.     |           (uint)param_5[3] + (uint)param_5[1] * 0x10000 + (uint)*param_5 * 0x1000000;
    */                                                                           |   if (uVar1 != param_4) {
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile);                                              |     uVar2 = FUN_001065b0(param_1,param_2,param_3,uVar1,"length does not match profile");
   if (temp != profile_length)                                                   |     return uVar2;
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,              |   }
          "length does not match profile");                                      |   if ((3 < param_5[8]) && ((uVar1 & 3) != 0)) {
                                                                                 |     pcVar3 = "invalid length";
   temp = (png_uint_32) (*(profile+8));                                          |     goto LAB_00107c51;
   if (temp > 3 && (profile_length & 3))                                         |   }
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, profile_length,    |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0x82] * 0x100 +
          "invalid length");                                                     |           (uint)param_5[0x83] + (uint)param_5[0x81] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0x80] * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |   if ((0x1555554a < uVar1) || (param_4 < uVar1 * 0xc + 0x84)) {
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+128); /* tag count: 12 bytes/tag */            |     pcVar3 = "tag count too large";
   if (temp > 357913930 || /* (2^32-4-132)/12: maximum possible tag count */     |     goto LAB_00107c51;
      profile_length < 132+12*temp) /* truncated tag table */                    |   }
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,              |   pcVar3 = "invalid rendering intent";
          "tag count too large");                                                |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0x42] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |           (uint)param_5[0x43] + (uint)param_5[0x41] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0x40] * 0x1000000;
   /* The 'intent' must be valid or we can't store it, ICC limits the intent to  |   if (0xfffe < uVar1) goto LAB_00107c51;
    * 16 bits.                                                                   |   if (3 < uVar1) {
    */                                                                           |     FUN_001065b0();
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+64);                                           |   }
   if (temp >= 0xffff) /* The ICC limit */                                       |   pcVar3 = "invalid signature";
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,              |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0x26] * 0x100 +
          "invalid rendering intent");                                           |           (uint)param_5[0x27] + (uint)param_5[0x25] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0x24] * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |   if (uVar1 != 0x61637370) goto LAB_00107c51;
   /* This is just a warning because the profile may be valid in future          |   if ((*(long *)(param_5 + 0x44) != 0x100d6f60000) || (*(int *)(param_5 + 0x4c) != 0x2dd30000)) {
    * versions.                                                                  |     FUN_001065b0();
    */                                                                           |   }
   if (temp >= PNG_sRGB_INTENT_LAST)                                             |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0x12] * 0x100 +
      (void)png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, NULL, name, temp,                     |           (uint)param_5[0x13] + (uint)param_5[0x11] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0x10] * 0x1000000;
          "intent outside defined range");                                       |   if (uVar1 == 0x47524159) {
                                                                                 |     pcVar3 = "Gray color space not permitted on RGB PNG";
   /* At this point the tag table can't be checked because it hasn't necessarily |     uVar1 = 0x47524159;
    * been loaded; however, various header fields can be checked.  These checks  |     if ((param_6 & 2) != 0) goto LAB_00107c51;
    * are for values permitted by the PNG spec in an ICC profile; the PNG spec   |   }
    * restricts the profiles that can be passed in an iCCP chunk (they must be   |   else {
    * appropriate to processing PNG data!)                                       |     if (uVar1 != 0x52474220) {
    */                                                                           |       pcVar3 = "invalid ICC profile color space";
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_00107c51;
   /* Data checks (could be skipped).  These checks must be independent of the   |     }
    * version number; however, the version number doesn't accommodate changes in |     pcVar3 = "RGB color space not permitted on grayscale PNG";
    * the header fields (just the known tags and the interpretation of the       |     uVar1 = 0x52474220;
    * data.)                                                                     |     if ((param_6 & 2) == 0) goto LAB_00107c51;
    */                                                                           |   }
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+36); /* signature 'ascp' */                    |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0xe] * 0x100 +
   if (temp != 0x61637370)                                                       |           (uint)param_5[0xf] + (uint)param_5[0xd] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0xc] * 0x1000000;
      return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,              |   if (uVar1 != 0x6d6e7472) {
          "invalid signature");                                                  |     if (uVar1 < 0x6d6e7473) {
                                                                                 |       if (uVar1 == 0x61627374) {
   /* Currently the PCS illuminant/adopted white point (the computational        |         pcVar3 = "invalid embedded Abstract ICC profile";
    * white point) are required to be D50,                                       |         uVar1 = 0x61627374;
    * however the profile contains a record of the illuminant so perhaps ICC     |         goto LAB_00107c51;
    * expects to be able to change this in the future (despite the rationale in  |       }
    * the introduction for using a fixed PCS adopted white.)  Consequently the   |       if (uVar1 == 0x6c696e6b) {
    * following is just a warning.                                               |         pcVar3 = "unexpected DeviceLink ICC profile class";
    */                                                                           |         uVar1 = 0x6c696e6b;
   if (memcmp(profile+68, D50_nCIEXYZ, 12) != 0)                                 |         goto LAB_00107c51;
      (void)png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, NULL, name, 0/*no tag value*/,        |       }
          "PCS illuminant is not D50");                                          | LAB_00107cd4:
                                                                                 |       FUN_001065b0();
   /* The PNG spec requires this:                                                |     }
    * "If the iCCP chunk is present, the image samples conform to the colour     |     else if (uVar1 == 0x6e6d636c) {
    * space represented by the embedded ICC profile as defined by the            |       FUN_001065b0();
    * International Color Consortium [ICC]. The colour space of the ICC profile  |     }
    * shall be an RGB colour space for colour images (PNG colour types 2, 3, and |     else if ((uVar1 < 0x6e6d636c) ||
    * 6), or a greyscale colour space for greyscale images (PNG colour types 0   |             (((uVar1 != 0x73636e72 && (uVar1 != 0x73706163)) && (uVar1 != 0x70727472))))
    * and 4)."                                                                   |     goto LAB_00107cd4;
    *                                                                            |   }
    * This checking code ensures the embedded profile (on either read or write)  |   uVar1 = (uint)param_5[0x16] * 0x100 +
    * conforms to the specification requirements.  Notice that an ICC 'gray'     |           (uint)param_5[0x17] + (uint)param_5[0x15] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_5[0x14] * 0x1000000;
    * color-space profile contains the information to transform the monochrome   |   if ((uVar1 == 0x4c616220) || (uVar1 == 0x58595a20)) {
    * data to XYZ or L*a*b (according to which PCS the profile uses) and this    |     return 1;
    * should be used in preference to the standard libpng K channel replication  |   }
    * into R, G and B channels.                                                  |   pcVar3 = "unexpected ICC PCS encoding";
    *                                                                            | LAB_00107c51:
    * Previously it was suggested that an RGB profile on grayscale data could be |   uVar2 = FUN_001065b0(param_1,param_2,param_3,uVar1,pcVar3);
    * handled.  However it it is clear that using an RGB profile in this context |   return uVar2;
    * must be an error - there is no specification of what it means.  Thus it is | }
    * almost certainly more correct to ignore the profile.                       | 
    */                                                                           | 
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+16); /* data colour space field */             | 
   switch (temp)                                                                 | 
   {                                                                             | 
      case 0x52474220: /* 'RGB ' */                                              | 
         if ((color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) == 0)                           | 
            return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,        | 
                "RGB color space not permitted on grayscale PNG");               | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case 0x47524159: /* 'GRAY' */                                              | 
         if ((color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) != 0)                           | 
            return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,        | 
                "Gray color space not permitted on RGB PNG");                    | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      default:                                                                   | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,           | 
             "invalid ICC profile color space");                                 | 
   }                                                                             | 
   /* It is up to the application to check that the profile class matches the    | 
    * application requirements; the spec provides no guidance, but it's pretty   | 
    * weird if the profile is not scanner ('scnr'), monitor ('mntr'), printer    | 
    * ('prtr') or 'spac' (for generic color spaces).  Issue a warning in these   | 
    * cases.  Issue an error for device link or abstract profiles - these don't  | 
    * contain the records necessary to transform the color-space to anything     | 
    * other than the target device (and not even that for an abstract profile).  | 
    * Profiles of these classes may not be embedded in images.                   | 
    */                                                                           | 
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+12); /* profile/device class */                | 
   switch (temp)                                                                 | 
   {                                                                             | 
      case 0x73636e72: /* 'scnr' */                                              | 
      case 0x6d6e7472: /* 'mntr' */                                              | 
      case 0x70727472: /* 'prtr' */                                              | 
      case 0x73706163: /* 'spac' */                                              | 
         /* All supported */                                                     | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      case 0x61627374: /* 'abst' */                                              | 
         /* May not be embedded in an image */                                   | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,           | 
             "invalid embedded Abstract ICC profile");                           | 
      case 0x6c696e6b: /* 'link' */                                              | 
         /* DeviceLink profiles cannot be interpreted in a non-device specific   | 
          * fashion, if an app uses the AToB0Tag in the profile the results are  | 
          * undefined unless the result is sent to the intended device,          | 
          * therefore a DeviceLink profile should not be found embedded in a     | 
          * PNG.                                                                 | 
          */                                                                     | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,           | 
             "unexpected DeviceLink ICC profile class");                         | 
      case 0x6e6d636c: /* 'nmcl' */                                              | 
         /* A NamedColor profile is also device specific, however it doesn't     | 
          * contain an AToB0 tag that is open to misinterpretation.  Almost      | 
          * certainly it will fail the tests below.                              | 
          */                                                                     | 
         (void)png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, NULL, name, temp,                  | 
             "unexpected NamedColor ICC profile class");                         | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      default:                                                                   | 
         /* To allow for future enhancements to the profile accept unrecognized  | 
          * profile classes with a warning, these then hit the test below on the | 
          * tag content to ensure they are backward compatible with one of the   | 
          * understood profiles.                                                 | 
          */                                                                     | 
         (void)png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, NULL, name, temp,                  | 
             "unrecognized ICC profile class");                                  | 
         break;                                                                  | 
   }                                                                             | 
   /* For any profile other than a device link one the PCS must be encoded       | 
    * either in XYZ or Lab.                                                      | 
    */                                                                           | 
   temp = png_get_uint_32(profile+20);                                           | 
   switch (temp)                                                                 | 
   {                                                                             | 
      case 0x58595a20: /* 'XYZ ' */                                              | 
      case 0x4c616220: /* 'Lab ' */                                              | 
         break;                                                                  | 
      default:                                                                   | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, temp,           | 
             "unexpected ICC PCS encoding");                                     | 
   }                                                                             | 
   return 1;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001079d0 ===========================================================================

                                                                  Real name: png_icc_check_length                                                                   

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks a bit in a byte at a specified location, checks   |
                                             | if a parameter is between 0x41 and 0x5A (inclusive), converts a number |
                                             | to a string of hexadecimal or decimal characters, copies a string from |
                                             | one parameter to another, and calls the appropriate function depending |
                                             | on the value of the bit and the value of the parameter.                |

                               libpng/png.c:1983                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001079d0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_iCCP_SUPPORTED                                                   | undefined8 FUN_001079d0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,uint param_4)
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | 
png_icc_check_length(png_const_structrp png_ptr, png_colorspacerp colorspace,    | {
    png_const_charp name, png_uint_32 profile_length)                            |   undefined8 uVar1;
{                                                                                | 
   if (!icc_check_length(png_ptr, colorspace, name, profile_length))             |   if ((0x83 < param_4) || (uVar1 = FUN_001065b0(), (int)uVar1 != 0)) {
      return 0;                                                                  |     uVar1 = 1;
                                                                                 |     if ((*(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430) != 0) &&
   /* This needs to be here because the 'normal' check is in                     |        (uVar1 = 1, *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430) < (ulong)param_4)) {
    * png_decompress_chunk, yet this happens after the attempt to                |       uVar1 = FUN_001065b0(param_1,param_2,param_3,(ulong)param_4,"exceeds application limits");
    * png_malloc_base the required data.  We only need this on read; on write    |       return uVar1;
    * the caller supplies the profile buffer so libpng doesn't allocate it.  See |     }
    * the call to icc_check_length below (the write case).                       |   }
    */                                                                           |   return uVar1;
#  ifdef PNG_SET_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                           | }
      else if (png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max > 0 &&                             | 
               png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max < profile_length)                  | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, profile_length, | 
             "exceeds application limits");                                      | 
#  elif PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX > 0                                            | 
      else if (PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX < profile_length)                       | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, profile_length, | 
             "exceeds libpng limits");                                           | 
#  else /* !SET_USER_LIMITS */                                                   | 
      /* This will get compiled out on all 32-bit and better systems. */         | 
      else if (PNG_SIZE_MAX < profile_length)                                    | 
         return png_icc_profile_error(png_ptr, colorspace, name, profile_length, | 
             "exceeds system limits");                                           | 
#  endif /* !SET_USER_LIMITS */                                                  | 
   return 1;                                                                     | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_iCCP */                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c9f0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_sCAL                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function sets flags based on the characters in a given string,    |
                                             | allocates memory, validates pointers, computes CRC32 checksums, and    |
                                             | calls png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with error messages or     |
                                             | warnings.                                                              |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2378                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c9f0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_sCAL_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c9f0(long param_1,long param_2,ulong param_3)
/* Read the sCAL chunk */                                                        | 
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | {
png_handle_sCAL(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   |   ulong uVar1;
{                                                                                |   char *pcVar2;
   png_bytep buffer;                                                             |   int iVar3;
   size_t i;                                                                     |   char *pcVar4;
   int state;                                                                    |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   uint local_4c;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_sCAL");                                           |   ulong local_48;
                                                                                 |   long local_40;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     | 
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
                                                                                 |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   {                                                                             |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   param_3 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
      return;                                                                    |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 4) == 0) {
   }                                                                             |     if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 9) & 0x40) == 0)) {
                                                                                 |       if ((uint)param_3 < 4) {
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_sCAL) != 0)          |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   {                                                                             |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |       }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |       else {
      return;                                                                    |         pcVar4 = (char *)FUN_00119a20(param_1,(uint)param_3 + 1,2);
   }                                                                             |         if (pcVar4 == (char *)0x0) {
                                                                                 |           png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
   /* Need unit type, width, \0, height: minimum 4 bytes */                      |           FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   else if (length < 4)                                                          |         }
   {                                                                             |         else {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |           FUN_00119cb0(param_1,pcVar4,param_3);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |           pcVar4[param_3] = '\0';
      return;                                                                    |           iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
   }                                                                             |           if (iVar3 == 0) {
                                                                                 |             if ((byte)(*pcVar4 - 1U) < 2) {
   png_debug1(2, "Allocating and reading sCAL chunk data (%u bytes)",            |               local_48 = 1;
       length + 1);                                                              |               local_4c = 0;
                                                                                 |               iVar3 = FUN_00108240(pcVar4,param_3,&local_4c,&local_48);
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length+1, 2/*silent*/);                     |               if ((iVar3 != 0) && (local_48 < param_3)) {
                                                                                 |                 uVar1 = local_48 + 1;
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |                 pcVar2 = pcVar4 + local_48;
   {                                                                             |                 local_48 = uVar1;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |                 if (*pcVar2 == '\0') {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |                   if ((local_4c & 0x188) == 0x108) {
      return;                                                                    |                     local_4c = 0;
   }                                                                             |                     iVar3 = FUN_00108240(pcVar4,param_3,&local_4c,&local_48);
                                                                                 |                     if ((iVar3 == 0) || (param_3 != local_48)) {
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |                       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"bad height format");
   buffer[length] = 0; /* Null terminate the last string */                      |                     }
                                                                                 |                     else if ((local_4c & 0x188) == 0x108) {
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |                       png_set_sCAL_s(param_1,param_2,*pcVar4,pcVar4 + 1,pcVar4 + uVar1);
      return;                                                                    |                     }
                                                                                 |                     else {
   /* Validate the unit. */                                                      |                       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"non-positive height");
   if (buffer[0] != 1 && buffer[0] != 2)                                         |                     }
   {                                                                             |                   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid unit");                           |                   else {
      return;                                                                    |                     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"non-positive width");
   }                                                                             |                   }
                                                                                 |                   goto LAB_0011cb32;
   /* Validate the ASCII numbers, need two ASCII numbers separated by            |                 }
    * a '\0' and they need to fit exactly in the chunk data.                     |               }
    */                                                                           |               png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"bad width format");
   i = 1;                                                                        |             }
   state = 0;                                                                    |             else {
                                                                                 |               png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid unit");
   if (png_check_fp_number((png_const_charp)buffer, length, &state, &i) == 0 ||  |             }
       i >= length || buffer[i++] != 0)                                          |           }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "bad width format");                       |         }
                                                                                 |       }
   else if (PNG_FP_IS_POSITIVE(state) == 0)                                      |     }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "non-positive width");                     |     else {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   else                                                                          |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
   {                                                                             |     }
      size_t heighti = i;                                                        |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
      state = 0;                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      if (png_check_fp_number((png_const_charp)buffer, length,                   |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
          &state, &i) == 0 || i != length)                                       |   }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "bad height format");                   | LAB_0011cb32:
                                                                                 |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      else if (PNG_FP_IS_POSITIVE(state) == 0)                                   |     return;
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "non-positive height");                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      else                                                                       |   __stack_chk_fail();
         /* This is the (only) success case. */                                  | }
         png_set_sCAL_s(png_ptr, info_ptr, buffer[0],                            | 
             (png_charp)buffer+1, (png_charp)buffer+heighti);                    | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c040 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_eXIf                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error  |
                                             | message or warning, and sets the eXIf data.                            |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2039                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c040                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c040(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_eXIf(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   unsigned int i;                                                               |   long lVar2;
                                                                                 |   ulong uVar3;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_eXIf");                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   bool bVar4;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte local_41;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   long local_40;
   if (length < 2)                                                               |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   {                                                                             |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too short");                              |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      return;                                                                    |   }
   }                                                                             |   if (param_3 < 2) {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   else if (info_ptr == NULL || (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_eXIf) != 0)          |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"too short");
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   else if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 10) & 1) != 0)) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      return;                                                                    |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
   info_ptr->free_me |= PNG_FREE_EXIF;                                           |     *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) | 0x8000;
                                                                                 |     lVar2 = png_malloc_warn(param_1,param_3);
   info_ptr->eXIf_buf = png_voidcast(png_bytep,                                  |     *(long *)(param_2 + 0xf8) = lVar2;
             png_malloc_warn(png_ptr, length));                                  |     if (lVar2 == 0) {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   if (info_ptr->eXIf_buf == NULL)                                               |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
   {                                                                             |     }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     else {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_41,1);
      return;                                                                    |       **(byte **)(param_2 + 0xf8) = local_41;
   }                                                                             |       uVar3 = 1;
                                                                                 |       do {
   for (i = 0; i < length; i++)                                                  |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_41,1);
   {                                                                             |         *(byte *)(*(long *)(param_2 + 0xf8) + uVar3) = local_41;
      png_byte buf[1];                                                           |         if ((uVar3 == 1) &&
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 1);                                             |            (((local_41 & 0xfb) != 0x49 || (local_41 != **(byte **)(param_2 + 0xf8))))) {
      info_ptr->eXIf_buf[i] = buf[0];                                            |           FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3 - 2);
      if (i == 1)                                                                |           png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"incorrect byte-order specifier");
      {                                                                          |           png_free(param_1,*(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xf8));
         if ((buf[0] != 'M' && buf[0] != 'I') ||                                 |           *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xf8) = 0;
             (info_ptr->eXIf_buf[0] != buf[0]))                                  |           goto LAB_0011c0a6;
         {                                                                       |         }
            png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length - 2);                                 |         bVar4 = uVar3 != param_3 - 1;
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "incorrect byte-order specifier");   |         uVar3 = uVar3 + 1;
            png_free(png_ptr, info_ptr->eXIf_buf);                               |       } while (bVar4);
            info_ptr->eXIf_buf = NULL;                                           |       iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
            return;                                                              |       if (iVar1 == 0) {
         }                                                                       |         png_set_eXIf_1(param_1,param_2,param_3,*(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xf8));
      }                                                                          |       }
   }                                                                             |       png_free(param_1,*(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xf8));
                                                                                 |       *(undefined8 *)(param_2 + 0xf8) = 0;
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) == 0)                                          |     }
      png_set_eXIf_1(png_ptr, info_ptr, length, info_ptr->eXIf_buf);             |   }
                                                                                 | LAB_0011c0a6:
   png_free(png_ptr, info_ptr->eXIf_buf);                                        |   if (local_40 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   info_ptr->eXIf_buf = NULL;                                                    |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
}                                                                                |     __stack_chk_fail();
#endif                                                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_00119eb0 ===========================================================================

                                                                 Real name: png_cache_unknown_chunk                                                                 

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, allocates memory for the pointer if necessary and calls the    |
                                             | png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message or         |
                                             | warning, respectively.                                                 |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2865                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_00119eb0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                         | undefined8 FUN_00119eb0(long param_1,uint param_2)
/* Utility function for png_handle_unknown; set up png_ptr::unknown_chunk */     | 
static int                                                                       | {
png_cache_unknown_chunk(png_structrp png_ptr, png_uint_32 length)                |   uint uVar1;
{                                                                                |   long lVar2;
   png_alloc_size_t limit = PNG_SIZE_MAX;                                        | 
                                                                                 |   if (*(long *)(param_1 + 0x440) != 0) {
   if (png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data != NULL)                                      |     png_free();
   {                                                                             |     *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x440) = 0;
      png_free(png_ptr, png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data);                            |   }
      png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data = NULL;                                        |   if ((*(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430) - 1 < 0xfffffffffffffffe) &&
   }                                                                             |      (*(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x430) < (ulong)param_2)) {
                                                                                 |     lVar2 = *(long *)(param_1 + 0x440);
#  ifdef PNG_SET_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                           |     if (lVar2 == 0) {
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max > 0 &&                                     |       if (param_2 != 0) {
       png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max < limit)                                   | LAB_00119f87:
      limit = png_ptr->user_chunk_malloc_max;                                    |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_2);
                                                                                 |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"unknown chunk exceeds memory limits");
#  elif PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX > 0                                            |         return 0;
   if (PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX < limit)                                        |       }
      limit = PNG_USER_CHUNK_MALLOC_MAX;                                         |       goto LAB_00119f25;
#  endif                                                                         |     }
                                                                                 |     if (param_2 == 0) goto LAB_00119f25;
   if (length <= limit)                                                          |   }
   {                                                                             |   else {
      PNG_CSTRING_FROM_CHUNK(png_ptr->unknown_chunk.name, png_ptr->chunk_name);  |     uVar1 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x218);
      /* The following is safe because of the PNG_SIZE_MAX init above */         |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x43c) = 0;
      png_ptr->unknown_chunk.size = (size_t)length/*SAFE*/;                      |     *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x448) = (ulong)param_2;
      /* 'mode' is a flag array, only the bottom four bits matter here */        |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x438) =
      png_ptr->unknown_chunk.location = (png_byte)png_ptr->mode/*SAFE*/;         |          uVar1 >> 0x18 | (uVar1 & 0xff0000) >> 8 | (uVar1 & 0xff00) << 8 | uVar1 << 0x18;
                                                                                 |     *(char *)(param_1 + 0x450) = (char)*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 300);
      if (length == 0)                                                           |     if (param_2 == 0) {
         png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data = NULL;                                     |       *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x440) = 0;
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_00119f25;
      else                                                                       |     }
      {                                                                          |     lVar2 = png_malloc_warn(param_1);
         /* Do a 'warn' here - it is handled below. */                           |     *(long *)(param_1 + 0x440) = lVar2;
         png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data = png_voidcast(png_bytep,                   |     if (lVar2 == 0) goto LAB_00119f87;
             png_malloc_warn(png_ptr, length));                                  |   }
      }                                                                          |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1,lVar2,param_2);
   }                                                                             | LAB_00119f25:
                                                                                 |   FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
   if (png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data == NULL && length > 0)                        |   return 1;
   {                                                                             | }
      /* This is benign because we clean up correctly */                         | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "unknown chunk exceeds memory limits");    | 
      return 0;                                                                  | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      if (length > 0)                                                            | 
         png_crc_read(png_ptr, png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data, length);             | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0);                                                | 
      return 1;                                                                  | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS */                                                 | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c520 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_oFFs                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error  |
                                             | message or warning, and sets the oFFs chunk in a png file.             |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2202                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c520                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_oFFs_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c520(long param_1,long param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_oFFs(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   png_byte buf[9];                                                              |   int iVar2;
   png_int_32 offset_x, offset_y;                                                |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   int unit_type;                                                                |   byte local_29;
                                                                                 |   byte local_28;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_oFFs");                                           |   byte local_27;
                                                                                 |   byte local_26;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte local_25;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   byte local_24;
                                                                                 |   byte local_23;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |   byte local_22;
   {                                                                             |   undefined local_21;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   long local_20;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           | 
      return;                                                                    |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   }                                                                             |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_oFFs) != 0)          |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 4) == 0) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |     if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 9) & 1) == 0)) {
      return;                                                                    |       if (param_3 == 9) {
   }                                                                             |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_29,9);
                                                                                 |         iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
   if (length != 9)                                                              |         if (iVar1 == 0) {
   {                                                                             |           iVar1 = (uint)local_27 * 0x100 +
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |                   (uint)local_26 + (uint)local_28 * 0x10000 + (uint)local_29 * 0x1000000;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |           if ((char)local_29 < '\0') {
      return;                                                                    |             iVar1 = -(-iVar1 & 0x7fffffffU);
   }                                                                             |           }
                                                                                 |           iVar2 = (uint)local_23 * 0x100 +
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 9);                                                |                   (uint)local_22 + (uint)local_24 * 0x10000 + (uint)local_25 * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |           if ((char)local_25 < '\0') {
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |             iVar2 = -(-iVar2 & 0x7fffffffU);
      return;                                                                    |           }
                                                                                 |           png_set_oFFs(param_1,param_2,iVar1,iVar2,local_21);
   offset_x = png_get_int_32(buf);                                               |         }
   offset_y = png_get_int_32(buf + 4);                                           |       }
   unit_type = buf[8];                                                           |       else {
   png_set_oFFs(png_ptr, info_ptr, offset_x, offset_y, unit_type);               |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
}                                                                                |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
#endif                                                                           |       }
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     else {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0();
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0();
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011aba0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_sBIT                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks a given memory region for validity, calls the     |
                                             | function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum, and calls              |
                                             | png_error/png_chunk_warning with an error message or warning.          |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1158                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011aba0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_sBIT_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011aba0(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_sBIT(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   unsigned int truelen, i;                                                      |   byte *pbVar2;
   png_byte sample_depth;                                                        |   byte bVar3;
   png_byte buf[4];                                                              |   uint uVar4;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_sBIT");                                           |   byte local_44 [4];
                                                                                 |   long local_40;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     | 
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
                                                                                 |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & (PNG_HAVE_IDAT|PNG_HAVE_PLTE)) != 0)                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   {                                                                             |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6) != 0) {
      return;                                                                    |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   }                                                                             |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |     goto LAB_0011aca0;
   if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_sBIT) != 0)               |   }
   {                                                                             |   if ((param_2 != 0) && ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 2) != 0)) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
      return;                                                                    |     goto LAB_0011aca0;
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   if (*(char *)(param_1 + 0x267) == '\x03') {
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            |     uVar4 = 3;
   {                                                                             |     bVar3 = 8;
      truelen = 3;                                                               |     if (param_3 == 3) goto LAB_0011ac16;
      sample_depth = 8;                                                          |   }
   }                                                                             |   else {
                                                                                 |     uVar4 = (uint)*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26b);
   else                                                                          |     bVar3 = *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x268);
   {                                                                             |     if (*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26b) == param_3) {
      truelen = png_ptr->channels;                                               | LAB_0011ac16:
      sample_depth = png_ptr->bit_depth;                                         |       if (param_3 < 5) {
   }                                                                             |         pbVar2 = local_44;
                                                                                 |         local_44[0] = bVar3;
   if (length != truelen || length > 4)                                          |         local_44[1] = bVar3;
   {                                                                             |         local_44[2] = bVar3;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |         local_44[3] = bVar3;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,pbVar2,uVar4);
      return;                                                                    |         iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
   }                                                                             |         if (iVar1 == 0) {
                                                                                 |           if (uVar4 != 0) {
   buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = buf[3] = sample_depth;                             |             do {
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, truelen);                                          |               if ((*pbVar2 == 0) || (bVar3 < *pbVar2)) {
                                                                                 |                 png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |                 goto LAB_0011aca0;
      return;                                                                    |               }
                                                                                 |               pbVar2 = pbVar2 + 1;
   for (i=0; i<truelen; ++i)                                                     |             } while (local_44 + (ulong)(uVar4 - 1) + 1 != pbVar2);
   {                                                                             |           }
      if (buf[i] == 0 || buf[i] > sample_depth)                                  |           if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) & 2) == 0) {
      {                                                                          |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2db) = local_44[0];
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                             |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2d8) = local_44[0];
         return;                                                                 |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2d9) = local_44[0];
      }                                                                          |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2da) = local_44[0];
   }                                                                             |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2dc) = local_44[1];
                                                                                 |           }
   if ((png_ptr->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) != 0)                        |           else {
   {                                                                             |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2d8) = local_44[0];
      png_ptr->sig_bit.red = buf[0];                                             |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2d9) = local_44[1];
      png_ptr->sig_bit.green = buf[1];                                           |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2da) = local_44[2];
      png_ptr->sig_bit.blue = buf[2];                                            |             *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x2dc) = local_44[3];
      png_ptr->sig_bit.alpha = buf[3];                                           |           }
   }                                                                             |           png_set_sBIT(param_1,param_2,param_1 + 0x2d8);
                                                                                 |         }
   else                                                                          |         goto LAB_0011aca0;
   {                                                                             |       }
      png_ptr->sig_bit.gray = buf[0];                                            |     }
      png_ptr->sig_bit.red = buf[0];                                             |   }
      png_ptr->sig_bit.green = buf[0];                                           |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
      png_ptr->sig_bit.blue = buf[0];                                            |   FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      png_ptr->sig_bit.alpha = buf[1];                                           | LAB_0011aca0:
   }                                                                             |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
   png_set_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &(png_ptr->sig_bit));                         |   }
}                                                                                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
#endif                                                                           |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011a760 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_PLTE                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error  |
                                             | message or warning, and sets the PNG palette.                          |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:913                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011a760                           
/* Read and check the palette */                                                 | void FUN_0011a760(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_PLTE(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   undefined *puVar1;
   png_color palette[PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH];                                    |   undefined *puVar2;
   int max_palette_length, num, i;                                               |   char *pcVar3;
#ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED                                            |   uint uVar4;
   png_colorp pal_ptr;                                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
#endif                                                                           |   undefined *local_350;
                                                                                 |   undefined local_348 [773];
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_PLTE");                                           |   undefined local_43;
                                                                                 |   undefined local_42;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   undefined local_41;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   long local_40;
   /* Moved to before the 'after IDAT' check below because otherwise duplicate   |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
    * PLTE chunks are potentially ignored (the spec says there shall not be more |   uVar4 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
    * than one PLTE, the error is not treated as benign, so this check trumps    |   if ((uVar4 & 1) == 0) {
    * the requirement that PLTE appears before IDAT.)                            |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
    */                                                                           |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) != 0)                                |   }
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                                     |   if ((uVar4 & 2) != 0) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"duplicate");
   {                                                                             |   }
      /* This is benign because the non-benign error happened before, when an    |   if ((uVar4 & 4) != 0) {
       * IDAT was encountered in a color-mapped image with no PLTE.              |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
       */                                                                        |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     goto LAB_0011a91f;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   }
      return;                                                                    |   *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar4 | 2;
   }                                                                             |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) & 2) == 0) {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_PLTE;                                               |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"ignored in grayscale PNG");
                                                                                 |     goto LAB_0011a91f;
   if ((png_ptr->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) == 0)                        |   }
   {                                                                             |   if ((param_3 < 0x301) && (param_3 * -0x55555555 < 0x55555556)) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     uVar4 = 0x100;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "ignored in grayscale PNG");               |     if (*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) == 3) {
      return;                                                                    |       uVar4 = 1 << (*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x268) & 0x1f);
   }                                                                             |     }
                                                                                 |     if ((int)(param_3 / 3) < (int)uVar4) {
#ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED                                              |       uVar4 = param_3 / 3;
   if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            |     }
   {                                                                             |     if (0 < (int)uVar4) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |       puVar1 = local_348;
      return;                                                                    |       do {
   }                                                                             |         puVar2 = puVar1 + 3;
#endif                                                                           |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_43,3);
                                                                                 |         *puVar1 = local_43;
   if (length > 3*PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH || length % 3)                          |         puVar1[1] = local_42;
   {                                                                             |         puVar1[2] = local_41;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |         puVar1 = puVar2;
                                                                                 |       } while (puVar2 != local_348 + (ulong)(uVar4 - 1) * 3 + 3);
      if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                         |     }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                             |     local_350 = local_348;
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3 + uVar4 * -3);
      else                                                                       |     png_set_PLTE(param_1,param_2,local_350,uVar4);
         png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                    |     if (*(short *)(param_1 + 0x260) == 0) {
                                                                                 |       if (param_2 == 0) goto LAB_0011a91f;
      return;                                                                    |       uVar4 = *(uint *)(param_2 + 8);
   }                                                                             |       if ((uVar4 & 0x10) != 0) goto LAB_0011a8bb;
                                                                                 |     }
   /* The cast is safe because 'length' is less than 3*PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH */ |     else {
   num = (int)length / 3;                                                        |       *(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x260) = 0;
                                                                                 |       if (param_2 == 0) {
   /* If the palette has 256 or fewer entries but is too large for the bit       |         pcVar3 = "tRNS must be after";
    * depth, we don't issue an error, to preserve the behavior of previous       |         goto LAB_0011a91a;
    * libpng versions. We silently truncate the unused extra palette entries     |       }
    * here.                                                                      | LAB_0011a8bb:
    */                                                                           |       *(undefined2 *)(param_2 + 0x22) = 0;
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"tRNS must be after");
      max_palette_length = (1 << png_ptr->bit_depth);                            |       uVar4 = *(uint *)(param_2 + 8);
   else                                                                          |     }
      max_palette_length = PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH;                               |     if ((uVar4 & 0x40) != 0) {
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"hIST must be after");
   if (num > max_palette_length)                                                 |       uVar4 = *(uint *)(param_2 + 8);
      num = max_palette_length;                                                  |     }
                                                                                 |     if ((uVar4 & 0x20) != 0) {
#ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED                                            |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"bKGD must be after");
   for (i = 0, pal_ptr = palette; i < num; i++, pal_ptr++)                       |     }
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_byte buf[3];                                                           |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3);                                             |     pcVar3 = "invalid";
      pal_ptr->red = buf[0];                                                     |     if (*(char *)(param_1 + 0x267) == '\x03') {
      pal_ptr->green = buf[1];                                                   |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      pal_ptr->blue = buf[2];                                                    |       png_chunk_error(param_1,"invalid");
   }                                                                             |     }
#else                                                                            | LAB_0011a91a:
   for (i = 0; i < num; i++)                                                     |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,pcVar3);
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_byte buf[3];                                                           | LAB_0011a91f:
                                                                                 |   if (local_40 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3);                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      /* Don't depend upon png_color being any order */                          |     __stack_chk_fail();
      palette[i].red = buf[0];                                                   |   }
      palette[i].green = buf[1];                                                 |   return;
      palette[i].blue = buf[2];                                                  | }
   }                                                                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
   /* If we actually need the PLTE chunk (ie for a paletted image), we do        | 
    * whatever the normal CRC configuration tells us.  However, if we            | 
    * have an RGB image, the PLTE can be considered ancillary, so                | 
    * we will act as though it is.                                               | 
    */                                                                           | 
#ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED                                              | 
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            | 
#endif                                                                           | 
   {                                                                             | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, (png_uint_32) (length - (unsigned int)num * 3));   | 
   }                                                                             | 
#ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED                                              | 
   else if (png_crc_error(png_ptr) != 0)  /* Only if we have a CRC error */      | 
   {                                                                             | 
      /* If we don't want to use the data from an ancillary chunk,               | 
       * we have two options: an error abort, or a warning and we                | 
       * ignore the data in this chunk (which should be OK, since                | 
       * it's considered ancillary for a RGB or RGBA image).                     | 
       *                                                                         | 
       * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this is only here because png_crc_finish uses the  | 
       * chunk type to determine whether to check the ancillary or the critical  | 
       * flags.                                                                  | 
       */                                                                        | 
      if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE) == 0)                    | 
      {                                                                          | 
         if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN) != 0)              | 
            return;                                                              | 
         else                                                                    | 
            png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "CRC error");                               | 
      }                                                                          | 
      /* Otherwise, we (optionally) emit a warning and use the chunk. */         | 
      else if ((png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN) == 0)            | 
         png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error");                                | 
   }                                                                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
   /* TODO: png_set_PLTE has the side effect of setting png_ptr->palette to its  | 
    * own copy of the palette.  This has the side effect that when png_start_row | 
    * is called (this happens after any call to png_read_update_info) the        | 
    * info_ptr palette gets changed.  This is extremely unexpected and           | 
    * confusing.                                                                 | 
    *                                                                            | 
    * Fix this by not sharing the palette in this way.                           | 
    */                                                                           | 
   png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, num);                                | 
   /* The three chunks, bKGD, hIST and tRNS *must* appear after PLTE and before  | 
    * IDAT.  Prior to 1.6.0 this was not checked; instead the code merely        | 
    * checked the apparent validity of a tRNS chunk inserted before PLTE on a    | 
    * palette PNG.  1.6.0 attempts to rigorously follow the standard and         | 
    * therefore does a benign error if the erroneous condition is detected *and* | 
    * cancels the tRNS if the benign error returns.  The alternative is to       | 
    * amend the standard since it would be rather hypocritical of the standards  | 
    * maintainers to ignore it.                                                  | 
    */                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_tRNS_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
   if (png_ptr->num_trans > 0 ||                                                 | 
       (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS) != 0))             | 
   {                                                                             | 
      /* Cancel this because otherwise it would be used if the transforms        | 
       * require it.  Don't cancel the 'valid' flag because this would prevent   | 
       * detection of duplicate chunks.                                          | 
       */                                                                        | 
      png_ptr->num_trans = 0;                                                    | 
      if (info_ptr != NULL)                                                      | 
         info_ptr->num_trans = 0;                                                | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "tRNS must be after");                     | 
   }                                                                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_hIST_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
   if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_hIST) != 0)               | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "hIST must be after");                     | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_bKGD_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
   if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_bKGD) != 0)               | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "bKGD must be after");                     | 
#endif                                                                           | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011cd90 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_tEXt                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the parameters, allocates a block of memory,      |
                                             | copies data into it, calls the appropriate function depending on the   |
                                             | value of the bit and the value of the parameter, checks if a pointer   |
                                             | at a given address is valid, calls the function pointed to, computes a |
                                             | CRC32 checksum of the given memory region, and calls the               |
                                             | png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message or         |
                                             | warning, respectively.                                                 |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2517                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011cd90                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_tEXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011cd90(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,ulong param_3)
/* Note: this does not properly handle chunks that are > 64K under DOS */        | 
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | {
png_handle_tEXt(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   |   char cVar1;
{                                                                                |   uint uVar2;
   png_text  text_info;                                                          |   int iVar3;
   png_bytep buffer;                                                             |   char *pcVar4;
   png_charp key;                                                                |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   png_charp text;                                                               |   undefined4 local_68 [2];
   png_uint_32 skip = 0;                                                         |   char *local_60;
                                                                                 |   char *local_58;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_tEXt");                                           |   size_t local_50;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 local_48;
#ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                                 |   undefined8 local_40;
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max != 0)                                       |   undefined8 local_38;
   {                                                                             |   long local_30;
      if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                    | 
      {                                                                          |   param_3 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
         return;                                                                 |   iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c);
      }                                                                          |   if (iVar3 != 0) {
                                                                                 |     if (iVar3 == 1) {
      if (--png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                  |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      {                                                                          |       goto LAB_0011cea1;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |     }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "no space in chunk cache");             |     *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = iVar3 + -1;
         return;                                                                 |     if (iVar3 + -1 == 1) {
      }                                                                          |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   }                                                                             |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"no space in chunk cache");
#endif                                                                           |       goto LAB_0011cea1;
                                                                                 |     }
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   }
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
                                                                                 |   if ((uVar2 & 1) == 0) {
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                     |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_ptr->mode |= PNG_AFTER_IDAT;                                           |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
                                                                                 |   }
#ifdef PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K                                                        |   if ((uVar2 & 4) != 0) {
   if (length > 65535U)                                                          |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar2 | 8;
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   pcVar4 = (char *)FUN_00119a20(param_1,(int)param_3 + 1,1);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too large to fit in memory");             |   if (pcVar4 == (char *)0x0) {
      return;                                                                    |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
   }                                                                             |   }
#endif                                                                           |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119cb0(param_1,pcVar4,param_3);
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length+1, 1/*warn*/);                       |     iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
                                                                                 |     if (iVar3 == 0) {
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |       pcVar4[param_3] = '\0';
   {                                                                             |       cVar1 = *pcVar4;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |       local_58 = pcVar4;
      return;                                                                    |       while (cVar1 != '\0') {
   }                                                                             |         local_58 = local_58 + 1;
                                                                                 |         cVar1 = *local_58;
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |       }
                                                                                 |       local_68[0] = 0xffffffff;
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, skip) != 0)                                       |       local_40 = 0;
      return;                                                                    |       local_58 = local_58 + (pcVar4 + param_3 != local_58);
                                                                                 |       local_38 = 0;
   key = (png_charp)buffer;                                                      |       local_48 = 0;
   key[length] = 0;                                                              |       local_60 = pcVar4;
                                                                                 |       local_50 = strlen(local_58);
   for (text = key; *text; text++)                                               |       iVar3 = FUN_001200e0(param_1,param_2,local_68,1);
      /* Empty loop to find end of key */ ;                                      |       if (iVar3 != 0) {
                                                                                 |         png_warning(param_1,"Insufficient memory to process text chunk");
   if (text != key + length)                                                     |       }
      text++;                                                                    |     }
                                                                                 |   }
   text_info.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;                            | LAB_0011cea1:
   text_info.key = key;                                                          |   if (local_30 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   text_info.lang = NULL;                                                        |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   text_info.lang_key = NULL;                                                    |     __stack_chk_fail();
   text_info.itxt_length = 0;                                                    |   }
   text_info.text = text;                                                        |   return;
   text_info.text_length = strlen(text);                                         | }
   if (png_set_text_2(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text_info, 1) != 0)                    | 
      png_warning(png_ptr, "Insufficient memory to process text chunk");         | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011bb10 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_tRNS                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and sets a transparency channel if valid and appropriate.      |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1817                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011bb10                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_tRNS_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011bb10(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_tRNS(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   char cVar1;
   png_byte readbuf[PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH];                                     |   uint uVar2;
                                                                                 |   int iVar3;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_tRNS");                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   byte local_138;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte local_137;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   byte local_136;
                                                                                 |   byte local_135;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |   byte local_134;
   {                                                                             |   byte local_133;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   long local_30;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           | 
      return;                                                                    |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   }                                                                             |   uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
                                                                                 |   if ((uVar2 & 1) == 0) {
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS) != 0)          |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   {                                                                             |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |   if ((uVar2 & 4) != 0) {
      return;                                                                    | LAB_0011bc50:
   }                                                                             |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)                               |     goto LAB_0011bbca;
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_byte buf[2];                                                           |   if ((param_2 != 0) && ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 0x10) != 0)) {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      if (length != 2)                                                           |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
      {                                                                          |     goto LAB_0011bbca;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                             |   cVar1 = *(char *)(param_1 + 0x267);
         return;                                                                 |   if (cVar1 == '\0') {
      }                                                                          |     if (param_3 == 2) {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_138,2);
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 2);                                             |       *(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x260) = 1;
      png_ptr->num_trans = 1;                                                    |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x2f8) = (ushort)local_138 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_137;
      png_ptr->trans_color.gray = png_get_uint_16(buf);                          | LAB_0011bc2a:
   }                                                                             |       iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
                                                                                 |       if (iVar3 == 0) {
   else if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB)                           |         png_set_tRNS(param_1,param_2,&local_138,*(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x260),param_1 + 0x2f0);
   {                                                                             |       }
      png_byte buf[6];                                                           |       else {
                                                                                 |         *(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x260) = 0;
      if (length != 6)                                                           |       }
      {                                                                          |       goto LAB_0011bbca;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |     }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                             |   }
         return;                                                                 |   else if (cVar1 == '\x02') {
      }                                                                          |     if (param_3 == 6) {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_138,6);
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, length);                                        |       *(undefined2 *)(param_1 + 0x260) = 1;
      png_ptr->num_trans = 1;                                                    |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x2f2) = (ushort)local_138 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_137;
      png_ptr->trans_color.red = png_get_uint_16(buf);                           |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x2f4) = (ushort)local_136 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_135;
      png_ptr->trans_color.green = png_get_uint_16(buf + 2);                     |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x2f6) = (ushort)local_134 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_133;
      png_ptr->trans_color.blue = png_get_uint_16(buf + 4);                      |       goto LAB_0011bc2a;
   }                                                                             |     }
                                                                                 |   }
   else if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                       |   else {
   {                                                                             |     if (cVar1 != '\x03') {
      if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) == 0)                                  |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      {                                                                          |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid with alpha channel");
         /* TODO: is this actually an error in the ISO spec? */                  |       goto LAB_0011bbca;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |     }
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                        |     if ((uVar2 & 2) == 0) goto LAB_0011bc50;
         return;                                                                 |     if ((param_3 <= *(ushort *)(param_1 + 600)) && (param_3 - 1 < 0x100)) {
      }                                                                          |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_138,param_3);
                                                                                 |       *(short *)(param_1 + 0x260) = (short)param_3;
      if (length > (unsigned int) png_ptr->num_palette ||                        |       goto LAB_0011bc2a;
         length > (unsigned int) PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH ||                       |     }
         length == 0)                                                            |   }
      {                                                                          |   FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                             | LAB_0011bbca:
         return;                                                                 |   if (local_30 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      }                                                                          |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     __stack_chk_fail();
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, readbuf, length);                                    |   }
      png_ptr->num_trans = (png_uint_16)length;                                  |   return;
   }                                                                             | }
   else                                                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid with alpha channel");             | 
      return;                                                                    | 
   }                                                                             | 
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          | 
   {                                                                             | 
      png_ptr->num_trans = 0;                                                    | 
      return;                                                                    | 
   }                                                                             | 
   /* TODO: this is a horrible side effect in the palette case because the       | 
    * png_struct ends up with a pointer to the tRNS buffer owned by the          | 
    * png_info.  Fix this.                                                       | 
    */                                                                           | 
   png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, readbuf, png_ptr->num_trans,                  | 
       &(png_ptr->trans_color));                                                 | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011bd80 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_bKGD                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error  |
                                             | message or warning, and sets the background color using the parameters |
                                             | provided.                                                              |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1921                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011bd80                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_bKGD_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011bd80(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_bKGD(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   byte bVar1;
   unsigned int truelen;                                                         |   uint uVar2;
   png_byte buf[6];                                                              |   int iVar3;
   png_color_16 background;                                                      |   byte *pbVar4;
                                                                                 |   uint uVar5;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_bKGD");                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   byte local_30 [2];
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   uint local_2e;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   ushort local_2a;
                                                                                 |   ushort local_28;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0 ||                              |   byte local_26;
       (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE &&                         |   byte local_25;
       (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) == 0))                                    |   byte local_24;
   {                                                                             |   byte local_23;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   byte local_22;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   byte local_21;
      return;                                                                    |   long local_20;
   }                                                                             | 
                                                                                 |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_bKGD) != 0)          |   uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
   {                                                                             |   uVar5 = uVar2 & 1;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   if (uVar5 == 0) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      return;                                                                    |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   if ((uVar2 & 4) != 0) {
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            | LAB_0011bea4:
      truelen = 1;                                                               |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
   else if ((png_ptr->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) != 0)                   |     goto LAB_0011be06;
      truelen = 6;                                                               |   }
                                                                                 |   if (*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) == 3) {
   else                                                                          |     if ((uVar2 & 2) == 0) goto LAB_0011bea4;
      truelen = 2;                                                               |     if ((param_2 != 0) && ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 0x20) != 0)) goto LAB_0011bed8;
                                                                                 |   }
   if (length != truelen)                                                        |   else {
   {                                                                             |     if ((param_2 != 0) && ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 0x20) != 0)) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | LAB_0011bed8:
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
      return;                                                                    |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
   }                                                                             |       goto LAB_0011be06;
                                                                                 |     }
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, truelen);                                          |     uVar5 = (-(uint)((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) & 2) == 0) & 0xfffffffc) + 6;
                                                                                 |   }
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   if (uVar5 != param_3) {
      return;                                                                    |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
   /* We convert the index value into RGB components so that we can allow        |     goto LAB_0011be06;
    * arbitrary RGB values for background when we have transparency, and         |   }
    * so it is easy to determine the RGB values of the background color          |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1);
    * from the info_ptr struct.                                                  |   iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
    */                                                                           |   if (iVar3 != 0) goto LAB_0011be06;
   if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)                            |   if (*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) == 3) {
   {                                                                             |     local_30[0] = local_26;
      background.index = buf[0];                                                 |     if ((param_2 == 0) || (*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x20) == 0)) {
                                                                                 |       local_2e = 0;
      if (info_ptr != NULL && info_ptr->num_palette != 0)                        |       local_2a = 0;
      {                                                                          |     }
         if (buf[0] >= info_ptr->num_palette)                                    |     else {
         {                                                                       |       if (*(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x20) <= (ushort)local_26) {
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid index");                    |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid index");
            return;                                                              |         goto LAB_0011be06;
         }                                                                       |       }
                                                                                 |       pbVar4 = (byte *)((ulong)local_26 * 3 + *(long *)(param_1 + 0x250));
         background.red = (png_uint_16)png_ptr->palette[buf[0]].red;             |       local_2e = (uint)CONCAT12(pbVar4[1],(ushort)*pbVar4);
         background.green = (png_uint_16)png_ptr->palette[buf[0]].green;         |       local_2a = (ushort)pbVar4[2];
         background.blue = (png_uint_16)png_ptr->palette[buf[0]].blue;           |     }
      }                                                                          | LAB_0011bf48:
                                                                                 |     local_28 = 0;
      else                                                                       |   }
         background.red = background.green = background.blue = 0;                |   else {
                                                                                 |     bVar1 = *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x268);
      background.gray = 0;                                                       |     if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x267) & 2) != 0) {
   }                                                                             |       if ((bVar1 < 9) && ((byte)(local_26 | local_24 | local_22) != 0)) {
                                                                                 |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid color");
   else if ((png_ptr->color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) == 0) /* GRAY */        |         goto LAB_0011be06;
   {                                                                             |       }
      if (png_ptr->bit_depth <= 8)                                               |       local_30[0] = 0;
      {                                                                          |       local_2e = CONCAT22((ushort)local_24 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_23,
         if (buf[0] != 0 || buf[1] >= (unsigned int)(1 << png_ptr->bit_depth))   |                           (ushort)local_26 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_25);
         {                                                                       |       local_2a = (ushort)local_22 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_21;
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid gray level");               |       goto LAB_0011bf48;
            return;                                                              |     }
         }                                                                       |     if ((bVar1 < 9) && ((local_26 != 0 || (local_25 >> (bVar1 & 0x1f) != 0)))) {
      }                                                                          |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid gray level");
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0011be06;
      background.index = 0;                                                      |     }
      background.red =                                                           |     local_30[0] = 0;
      background.green =                                                         |     local_2a = (ushort)local_26 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_25;
      background.blue =                                                          |     local_2e = CONCAT22(local_2a,local_2a);
      background.gray = png_get_uint_16(buf);                                    |     local_28 = local_2a;
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   png_set_bKGD(param_1,param_2,local_30);
   else                                                                          | LAB_0011be06:
   {                                                                             |   if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      if (png_ptr->bit_depth <= 8)                                               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      {                                                                          |     __stack_chk_fail();
         if (buf[0] != 0 || buf[2] != 0 || buf[4] != 0)                          |   }
         {                                                                       |   return;
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid color");                    | }
            return;                                                              | 
         }                                                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      background.index = 0;                                                      | 
      background.red = png_get_uint_16(buf);                                     | 
      background.green = png_get_uint_16(buf + 2);                               | 
      background.blue = png_get_uint_16(buf + 4);                                | 
      background.gray = 0;                                                       | 
   }                                                                             | 
   png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &background);                                 | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011cc80 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_tIME                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an    |
                                             | error message or warning, respectively, as well as setting the tIME    |
                                             | chunk if the parameters are valid.                                     |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2471                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011cc80                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_tIME_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011cc80(long param_1,long param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_tIME(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   uint uVar1;
   png_byte buf[7];                                                              |   int iVar2;
   png_time mod_time;                                                            |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   short local_30;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_tIME");                                           |   undefined4 local_2e;
                                                                                 |   undefined local_2a;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte local_27;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   byte local_26;
                                                                                 |   undefined4 local_25;
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_tIME) != 0)          |   undefined local_21;
   {                                                                             |   long local_20;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      return;                                                                    |   uVar1 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
   }                                                                             |   if ((uVar1 & 1) == 0) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                     |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_ptr->mode |= PNG_AFTER_IDAT;                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 9) & 2) == 0)) {
   if (length != 7)                                                              |     if ((uVar1 & 4) != 0) {
   {                                                                             |       *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar1 | 8;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |     if (param_3 == 7) {
      return;                                                                    |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_27,7);
   }                                                                             |       iVar2 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
                                                                                 |       if (iVar2 == 0) {
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 7);                                                |         local_2e = local_25;
                                                                                 |         local_2a = local_21;
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |         local_30 = (ushort)local_27 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_26;
      return;                                                                    |         png_set_tIME(param_1,param_2,&local_30);
                                                                                 |       }
   mod_time.second = buf[6];                                                     |     }
   mod_time.minute = buf[5];                                                     |     else {
   mod_time.hour = buf[4];                                                       |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
   mod_time.day = buf[3];                                                        |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
   mod_time.month = buf[2];                                                      |     }
   mod_time.year = png_get_uint_16(buf);                                         |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
   png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, &mod_time);                                   |     FUN_00119dc0();
}                                                                                |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
#endif                                                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c6b0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_pCAL                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and sets parameters for a PNG file if valid.                   |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2249                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c6b0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_pCAL_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c6b0(long param_1,long param_2,ulong param_3)
/* Read the pCAL chunk (described in the PNG Extensions document) */             | 
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | {
png_handle_pCAL(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   |   char cVar1;
{                                                                                |   int iVar2;
   png_int_32 X0, X1;                                                            |   char *pcVar3;
   png_byte type, nparams;                                                       |   char **ppcVar4;
   png_bytep buffer, buf, units, endptr;                                         |   char **ppcVar5;
   png_charpp params;                                                            |   byte bVar6;
   int i;                                                                        |   char *pcVar7;
                                                                                 |   char *pcVar8;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_pCAL");                                           |   char *pcVar9;
                                                                                 |   int iVar10;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte bVar11;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   undefined8 uVar12;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   {                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   }
      return;                                                                    |   param_3 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
   }                                                                             |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 4) != 0) {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_pCAL) != 0)          |     pcVar9 = "out of place";
   {                                                                             |     goto LAB_0011c7e8;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |   if ((param_2 != 0) && ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 9) & 4) != 0)) {
      return;                                                                    |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   }                                                                             |     pcVar9 = "duplicate";
                                                                                 |     goto LAB_0011c7e8;
   png_debug1(2, "Allocating and reading pCAL chunk data (%u bytes)",            |   }
       length + 1);                                                              |   pcVar3 = (char *)FUN_00119a20(param_1,(int)param_3 + 1,2);
                                                                                 |   if (pcVar3 == (char *)0x0) {
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length+1, 2/*silent*/);                     |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |     pcVar9 = "out of memory";
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |     goto LAB_0011c7e8;
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1,pcVar3,param_3);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |   iVar2 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
      return;                                                                    |   if (iVar2 != 0) {
   }                                                                             |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |   pcVar8 = pcVar3 + param_3;
                                                                                 |   *pcVar8 = '\0';
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   cVar1 = *pcVar3;
      return;                                                                    |   pcVar7 = pcVar3;
                                                                                 |   while (cVar1 != '\0') {
   buffer[length] = 0; /* Null terminate the last string */                      |     pcVar7 = pcVar7 + 1;
                                                                                 |     cVar1 = *pcVar7;
   png_debug(3, "Finding end of pCAL purpose string");                           |   }
   for (buf = buffer; *buf; buf++)                                               |   pcVar9 = "invalid";
      /* Empty loop */ ;                                                         |   if ((long)pcVar8 - (long)pcVar7 < 0xd) goto LAB_0011c7e8;
                                                                                 |   iVar2 = (uint)(byte)pcVar7[3] * 0x100 +
   endptr = buffer + length;                                                     |           (uint)(byte)pcVar7[2] * 0x10000 + (uint)(byte)pcVar7[1] * 0x1000000 +
                                                                                 |           (uint)(byte)pcVar7[4];
   /* We need to have at least 12 bytes after the purpose string                 |   if (pcVar7[1] < '\0') {
    * in order to get the parameter information.                                 |     iVar2 = -(-iVar2 & 0x7fffffffU);
    */                                                                           |   }
   if (endptr - buf <= 12)                                                       |   iVar10 = (uint)(byte)pcVar7[7] * 0x100 +
   {                                                                             |            (uint)(byte)pcVar7[8] +
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |            (uint)(byte)pcVar7[6] * 0x10000 + (uint)(byte)pcVar7[5] * 0x1000000;
      return;                                                                    |   if (pcVar7[5] < '\0') {
   }                                                                             |     bVar11 = pcVar7[9];
                                                                                 |     bVar6 = pcVar7[10];
   png_debug(3, "Reading pCAL X0, X1, type, nparams, and units");                |     iVar10 = -(-iVar10 & 0x7fffffffU);
   X0 = png_get_int_32((png_bytep)buf+1);                                        |     if (bVar11 == 0) goto LAB_0011c7cb;
   X1 = png_get_int_32((png_bytep)buf+5);                                        | LAB_0011c7d0:
   type = buf[9];                                                                |     if (((1 < (byte)(bVar11 - 1)) || (bVar6 == 3)) && ((bVar11 != 3 || (bVar6 == 4)))) {
   nparams = buf[10];                                                            |       if (3 < bVar11) {
   units = buf + 11;                                                             |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1);
                                                                                 |       }
   png_debug(3, "Checking pCAL equation type and number of parameters");         |       cVar1 = pcVar7[0xb];
   /* Check that we have the right number of parameters for known                |       pcVar9 = pcVar7 + 0xb;
    * equation types.                                                            |       while (cVar1 != '\0') {
    */                                                                           |         pcVar9 = pcVar9 + 1;
   if ((type == PNG_EQUATION_LINEAR && nparams != 2) ||                          |         cVar1 = *pcVar9;
       (type == PNG_EQUATION_BASE_E && nparams != 3) ||                          |       }
       (type == PNG_EQUATION_ARBITRARY && nparams != 3) ||                       |       uVar12 = 0x11c8ab;
       (type == PNG_EQUATION_HYPERBOLIC && nparams != 4))                        |       ppcVar4 = (char **)png_malloc_warn(param_1);
   {                                                                             |       if (ppcVar4 != (char **)0x0) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid parameter count");                |         if (bVar6 != 0) {
      return;                                                                    |           ppcVar5 = ppcVar4;
   }                                                                             |           do {
                                                                                 |             pcVar9 = pcVar9 + 1;
   else if (type >= PNG_EQUATION_LAST)                                           |             *ppcVar5 = pcVar9;
   {                                                                             |             if (pcVar8 < pcVar9) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "unrecognized equation type");             | LAB_0011c9c0:
   }                                                                             |               png_free(param_1,ppcVar4);
                                                                                 |               pcVar9 = "invalid data";
   for (buf = units; *buf; buf++)                                                |               goto LAB_0011c7e8;
      /* Empty loop to move past the units string. */ ;                          |             }
                                                                                 |             while (*pcVar9 != '\0') {
   png_debug(3, "Allocating pCAL parameters array");                             |               pcVar9 = pcVar9 + 1;
                                                                                 |               if (pcVar8 + 1 == pcVar9) goto LAB_0011c9c0;
   params = png_voidcast(png_charpp, png_malloc_warn(png_ptr,                    |             }
       nparams * (sizeof (png_charp))));                                         |             if (pcVar8 < pcVar9) goto LAB_0011c9c0;
                                                                                 |             ppcVar5 = ppcVar5 + 1;
   if (params == NULL)                                                           |           } while (ppcVar4 + (ulong)(bVar6 - 1) + 1 != ppcVar5);
   {                                                                             |         }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |         png_set_pCAL(param_1,param_2,pcVar3,iVar2,iVar10,bVar11,bVar6,pcVar7 + 0xb,ppcVar4,uVar12);
      return;                                                                    |         png_free(param_1,ppcVar4);
   }                                                                             |         return;
                                                                                 |       }
   /* Get pointers to the start of each parameter string. */                     |       pcVar9 = "out of memory";
   for (i = 0; i < nparams; i++)                                                 |       goto LAB_0011c7e8;
   {                                                                             |     }
      buf++; /* Skip the null string terminator from previous parameter. */      |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
      png_debug1(3, "Reading pCAL parameter %d", i);                             |     bVar11 = pcVar7[9];
                                                                                 |     bVar6 = pcVar7[10];
      for (params[i] = (png_charp)buf; buf <= endptr && *buf != 0; buf++)        |     if (bVar11 != 0) goto LAB_0011c7d0;
         /* Empty loop to move past each parameter string */ ;                   | LAB_0011c7cb:
                                                                                 |     if (bVar6 == 2) goto LAB_0011c7d0;
      /* Make sure we haven't run out of data yet */                             |   }
      if (buf > endptr)                                                          |   pcVar9 = "invalid parameter count";
      {                                                                          | LAB_0011c7e8:
         png_free(png_ptr, params);                                              |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,pcVar9);
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid data");                        |   return;
         return;                                                                 | }
      }                                                                          | 
   }                                                                             | 
   png_set_pCAL(png_ptr, info_ptr, (png_charp)buffer, X0, X1, type, nparams,     | 
       (png_charp)units, params);                                                | 
   png_free(png_ptr, params);                                                    | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c240 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_hIST                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if the IHDR chunk is present, computes a CRC32    |
                                             | checksum of the given memory region, and calls the                     |
                                             | png_set_hIST/png_chunk_benign_error functions with a histogram or an   |
                                             | error/warning message, respectively.                                   |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2103                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c240                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_hIST_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c240(long param_1,long param_2,ulong param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_hIST(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   ulong uVar1;
   unsigned int num, i;                                                          |   uint uVar2;
   png_uint_16 readbuf[PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH];                                  |   int iVar3;
                                                                                 |   short *psVar4;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_hIST");                                           |   short *psVar5;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   short local_238 [259];
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   byte local_32;
                                                                                 |   byte local_31;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0 ||                              |   long local_30;
       (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) == 0)                                     | 
   {                                                                             |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      return;                                                                    |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6) == 2) {
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_hIST) != 0)          |     if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 0x40) == 0)) {
   {                                                                             |       if ((param_3 & 1) == 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |         uVar1 = (param_3 & 0xffffffff) >> 1;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |         uVar2 = (uint)uVar1;
      return;                                                                    |         if ((*(ushort *)(param_1 + 600) == uVar2) && ((uint)(param_3 & 0xffffffff) < 0x202)) {
   }                                                                             |           if (uVar1 != 0) {
                                                                                 |             psVar4 = local_238;
   num = length / 2 ;                                                            |             do {
                                                                                 |               psVar5 = psVar4 + 1;
   if (length != num * 2 ||                                                      |               FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_32,2);
       num != (unsigned int)png_ptr->num_palette ||                              |               *psVar4 = (ushort)local_32 * 0x100 + (ushort)local_31;
       num > (unsigned int)PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH)                               |               psVar4 = psVar5;
   {                                                                             |             } while (psVar5 != local_238 + (ulong)(uVar2 - 1) + 1);
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |           }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |           iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
      return;                                                                    |           if (iVar3 == 0) {
   }                                                                             |             png_set_hIST(param_1,param_2,local_238);
                                                                                 |           }
   for (i = 0; i < num; i++)                                                     |           goto LAB_0011c2c9;
   {                                                                             |         }
      png_byte buf[2];                                                           |       }
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 2);                                             |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
      readbuf[i] = png_get_uint_16(buf);                                         |     }
   }                                                                             |     else {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0();
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
      return;                                                                    |     }
                                                                                 |   }
   png_set_hIST(png_ptr, info_ptr, readbuf);                                     |   else {
}                                                                                |     FUN_00119dc0();
#endif                                                                           |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 | LAB_0011c2c9:
                                                                                 |   if (local_30 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011a560 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_IHDR                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an    |
                                             | error message or warning, sets various parameters based on the input   |
                                             | data, and calls the png_set_IHDR function.                             |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:839                               |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011a560                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | /* WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps */
png_handle_IHDR(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | 
{                                                                                | void FUN_0011a560(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
   png_byte buf[13];                                                             | 
   png_uint_32 width, height;                                                    | {
   int bit_depth, color_type, compression_type, filter_type;                     |   uint uVar1;
   int interlace_type;                                                           |   undefined4 uVar2;
                                                                                 |   byte bVar3;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_IHDR");                                           |   uint uVar4;
                                                                                 |   ulong uVar5;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) != 0)                                     |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                                  |   undefined local_4d [8];
                                                                                 |   undefined2 local_45;
   /* Check the length */                                                        |   undefined local_43;
   if (length != 13)                                                             |   undefined local_42;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                       |   undefined local_41;
                                                                                 |   long local_40;
   png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_IHDR;                                               | 
                                                                                 |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 13);                                               |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) != 0) {
   png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0);                                                   |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"out of place");
   width = png_get_uint_31(png_ptr, buf);                                        |   }
   height = png_get_uint_31(png_ptr, buf + 4);                                   |   if (param_3 == 0xd) {
   bit_depth = buf[8];                                                           |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) | 1;
   color_type = buf[9];                                                          |     FUN_00119cb0(param_1,local_4d,0xd);
   compression_type = buf[10];                                                   |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
   filter_type = buf[11];                                                        |     uVar1 = png_get_uint_31(param_1,local_4d);
   interlace_type = buf[12];                                                     |     uVar2 = png_get_uint_31();
                                                                                 |     uVar5 = (ulong)(byte)local_45;
   /* Set internal variables */                                                  |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x1f8) = uVar1;
   png_ptr->width = width;                                                       |     *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x1fc) = uVar2;
   png_ptr->height = height;                                                     |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x264) = local_41;
   png_ptr->bit_depth = (png_byte)bit_depth;                                     |     *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x267) = local_45 << 8 | local_45 >> 8;
   png_ptr->interlaced = (png_byte)interlace_type;                               |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x3e4) = local_42;
   png_ptr->color_type = (png_byte)color_type;                                   |     *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x420) = local_43;
#ifdef PNG_MNG_FEATURES_SUPPORTED                                                |     if (local_45._1_1_ == '\x04') {
   png_ptr->filter_type = (png_byte)filter_type;                                 |       uVar5 = (ulong)((uint)(byte)local_45 * 2);
#endif                                                                           |       *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x26b) = 2;
   png_ptr->compression_type = (png_byte)compression_type;                       |       bVar3 = (byte)((uint)(byte)local_45 * 2);
                                                                                 |       *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26a) = bVar3;
   /* Find number of channels */                                                 |     }
   switch (png_ptr->color_type)                                                  |     else if (local_45._1_1_ == '\x06') {
   {                                                                             |       bVar3 = (byte)local_45 << 2;
      default: /* invalid, png_set_IHDR calls png_error */                       |       uVar5 = (ulong)(byte)local_45 << 2;
      case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY:                                                  |       *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x26b) = 4;
      case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE:                                               |       *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26a) = bVar3;
         png_ptr->channels = 1;                                                  |     }
         break;                                                                  |     else if (local_45._1_1_ == '\x02') {
                                                                                 |       uVar4 = (uint)(byte)local_45 + (uint)(byte)local_45 * 2;
      case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB:                                                   |       uVar5 = (ulong)uVar4;
         png_ptr->channels = 3;                                                  |       *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x26b) = 3;
         break;                                                                  |       bVar3 = (byte)uVar4;
                                                                                 |       *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26a) = bVar3;
      case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA:                                            |     }
         png_ptr->channels = 2;                                                  |     else {
         break;                                                                  |       *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x26b) = 1;
                                                                                 |       *(byte *)(param_1 + 0x26a) = (byte)local_45;
      case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA:                                             |       bVar3 = (byte)local_45;
         png_ptr->channels = 4;                                                  |     }
         break;                                                                  |     if (bVar3 < 8) {
   }                                                                             |       uVar5 = (uVar5 & 0xff) * (ulong)uVar1 + 7 >> 3;
                                                                                 |     }
   /* Set up other useful info */                                                |     else {
   png_ptr->pixel_depth = (png_byte)(png_ptr->bit_depth * png_ptr->channels);    |       uVar5 = (ulong)((byte)(uVar5 >> 3) & 0x1f) * (ulong)uVar1;
   png_ptr->rowbytes = PNG_ROWBYTES(png_ptr->pixel_depth, png_ptr->width);       |     }
   png_debug1(3, "bit_depth = %d", png_ptr->bit_depth);                          |     *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x208) = uVar5;
   png_debug1(3, "channels = %d", png_ptr->channels);                            |     png_set_IHDR(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
   png_debug1(3, "rowbytes = %lu", (unsigned long)png_ptr->rowbytes);            |     if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, bit_depth,                     |       return;
       color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type);               |     }
}                                                                                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   png_chunk_error(param_1,"invalid");
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011c3c0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_pHYs                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid and      |
                                             | calls the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given  |
                                             | memory region, and calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions     |
                                             | with an error message or warning if necessary.                         |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2156                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011c3c0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_pHYs_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011c3c0(long param_1,long param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_pHYs(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   png_byte buf[9];                                                              |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   png_uint_32 res_x, res_y;                                                     |   byte local_29;
   int unit_type;                                                                |   byte local_28;
                                                                                 |   byte local_27;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_pHYs");                                           |   byte local_26;
                                                                                 |   byte local_25;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   byte local_24;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   byte local_23;
                                                                                 |   byte local_22;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |   undefined local_21;
   {                                                                             |   long local_20;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      return;                                                                    |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   }                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   else if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_pHYs) != 0)          |   }
   {                                                                             |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 4) == 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     if ((param_2 == 0) || ((*(byte *)(param_2 + 8) & 0x80) == 0)) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |       if (param_3 == 9) {
      return;                                                                    |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_29,9);
   }                                                                             |         iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
                                                                                 |         if (iVar1 == 0) {
   if (length != 9)                                                              |           png_set_pHYs(param_1,param_2,
   {                                                                             |                        (uint)local_27 * 0x100 +
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |                        (uint)local_26 + (uint)local_28 * 0x10000 + (uint)local_29 * 0x1000000,
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |                        (uint)local_23 * 0x100 +
      return;                                                                    |                        (uint)local_24 * 0x10000 + (uint)local_25 * 0x1000000 + (uint)local_22,
   }                                                                             |                        local_21);
                                                                                 |         }
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 9);                                                |       }
                                                                                 |       else {
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
      return;                                                                    |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
                                                                                 |       }
   res_x = png_get_uint_32(buf);                                                 |     }
   res_y = png_get_uint_32(buf + 4);                                             |     else {
   unit_type = buf[8];                                                           |       FUN_00119dc0();
   png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, res_x, res_y, unit_type);                     |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
}                                                                                |     }
#endif                                                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0();
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011aa40 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_IEND                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the validity of a pointer, calls the related      |
                                             | function, computes a CRC32 checksum, and calls the                     |
                                             | png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message or         |
                                             | warning.                                                               |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1100                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011aa40                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_0011aa40(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
png_handle_IEND(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | 
{                                                                                | {
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_IEND");                                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 5) != 5) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0 ||                                   |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"out of place");
       (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) == 0)                                     |   }
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                                  |   *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) | 0x18;
                                                                                 |   FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   png_ptr->mode |= (PNG_AFTER_IDAT | PNG_HAVE_IEND);                            |   if (param_3 == 0) {
                                                                                 |     return;
   png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                              |   }
                                                                                 |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
   if (length != 0)                                                              |   return;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                | }
   PNG_UNUSED(info_ptr)                                                          | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011b820 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_sPLT                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and calls the png_set_sPLT function with an error message or   |
                                             | warning.                                                               |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1641                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011b820                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_sPLT_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011b820(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,ulong param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_sPLT(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
/* Note: this does not properly handle chunks that are > 64K under DOS */        |   char cVar1;
{                                                                                |   ulong uVar2;
   png_bytep entry_start, buffer;                                                |   int iVar3;
   png_sPLT_t new_palette;                                                       |   char *pcVar4;
   png_sPLT_entryp pp;                                                           |   ushort *puVar5;
   png_uint_32 data_length;                                                      |   ushort *puVar6;
   int entry_size, i;                                                            |   uint uVar7;
   png_uint_32 skip = 0;                                                         |   byte *pbVar8;
   png_uint_32 dl;                                                               |   char *pcVar9;
   size_t max_dl;                                                                |   byte *pbVar10;
                                                                                 |   uint uVar11;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_sPLT");                                           |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   char *local_58;
#ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                                 |   char local_50;
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max != 0)                                       |   ushort *local_48;
   {                                                                             |   int local_40;
      if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                    |   long local_30;
      {                                                                          | 
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   param_3 = param_3 & 0xffffffff;
         return;                                                                 |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      }                                                                          |   iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c);
                                                                                 |   if (iVar3 == 0) {
      if (--png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                  | LAB_0011b86e:
      {                                                                          |     if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
         png_warning(png_ptr, "No space in chunk cache for sPLT");               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |       png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
         return;                                                                 |     }
      }                                                                          |     if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 4) == 0) {
   }                                                                             |       uVar11 = (uint)param_3;
#endif                                                                           |       pcVar4 = (char *)FUN_00119a20(param_1,uVar11 + 1,2);
                                                                                 |       if (pcVar4 == (char *)0x0) {
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
                                                                                 |       }
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                |       else {
   {                                                                             |         FUN_00119cb0(param_1,pcVar4,param_3);
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |         iVar3 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |         if (iVar3 == 0) {
      return;                                                                    |           pcVar4[param_3] = '\0';
   }                                                                             |           cVar1 = *pcVar4;
                                                                                 |           pcVar9 = pcVar4;
#ifdef PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K                                                        |           while (cVar1 != '\0') {
   if (length > 65535U)                                                          |             pcVar9 = pcVar9 + 1;
   {                                                                             |             cVar1 = *pcVar9;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |           }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too large to fit in memory");             |           if ((uVar11 < 2) || (pcVar4 + (uVar11 - 2) < pcVar9 + 1)) {
      return;                                                                    |             png_warning(param_1,"malformed sPLT chunk");
   }                                                                             |           }
#endif                                                                           |           else {
                                                                                 |             local_50 = pcVar9[1];
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length+1, 2/*silent*/);                     |             pbVar10 = (byte *)(pcVar9 + 2);
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |             uVar11 = uVar11 - ((int)pbVar10 - (int)pcVar4);
   {                                                                             |             uVar7 = (uint)(local_50 != '\b') * 4 + 6;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |             uVar2 = (ulong)uVar11 / (ulong)uVar7;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |             if (uVar11 % uVar7 == 0) {
      return;                                                                    |               local_40 = (int)uVar2;
   }                                                                             |               local_48 = (ushort *)png_malloc_warn(param_1,uVar2 * 10);
                                                                                 |               if (local_48 == (ushort *)0x0) {
                                                                                 |                 png_warning(param_1,"sPLT chunk requires too much memory");
   /* WARNING: this may break if size_t is less than 32 bits; it is assumed      |               }
    * that the PNG_MAX_MALLOC_64K test is enabled in this case, but this is a    |               else {
    * potential breakage point if the types in pngconf.h aren't exactly right.   |                 if (0 < local_40) {
    */                                                                           |                   puVar6 = local_48;
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |                   do {
                                                                                 |                     if (local_50 == '\b') {
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, skip) != 0)                                       |                       *puVar6 = (ushort)*pbVar10;
      return;                                                                    |                       pbVar8 = pbVar10 + 4;
                                                                                 |                       puVar6[1] = (ushort)pbVar10[1];
   buffer[length] = 0;                                                           |                       puVar6[2] = (ushort)pbVar10[2];
                                                                                 |                       puVar6[3] = (ushort)pbVar10[3];
   for (entry_start = buffer; *entry_start; entry_start++)                       |                     }
      /* Empty loop to find end of name */ ;                                     |                     else {
                                                                                 |                       *puVar6 = (ushort)*pbVar10 * 0x100 + (ushort)pbVar10[1];
   ++entry_start;                                                                |                       puVar6[1] = (ushort)pbVar10[2] * 0x100 + (ushort)pbVar10[3];
                                                                                 |                       puVar6[2] = (ushort)pbVar10[4] * 0x100 + (ushort)pbVar10[5];
   /* A sample depth should follow the separator, and we should be on it  */     |                       pbVar8 = pbVar10 + 8;
   if (length < 2U || entry_start > buffer + (length - 2U))                      |                       puVar6[3] = (ushort)pbVar10[6] * 0x100 + (ushort)pbVar10[7];
   {                                                                             |                     }
      png_warning(png_ptr, "malformed sPLT chunk");                              |                     puVar5 = puVar6 + 5;
      return;                                                                    |                     pbVar10 = pbVar8 + 2;
   }                                                                             |                     puVar6[4] = (ushort)*pbVar8 * 0x100 + (ushort)pbVar8[1];
                                                                                 |                     puVar6 = puVar5;
   new_palette.depth = *entry_start++;                                           |                   } while (local_48 + (ulong)(local_40 - 1) * 5 + 5 != puVar5);
   entry_size = (new_palette.depth == 8 ? 6 : 10);                               |                 }
   /* This must fit in a png_uint_32 because it is derived from the original     |                 local_58 = pcVar4;
    * chunk data length.                                                         |                 png_set_sPLT(param_1,param_2,&local_58,1);
    */                                                                           |                 png_free(param_1,local_48);
   data_length = length - (png_uint_32)(entry_start - buffer);                   |               }
                                                                                 |             }
   /* Integrity-check the data length */                                         |             else {
   if ((data_length % (unsigned int)entry_size) != 0)                            |               png_warning(param_1,"sPLT chunk has bad length");
   {                                                                             |             }
      png_warning(png_ptr, "sPLT chunk has bad length");                         |           }
      return;                                                                    |         }
   }                                                                             |       }
                                                                                 |     }
   dl = (png_uint_32)(data_length / (unsigned int)entry_size);                   |     else {
   max_dl = PNG_SIZE_MAX / (sizeof (png_sPLT_entry));                            |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
   if (dl > max_dl)                                                              |     }
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_warning(png_ptr, "sPLT chunk too long");                               |   else {
      return;                                                                    |     if (iVar3 != 1) {
   }                                                                             |       *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = iVar3 + -1;
                                                                                 |       if (iVar3 + -1 != 1) goto LAB_0011b86e;
   new_palette.nentries = (png_int_32)(data_length / (unsigned int)entry_size);  |       png_warning(param_1,"No space in chunk cache for sPLT");
                                                                                 |     }
   new_palette.entries = (png_sPLT_entryp)png_malloc_warn(png_ptr,               |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
       (png_alloc_size_t) new_palette.nentries * (sizeof (png_sPLT_entry)));     |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_30 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   if (new_palette.entries == NULL)                                              |     return;
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_warning(png_ptr, "sPLT chunk requires too much memory");               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      return;                                                                    |   __stack_chk_fail();
   }                                                                             | }
#ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED                                            | 
   for (i = 0; i < new_palette.nentries; i++)                                    | 
   {                                                                             | 
      pp = new_palette.entries + i;                                              | 
      if (new_palette.depth == 8)                                                | 
      {                                                                          | 
         pp->red = *entry_start++;                                               | 
         pp->green = *entry_start++;                                             | 
         pp->blue = *entry_start++;                                              | 
         pp->alpha = *entry_start++;                                             | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
         pp->red   = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;             | 
         pp->green = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;             | 
         pp->blue  = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;             | 
         pp->alpha = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;             | 
      }                                                                          | 
      pp->frequency = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;            | 
   }                                                                             | 
#else                                                                            | 
   pp = new_palette.entries;                                                     | 
   for (i = 0; i < new_palette.nentries; i++)                                    | 
   {                                                                             | 
      if (new_palette.depth == 8)                                                | 
      {                                                                          | 
         pp[i].red   = *entry_start++;                                           | 
         pp[i].green = *entry_start++;                                           | 
         pp[i].blue  = *entry_start++;                                           | 
         pp[i].alpha = *entry_start++;                                           | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
      {                                                                          | 
         pp[i].red   = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;           | 
         pp[i].green = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;           | 
         pp[i].blue  = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;           | 
         pp[i].alpha = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;           | 
      }                                                                          | 
      pp[i].frequency = png_get_uint_16(entry_start); entry_start += 2;          | 
   }                                                                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
   /* Discard all chunk data except the name and stash that */                   | 
   new_palette.name = (png_charp)buffer;                                         | 
   png_set_sPLT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &new_palette, 1);                             | 
   png_free(png_ptr, new_palette.entries);                                       | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_sPLT */                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_001098a0 ===========================================================================

                                                            Real name: png_colorspace_set_chromaticities                                                            

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function calculates the result of multiple divisions of integers, |
                                             | rounds it to the nearest integer, compares the result with a given     |
                                             | array plus or minus a given parameter, and returns true if they are    |
                                             | equal.                                                                 |

                               libpng/png.c:1722                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_001098a0                           
int /* PRIVATE */                                                                | undefined8 FUN_001098a0(undefined8 param_1,long param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined4 param_4)
png_colorspace_set_chromaticities(png_const_structrp png_ptr,                    | 
    png_colorspacerp colorspace, const png_xy *xy, int preferred)                | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   /* We must check the end points to ensure they are reasonable - in the past   |   undefined8 uVar2;
    * color management systems have crashed as a result of getting bogus         |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
    * colorant values, while this isn't the fault of libpng it is the            |   undefined auStack88 [40];
    * responsibility of libpng because PNG carries the bomb and libpng is in a   |   long local_30;
    * position to protect against it.                                            | 
    */                                                                           |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   png_XYZ XYZ;                                                                  |   iVar1 = FUN_00109270(auStack88,param_3);
                                                                                 |   if (iVar1 == 0) {
   switch (png_colorspace_check_xy(&XYZ, xy))                                    |     iVar1 = FUN_00108f30(auStack88,param_3);
   {                                                                             |     if (iVar1 == 0) {
      case 0: /* success */                                                      |       uVar2 = FUN_00106470(param_1,param_2,param_3,auStack88,param_4);
         return png_colorspace_set_xy_and_XYZ(png_ptr, colorspace, xy, &XYZ,     |       goto LAB_001098f9;
             preferred);                                                         |     }
                                                                                 |   }
      case 1:                                                                    |   if (iVar1 != 1) {
         /* We can't invert the chromaticities so we can't produce value XYZ     |     *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) | 0x8000;
          * values.  Likely as not a color management system will fail too.      |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
          */                                                                     |     png_error(param_1,"internal error checking chromaticities");
         colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                            |   }
         png_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid chromaticities");                    |   *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) = *(ushort *)(param_2 + 0x4a) | 0x8000;
         break;                                                                  |   png_benign_error(param_1,"invalid chromaticities");
                                                                                 |   uVar2 = 0;
      default:                                                                   | LAB_001098f9:
         /* libpng is broken; this should be a warning but if it happens we      |   if (local_30 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
          * want error reports so for the moment it is an error.                 |     return uVar2;
          */                                                                     |   }
         colorspace->flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                            |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
         png_error(png_ptr, "internal error checking chromaticities");           |   __stack_chk_fail();
   }                                                                             | }
   return 0; /* failed */                                                        | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011d1c0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_iTXt                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the parameters, allocates a block of memory,      |
                                             | copies data into it, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory     |
                                             | region, and calls the appropriate function depending on the value of   |
                                             | the bit and the value of the parameter.                                |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2715                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011d1c0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011d1c0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint param_3)
/* Note: this does not correctly handle chunks that are > 64K under DOS */       | 
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | {
png_handle_iTXt(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   |   char cVar1;
{                                                                                |   int iVar2;
   png_const_charp errmsg = NULL;                                                |   uint uVar3;
   png_bytep buffer;                                                             |   long lVar4;
   png_uint_32 prefix_length;                                                    |   ulong uVar5;
                                                                                 |   char *pcVar6;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_iTXt");                                           |   uint uVar7;
                                                                                 |   ulong uVar8;
#ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max != 0)                                       |   bool bVar9;
   {                                                                             |   ulong local_80;
      if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                    |   undefined4 local_78 [2];
      {                                                                          |   long local_70;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   long local_68;
         return;                                                                 |   undefined8 local_60;
      }                                                                          |   ulong local_58;
                                                                                 |   long local_50;
      if (--png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                  |   long local_48;
      {                                                                          |   long local_40;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        | 
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "no space in chunk cache");             |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
         return;                                                                 |   iVar2 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c);
      }                                                                          |   if (iVar2 != 0) {
   }                                                                             |     if (iVar2 == 1) {
#endif                                                                           |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0011d3d0;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |     }
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |     *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = iVar2 + -1;
                                                                                 |     if (iVar2 + -1 == 1) {
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                     |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      png_ptr->mode |= PNG_AFTER_IDAT;                                           |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"no space in chunk cache");
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0011d3d0;
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length+1, 1/*warn*/);                       |     }
                                                                                 |   }
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |   uVar3 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
   {                                                                             |   if ((uVar3 & 1) == 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      return;                                                                    |   }
   }                                                                             |   if ((uVar3 & 4) != 0) {
                                                                                 |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar3 | 8;
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |   }
                                                                                 |   lVar4 = FUN_00119a20(param_1,param_3 + 1,1);
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   if (lVar4 == 0) {
      return;                                                                    |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
   /* First the keyword. */                                                      |     goto LAB_0011d3d0;
   for (prefix_length=0;                                                         |   }
      prefix_length < length && buffer[prefix_length] != 0;                      |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1,lVar4,param_3);
      ++prefix_length)                                                           |   iVar2 = FUN_00119dc0();
      /* Empty loop */ ;                                                         |   if (iVar2 != 0) goto LAB_0011d3d0;
                                                                                 |   if (param_3 == 0) {
   /* Perform a basic check on the keyword length here. */                       | LAB_0011d410:
   if (prefix_length > 79 || prefix_length < 1)                                  |     pcVar6 = "bad keyword";
      errmsg = "bad keyword";                                                    |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
   /* Expect keyword, compression flag, compression type, language, translated   |     uVar5 = 0;
    * keyword (both may be empty but are 0 terminated) then the text, which may  |     do {
    * be empty.                                                                  |       uVar3 = (uint)uVar5;
    */                                                                           |       if (*(char *)(lVar4 + uVar5) == '\0') {
   else if (prefix_length + 5 > length)                                          |         uVar7 = uVar3;
      errmsg = "truncated";                                                      |         uVar3 = uVar3 - 1;
                                                                                 |         break;
   else if (buffer[prefix_length+1] == 0 ||                                      |       }
      (buffer[prefix_length+1] == 1 &&                                           |       uVar7 = uVar3 + 1;
      buffer[prefix_length+2] == PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE))                     |       bVar9 = uVar5 != param_3 - 1;
   {                                                                             |       uVar5 = uVar5 + 1;
      int compressed = buffer[prefix_length+1] != 0;                             |     } while (bVar9);
      png_uint_32 language_offset, translated_keyword_offset;                    |     if (0x4e < uVar3) goto LAB_0011d410;
      png_alloc_size_t uncompressed_length = 0;                                  |     uVar5 = (ulong)(uVar7 + 5);
                                                                                 |     if (param_3 < uVar7 + 5) goto LAB_0011d428;
      /* Now the language tag */                                                 |     cVar1 = *(char *)(lVar4 + (ulong)(uVar7 + 1));
      prefix_length += 3;                                                        |     if ((cVar1 == '\0') ||
      language_offset = prefix_length;                                           |        ((pcVar6 = "bad compression info", cVar1 == '\x01' &&
                                                                                 |         (*(char *)(lVar4 + (ulong)(uVar7 + 2)) == '\0')))) {
      for (; prefix_length < length && buffer[prefix_length] != 0;               |       local_80 = 0;
         ++prefix_length)                                                        |       uVar3 = uVar7 + 3;
         /* Empty loop */ ;                                                      |       pcVar6 = (char *)((ulong)uVar3 + lVar4);
                                                                                 |       uVar8 = (ulong)uVar3;
      /* WARNING: the length may be invalid here, this is checked below. */      |       if (uVar3 < param_3) {
      translated_keyword_offset = ++prefix_length;                               |         do {
                                                                                 |           iVar2 = (int)uVar8;
      for (; prefix_length < length && buffer[prefix_length] != 0;               |           uVar8 = (ulong)(iVar2 + 1U);
         ++prefix_length)                                                        |           uVar5 = (ulong)(iVar2 + 2U);
         /* Empty loop */ ;                                                      |           if (*pcVar6 == '\0') goto LAB_0011d31d;
                                                                                 |           pcVar6 = pcVar6 + 1;
      /* prefix_length should now be at the trailing '\0' of the translated      |         } while (iVar2 + 1U < param_3);
       * keyword, but it may already be over the end.  None of this arithmetic   |         uVar8 = (ulong)(iVar2 + 2U);
       * can overflow because chunks are at most 2^31 bytes long, but on 16-bit  |         uVar5 = (ulong)(iVar2 + 3);
       * systems the available allocation may overflow.                          |       }
       */                                                                        |       else {
      ++prefix_length;                                                           |         uVar8 = (ulong)(uVar7 + 4);
                                                                                 |       }
      if (compressed == 0 && prefix_length <= length)                            | LAB_0011d31d:
         uncompressed_length = length - prefix_length;                           |       if ((uint)uVar8 < param_3) {
                                                                                 |         pcVar6 = (char *)(uVar8 + lVar4);
      else if (compressed != 0 && prefix_length < length)                        |         uVar5 = uVar8;
      {                                                                          |         do {
         uncompressed_length = PNG_SIZE_MAX;                                     |           iVar2 = (int)uVar5;
                                                                                 |           uVar7 = iVar2 + 1;
         /* TODO: at present png_decompress_chunk imposes a single application   |           uVar5 = (ulong)uVar7;
          * level memory limit, this should be split to different values for     |           if (*pcVar6 == '\0') goto LAB_0011d349;
          * iCCP and text chunks.                                                |           pcVar6 = pcVar6 + 1;
          */                                                                     |         } while (param_3 != uVar7);
         if (png_decompress_chunk(png_ptr, length, prefix_length,                |         uVar5 = (ulong)(iVar2 + 2);
             &uncompressed_length, 1/*terminate*/) == Z_STREAM_END)              |       }
            buffer = png_ptr->read_buffer;                                       | LAB_0011d349:
                                                                                 |       uVar7 = (uint)uVar5;
         else                                                                    |       if (cVar1 == '\0') {
            errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;                                       |         if (param_3 < uVar7) {
      }                                                                          | LAB_0011d428:
                                                                                 |           pcVar6 = "truncated";
      else                                                                       |           goto LAB_0011d417;
         errmsg = "truncated";                                                   |         }
                                                                                 |         local_80 = (ulong)(param_3 - uVar7);
      if (errmsg == NULL)                                                        |         local_78[0] = 1;
      {                                                                          |         *(undefined *)(local_80 + lVar4 + uVar5) = 0;
         png_text text;                                                          |         local_68 = uVar5 + lVar4;
                                                                                 |       }
         buffer[uncompressed_length+prefix_length] = 0;                          |       else {
                                                                                 |         if (param_3 <= uVar7) goto LAB_0011d428;
         if (compressed == 0)                                                    |         local_80 = 0xffffffffffffffff;
            text.compression = PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;                        |         iVar2 = FUN_0011a2b0(param_1,param_3,uVar5,&local_80);
                                                                                 |         if (iVar2 == 1) {
         else                                                                    |           lVar4 = *(long *)(param_1 + 0x460);
            text.compression = PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt;                        |         }
                                                                                 |         else {
         text.key = (png_charp)buffer;                                           |           pcVar6 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170);
         text.lang = (png_charp)buffer + language_offset;                        |           if (pcVar6 != (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0011d417;
         text.lang_key = (png_charp)buffer + translated_keyword_offset;          |         }
         text.text = (png_charp)buffer + prefix_length;                          |         local_68 = uVar5 + lVar4;
         text.text_length = 0;                                                   |         *(undefined *)(local_80 + local_68) = 0;
         text.itxt_length = uncompressed_length;                                 |         local_78[0] = 2;
                                                                                 |       }
         if (png_set_text_2(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text, 1) != 0)                   |       local_50 = (ulong)uVar3 + lVar4;
            errmsg = "insufficient memory";                                      |       local_48 = lVar4 + uVar8;
      }                                                                          |       local_60 = 0;
   }                                                                             |       local_58 = local_80;
                                                                                 |       local_70 = lVar4;
   else                                                                          |       iVar2 = FUN_001200e0(param_1,param_2,local_78,1);
      errmsg = "bad compression info";                                           |       pcVar6 = "insufficient memory";
                                                                                 |       if (iVar2 == 0) goto LAB_0011d3d0;
   if (errmsg != NULL)                                                           |     }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, errmsg);                                   |   }
}                                                                                | LAB_0011d417:
#endif                                                                           |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,pcVar6);
                                                                                 | LAB_0011d3d0:
                                                                                 |   if (local_40 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011cf40 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_zTXt                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the parameters, allocates a block of memory,      |
                                             | copies data into it, inflates given data, initializes the zlib stream, |
                                             | sets an error message, and calls the appropriate function depending on |
                                             | the value of the bit and the value of the parameter.                   |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2598                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011cf40                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_zTXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011cf40(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,uint param_3)
/* Note: this does not correctly handle chunks that are > 64K under DOS */       | 
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | {
png_handle_zTXt(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   |   int iVar1;
{                                                                                |   int iVar2;
   png_const_charp errmsg = NULL;                                                |   long lVar3;
   png_bytep       buffer;                                                       |   ulong uVar4;
   png_uint_32     keyword_length;                                               |   uint uVar5;
                                                                                 |   char *pcVar6;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_zTXt");                                           |   ulong uVar7;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
#ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                                 |   bool bVar8;
   if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max != 0)                                       |   long local_70;
   {                                                                             |   undefined4 local_68 [2];
      if (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                    |   long local_60;
      {                                                                          |   long local_58;
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   long local_50;
         return;                                                                 |   undefined8 local_48;
      }                                                                          |   undefined8 local_40;
                                                                                 |   undefined8 local_38;
      if (--png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max == 1)                                  |   long local_30;
      {                                                                          | 
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "no space in chunk cache");             |   iVar1 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c);
         return;                                                                 |   if (iVar1 != 0) {
      }                                                                          |     if (iVar1 == 1) {
   }                                                                             |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
#endif                                                                           |       goto LAB_0011d030;
                                                                                 |     }
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |     *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = iVar1 + -1;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |     if (iVar1 + -1 == 1) {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                                     |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"no space in chunk cache");
      png_ptr->mode |= PNG_AFTER_IDAT;                                           |       goto LAB_0011d030;
                                                                                 |     }
   /* Note, "length" is sufficient here; we won't be adding                      |   }
    * a null terminator later.                                                   |   uVar5 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
    */                                                                           |   if ((uVar5 & 1) == 0) {
   buffer = png_read_buffer(png_ptr, length, 2/*silent*/);                       |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   if (buffer == NULL)                                                           |   }
   {                                                                             |   if ((uVar5 & 4) != 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar5 | 8;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of memory");                          |   }
      return;                                                                    |   lVar3 = FUN_00119a20(param_1,param_3,2);
   }                                                                             |   if (lVar3 == 0) {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buffer, length);                                        |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of memory");
                                                                                 |     goto LAB_0011d030;
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   }
      return;                                                                    |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1,lVar3,param_3);
                                                                                 |   iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
   /* TODO: also check that the keyword contents match the spec! */              |   if (iVar1 != 0) goto LAB_0011d030;
   for (keyword_length = 0;                                                      |   if (param_3 == 0) {
      keyword_length < length && buffer[keyword_length] != 0;                    | LAB_0011d070:
      ++keyword_length)                                                          |     pcVar6 = "bad keyword";
      /* Empty loop to find end of name */ ;                                     |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
   if (keyword_length > 79 || keyword_length < 1)                                |     uVar4 = 0;
      errmsg = "bad keyword";                                                    |     do {
                                                                                 |       uVar5 = (uint)uVar4;
   /* zTXt must have some LZ data after the keyword, although it may expand to   |       if (*(char *)(lVar3 + uVar4) == '\0') {
    * zero bytes; we need a '\0' at the end of the keyword, the compression type |         uVar7 = uVar4 & 0xffffffff;
    * then the LZ data:                                                          |         uVar5 = uVar5 - 1;
    */                                                                           |         break;
   else if (keyword_length + 3 > length)                                         |       }
      errmsg = "truncated";                                                      |       uVar7 = (ulong)(uVar5 + 1);
                                                                                 |       bVar8 = uVar4 != param_3 - 1;
   else if (buffer[keyword_length+1] != PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE)               |       uVar4 = uVar4 + 1;
      errmsg = "unknown compression type";                                       |     } while (bVar8);
                                                                                 |     if (0x4e < uVar5) goto LAB_0011d070;
   else                                                                          |     iVar1 = (int)uVar7;
   {                                                                             |     if (param_3 < iVar1 + 3U) {
      png_alloc_size_t uncompressed_length = PNG_SIZE_MAX;                       |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"truncated");
                                                                                 |       goto LAB_0011d030;
      /* TODO: at present png_decompress_chunk imposes a single application      |     }
       * level memory limit, this should be split to different values for iCCP   |     pcVar6 = "unknown compression type";
       * and text chunks.                                                        |     if (*(char *)(lVar3 + (ulong)(iVar1 + 1)) == '\0') {
       */                                                                        |       local_70 = -1;
      if (png_decompress_chunk(png_ptr, length, keyword_length+2,                |       iVar2 = FUN_0011a2b0(param_1,param_3,iVar1 + 2U,&local_70);
          &uncompressed_length, 1/*terminate*/) == Z_STREAM_END)                 |       if (iVar2 == 1) {
      {                                                                          |         lVar3 = *(long *)(param_1 + 0x460);
         png_text text;                                                          |         if (lVar3 == 0) {
                                                                                 |           pcVar6 = "Read failure in png_handle_zTXt";
         if (png_ptr->read_buffer == NULL)                                       |         }
           errmsg="Read failure in png_handle_zTXt";                             |         else {
         else                                                                    |           *(undefined *)((ulong)(iVar1 + 2U) + lVar3 + local_70) = 0;
         {                                                                       |           local_58 = lVar3 + 2 + uVar7;
            /* It worked; png_ptr->read_buffer now looks like a tEXt chunk       |           local_68[0] = 0;
             * except for the extra compression type byte and the fact that      |           local_50 = local_70;
             * it isn't necessarily '\0' terminated.                             |           local_48 = 0;
             */                                                                  |           local_40 = 0;
            buffer = png_ptr->read_buffer;                                       |           local_38 = 0;
            buffer[uncompressed_length+(keyword_length+2)] = 0;                  |           local_60 = lVar3;
                                                                                 |           iVar1 = FUN_001200e0(param_1,param_2,local_68,1);
            text.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt;                        |           if (iVar1 == 0) goto LAB_0011d030;
            text.key = (png_charp)buffer;                                        |           pcVar6 = "insufficient memory";
            text.text = (png_charp)(buffer + keyword_length+2);                  |         }
            text.text_length = uncompressed_length;                              |       }
            text.itxt_length = 0;                                                |       else {
            text.lang = NULL;                                                    |         pcVar6 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170);
            text.lang_key = NULL;                                                |         if (pcVar6 == (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0011d030;
                                                                                 |       }
            if (png_set_text_2(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text, 1) != 0)                |     }
               errmsg = "insufficient memory";                                   |   }
         }                                                                       |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,pcVar6);
      }                                                                          | LAB_0011d030:
                                                                                 |   if (local_30 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      else                                                                       |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
         errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;                                          |     __stack_chk_fail();
   }                                                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
   if (errmsg != NULL)                                                           | }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, errmsg);                                   | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif                                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011aab0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_gAMA                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set and calls the appropriate function depending on the    |
                                             | value of the bit and the value of the parameter, calculates an integer |
                                             | value from the bytes of an array, sets bits in a variable based on the |
                                             | value of a ushort at a given address, calls functions to compute a     |
                                             | CRC32 checksum of the given memory region, calls functions to print    |
                                             | errors or warnings, calculates the result of the division of two       |
                                             | integers and checks if the value of param_1 is greater than 105000.    |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1120                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011aab0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_gAMA_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011aab0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_gAMA(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   png_fixed_point igamma;                                                       |   undefined4 uVar2;
   png_byte buf[4];                                                              |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   undefined local_24 [4];
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_gAMA");                                           |   long local_20;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & (PNG_HAVE_IDAT|PNG_HAVE_PLTE)) != 0)                |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6) == 0) {
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |     if (param_3 == 4) {
      return;                                                                    |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,local_24,4);
   }                                                                             |       iVar1 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
                                                                                 |       if (iVar1 == 0) {
   if (length != 4)                                                              |         uVar2 = FUN_00119ae0(local_24);
   {                                                                             |         FUN_00109a40(param_1,param_1 + 0x4a0,uVar2);
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |         FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |       }
      return;                                                                    |     }
   }                                                                             |     else {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 4);                                                |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
                                                                                 |     }
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   }
      return;                                                                    |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   igamma = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf);                                      |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |   }
   png_colorspace_set_gamma(png_ptr, &png_ptr->colorspace, igamma);              |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
   png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                       |     return;
}                                                                                |   }
#endif                                                                           |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011aff0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_sRGB                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set, calls the function pointed to, computes a CRC32       |
                                             | checksum of the given memory region, sets bits in a variable, and      |
                                             | calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message  |
                                             | or warning, respectively.                                              |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1312                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011aff0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_sRGB_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011aff0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_sRGB(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   ushort uVar1;
   png_byte intent;                                                              |   int iVar2;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_sRGB");                                           |   undefined local_21;
                                                                                 |   long local_20;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     | 
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
                                                                                 |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & (PNG_HAVE_IDAT|PNG_HAVE_PLTE)) != 0)                |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   {                                                                             |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   }
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6) == 0) {
      return;                                                                    |     if (param_3 == 1) {
   }                                                                             |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,&local_21,1);
                                                                                 |       iVar2 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1,0);
   if (length != 1)                                                              |       if ((iVar2 == 0) && (uVar1 = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea), -1 < (short)uVar1)) {
   {                                                                             |         if ((uVar1 & 4) == 0) {
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |           FUN_00109ad0(param_1,param_1 + 0x4a0,local_21);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |           FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
      return;                                                                    |         }
   }                                                                             |         else {
                                                                                 |           *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = uVar1 | 0x8000;
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, &intent, 1);                                            |           FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                                                                 |           png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"too many profiles");
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |         }
      return;                                                                    |       }
                                                                                 |     }
   /* If a colorspace error has already been output skip this chunk */           |     else {
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
      return;                                                                    |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
                                                                                 |     }
   /* Only one sRGB or iCCP chunk is allowed, use the HAVE_INTENT flag to detect |   }
    * this.                                                                      |   else {
    */                                                                           |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_INTENT) != 0)            |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
   {                                                                             |   }
      png_ptr->colorspace.flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                       |   if (local_20 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
      png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                    |     return;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too many profiles");                      |   }
      return;                                                                    |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   }                                                                             |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }
   (void)png_colorspace_set_sRGB(png_ptr, &png_ptr->colorspace, intent);         | 
   png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                       | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_sRGB */                                                           | 

=========================================================================== FUN_00109c50 ===========================================================================

                                                                    Real name: png_icc_set_sRGB                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a certain bit in a byte at a specified         |
                                             | location is set, performs various checks and calculations depending on |
                                             | the bit and parameter values, and calls the appropriate function       |
                                             | depending on the bit and parameter values, as well as checking for     |
                                             | known incorrect sRGB profiles and known out-of-date sRGB profiles with |
                                             | no signature.                                                          |

                               libpng/png.c:2430                                 |                           Decompilation: FUN_00109c50                           
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | void FUN_00109c50(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,byte *param_3,ulong param_4)
png_icc_set_sRGB(png_const_structrp png_ptr,                                     | 
    png_colorspacerp colorspace, png_const_bytep profile, uLong adler)           | {
{                                                                                |   int iVar1;
   /* Is this profile one of the known ICC sRGB profiles?  If it is, just set    |   ulong uVar2;
    * the sRGB information.                                                      |   undefined8 uVar3;
    */                                                                           |   ulong uVar4;
   if (png_compare_ICC_profile_with_sRGB(png_ptr, profile, adler) != 0)          |   int *piVar5;
      (void)png_colorspace_set_sRGB(png_ptr, colorspace,                         |   uint uVar6;
         (int)/*already checked*/png_get_uint_32(profile+64));                   |   uint uVar7;
}                                                                                |   int iVar8;
#endif /* PNG_sRGB_PROFILE_CHECKS >= 0 */                                        | 
#endif /* sRGB */                                                                |   if (((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x388) ^ 0x30) & 0x30) == 0) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   uVar6 = 0x10000;
                                                                                 |   iVar8 = 0;
                                                                                 |   uVar7 = 0;
                                                                                 |   iVar1 = 0x29f83dde;
                                                                                 |   piVar5 = &DAT_0012a3c8;
                                                                                 |   do {
                                                                                 |     if (((((uint)param_3[0x56] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |            (uint)param_3[0x57] + (uint)param_3[0x55] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x54] * 0x1000000 ==
                                                                                 |            iVar1) &&
                                                                                 |          ((uint)param_3[0x5a] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |           (uint)param_3[0x5b] + (uint)param_3[0x59] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x58] * 0x1000000 ==
                                                                                 |           piVar5[2])) &&
                                                                                 |         ((uint)param_3[0x5e] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |          (uint)param_3[0x5f] + (uint)param_3[0x5d] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x5c] * 0x1000000 ==
                                                                                 |          piVar5[3])) &&
                                                                                 |        ((uint)param_3[0x62] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |         (uint)param_3[99] + (uint)param_3[0x61] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x60] * 0x1000000 ==
                                                                                 |         piVar5[4])) {
                                                                                 |       if (iVar8 == 0) {
                                                                                 |         iVar8 = (uint)param_3[2] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |                 (uint)param_3[3] + (uint)param_3[1] * 0x10000 + (uint)*param_3 * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |         uVar6 = (uint)param_3[0x42] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |                 (uint)param_3[0x43] +
                                                                                 |                 (uint)param_3[0x41] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x40] * 0x1000000;
                                                                                 |       }
                                                                                 |       if ((*piVar5 == iVar8) && (*(ushort *)((long)piVar5 + 0x16) == uVar6)) {
                                                                                 |         if (param_4 == 0) {
                                                                                 |           uVar3 = adler32(0,0,0);
                                                                                 |           param_4 = adler32(uVar3,param_3,iVar8);
                                                                                 |         }
                                                                                 |         uVar2 = (ulong)uVar7;
                                                                                 |         if ((uint)(&DAT_0012a3c0)[uVar2 * 8] == param_4) {
                                                                                 |           uVar3 = crc32(0,0,0);
                                                                                 |           uVar4 = crc32(uVar3,param_3,iVar8);
                                                                                 |           if (uVar4 == (uint)(&DAT_0012a3c4)[uVar2 * 8]) {
                                                                                 |             if ((&DAT_0012a3dd)[uVar2 * 0x20] == '\0') {
                                                                                 |               if ((&DAT_0012a3dc)[uVar2 * 0x20] == '\0') {
                                                                                 |                 FUN_0010b520(param_1,"out-of-date sRGB profile with no signature",0);
                                                                                 |               }
                                                                                 |             }
                                                                                 |             else {
                                                                                 |               FUN_0010b520(param_1,"known incorrect sRGB profile",2);
                                                                                 |             }
                                                                                 |             FUN_00109ad0(param_1,param_2,
                                                                                 |                          (uint)param_3[0x42] * 0x100 +
                                                                                 |                          (uint)param_3[0x43] +
                                                                                 |                          (uint)param_3[0x41] * 0x10000 + (uint)param_3[0x40] * 0x1000000);
                                                                                 |             return;
                                                                                 |           }
                                                                                 |         }
                                                                                 |         FUN_0010b520(param_1,"Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited",0);
                                                                                 |         return;
                                                                                 |       }
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     uVar7 = uVar7 + 1;
                                                                                 |     if (uVar7 == 7) {
                                                                                 |       return;
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     iVar1 = piVar5[9];
                                                                                 |     piVar5 = piVar5 + 8;
                                                                                 |   } while( true );
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011d520 ===========================================================================

                                                                   Real name: png_handle_unknown                                                                    

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | The function FUN_0011d520 checks if a pointer at a given address is    |
                                             | valid, calls the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the |
                                             | given memory region, allocates memory for the pointer if necessary,    |
                                             | calls the png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message  |
                                             | or warning, and saves unknown chunks.                                  |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:2925                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011d520                           
/* Handle an unknown, or known but disabled, chunk */                            | void FUN_0011d520(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined4 param_3,int param_4)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_unknown(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr,                    | {
    png_uint_32 length, int keep)                                                |   long lVar1;
{                                                                                |   int iVar2;
   int handled = 0; /* the chunk was handled */                                  | 
                                                                                 |   if (*(long *)(param_1 + 0x3b8) == 0) {
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_unknown");                                        |     if (param_4 == 0) {
                                                                                 |       param_4 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x3c0);
#ifdef PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                         |     }
   /* NOTE: this code is based on the code in libpng-1.4.12 except for fixing    |     if (param_4 == 3) {
    * the bug which meant that setting a non-default behavior for a specific     |       iVar2 = FUN_00119eb0(param_1,param_3);
    * chunk would be ignored (the default was always used unless a user          |       if (iVar2 != 0) goto LAB_0011d579;
    * callback was installed).                                                   |     }
    *                                                                            |     else if ((param_4 == 2) && ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) != 0)) {
    * 'keep' is the value from the png_chunk_unknown_handling, the setting for   |       iVar2 = FUN_00119eb0(param_1,param_3);
    * this specific chunk_name, if PNG_HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN_SUPPORTED, if not it    |       if (iVar2 != 0) goto LAB_0011d66a;
    * will always be PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_AS_DEFAULT and it needs to be set here.    |     }
    * This is just an optimization to avoid multiple calls to the lookup         |     else {
    * function.                                                                  |       FUN_00119dc0();
    */                                                                           | LAB_0011d665:
#  ifndef PNG_HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN_SUPPORTED                                        |       if (param_4 == 2) {
#     ifdef PNG_SET_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                     | LAB_0011d66a:
   keep = png_chunk_unknown_handling(png_ptr, png_ptr->chunk_name);              |         if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) == 0) {
#     endif                                                                      |           lVar1 = *(long *)(param_1 + 0x440);
#  endif                                                                         |           goto joined_r0x0011d681;
                                                                                 |         }
   /* One of the following methods will read the chunk or skip it (at least one  |         goto LAB_0011d579;
    * of these is always defined because this is the only way to switch on       |       }
    * PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED)                                         |     }
    */                                                                           |   }
#  ifdef PNG_READ_USER_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                          |   else {
   /* The user callback takes precedence over the chunk keep value, but the      |     iVar2 = FUN_00119eb0(param_1,param_3);
    * keep value is still required to validate a save of a critical chunk.       |     if (iVar2 != 0) {
    */                                                                           |       iVar2 = (**(code **)(param_1 + 0x3b8))(param_1,param_1 + 0x438);
   if (png_ptr->read_user_chunk_fn != NULL)                                      |       if (iVar2 < 0) {
   {                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      if (png_cache_unknown_chunk(png_ptr, length) != 0)                         |         png_chunk_error(param_1,"error in user chunk");
      {                                                                          |       }
         /* Callback to user unknown chunk handler */                            |       if (iVar2 != 0) goto LAB_0011d5ad;
         int ret = (*(png_ptr->read_user_chunk_fn))(png_ptr,                     |       if (param_4 < 2) {
             &png_ptr->unknown_chunk);                                           |         if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x3c0) < 2) {
                                                                                 |           png_chunk_warning(param_1,"Saving unknown chunk:");
         /* ret is:                                                              |           FUN_0010b470(param_1,
          * negative: An error occurred; png_chunk_error will be called.         |                        "forcing save of an unhandled chunk; please call png_set_keep_unknown_chunks"
          *     zero: The chunk was not handled, the chunk will be discarded     |                       );
          *           unless png_set_keep_unknown_chunks has been used to set    |         }
          *           a 'keep' behavior for this particular chunk, in which      |         goto LAB_0011d66a;
          *           case that will be used.  A critical chunk will cause an    |       }
          *           error at this point unless it is to be saved.              |       if (param_4 != 3) goto LAB_0011d665;
          * positive: The chunk was handled, libpng will ignore/discard it.      | LAB_0011d579:
          */                                                                     |       iVar2 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c);
         if (ret < 0)                                                            |       if (iVar2 != 1) {
            png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "error in user chunk");                     |         if (iVar2 != 2) {
                                                                                 |           if (iVar2 != 0) {
         else if (ret == 0)                                                      |             *(int *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = iVar2 + -1;
         {                                                                       |           }
            /* If the keep value is 'default' or 'never' override it, but        |           png_set_unknown_chunks(param_1,param_2,param_1 + 0x438,1);
             * still error out on critical chunks unless the keep value is       | LAB_0011d5ad:
             * 'always'  While this is weird it is the behavior in 1.4.12.       |           if (*(long *)(param_1 + 0x440) == 0) {
             * A possible improvement would be to obey the value set for the     |             return;
             * chunk, but this would be an API change that would probably        |           }
             * damage some applications.                                         |           png_free(param_1);
             *                                                                   |           *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x440) = 0;
             * The png_app_warning below catches the case that matters, where    |           return;
             * the application has not set specific save or ignore for this      |         }
             * chunk or global save or ignore.                                   |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x42c) = 1;
             */                                                                  |         png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"no space in chunk cache");
            if (keep < PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE)                                 |       }
            {                                                                    |     }
#              ifdef PNG_SET_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                            |   }
               if (png_ptr->unknown_default < PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE)          |   lVar1 = *(long *)(param_1 + 0x440);
               {                                                                 | joined_r0x0011d681:
                  png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "Saving unknown chunk:");           |   if (lVar1 != 0) {
                  png_app_warning(png_ptr,                                       |     png_free(param_1);
                      "forcing save of an unhandled chunk;"                      |     *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x440) = 0;
                      " please call png_set_keep_unknown_chunks");               |   }
                      /* with keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE */                 |   if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x21b) & 0x20) != 0) {
               }                                                                 |     return;
#              endif                                                             |   }
               keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE;                                  |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
            }                                                                    |   png_chunk_error(param_1,"unhandled critical chunk");
         }                                                                       | }
         else /* chunk was handled */                                            | 
         {                                                                       | 
            handled = 1;                                                         | 
            /* Critical chunks can be safely discarded at this point. */         | 
            keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER;                                       | 
         }                                                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
         keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER; /* insufficient memory */                | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
   /* Use the SAVE_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS code or skip the chunk */                      | 
#  endif /* READ_USER_CHUNKS */                                                  | 
#  ifdef PNG_SAVE_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                       | 
   {                                                                             | 
      /* keep is currently just the per-chunk setting, if there was no           | 
       * setting change it to the global default now (not that this may          | 
       * still be AS_DEFAULT) then obtain the cache of the chunk if required,    | 
       * if not simply skip the chunk.                                           | 
       */                                                                        | 
      if (keep == PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_AS_DEFAULT)                                   | 
         keep = png_ptr->unknown_default;                                        | 
      if (keep == PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_ALWAYS ||                                     | 
         (keep == PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE &&                                    | 
          PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLARY(png_ptr->chunk_name)))                             | 
      {                                                                          | 
         if (png_cache_unknown_chunk(png_ptr, length) == 0)                      | 
            keep = PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER;                                       | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        | 
   }                                                                             | 
#  else                                                                          | 
#     ifndef PNG_READ_USER_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                      | 
#        error no method to support READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS                          | 
#     endif                                                                      | 
   {                                                                             | 
      /* If here there is no read callback pointer set and no support is         | 
       * compiled in to just save the unknown chunks, so simply skip this        | 
       * chunk.  If 'keep' is something other than AS_DEFAULT or NEVER then      | 
       * the app has erroneously asked for unknown chunk saving when there       | 
       * is no support.                                                          | 
       */                                                                        | 
      if (keep > PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER)                                         | 
         png_app_error(png_ptr, "no unknown chunk support available");           | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
   }                                                                             | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
#  ifdef PNG_STORE_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED                                      | 
   /* Now store the chunk in the chunk list if appropriate, and if the limits    | 
    * permit it.                                                                 | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if (keep == PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_ALWAYS ||                                        | 
      (keep == PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_IF_SAFE &&                                       | 
       PNG_CHUNK_ANCILLARY(png_ptr->chunk_name)))                                | 
   {                                                                             | 
#     ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                            | 
      switch (png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max)                                     | 
      {                                                                          | 
         case 2:                                                                 | 
            png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max = 1;                                   | 
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "no space in chunk cache");          | 
            /* FALLTHROUGH */                                                    | 
         case 1:                                                                 | 
            /* NOTE: prior to 1.6.0 this case resulted in an unknown critical    | 
             * chunk being skipped, now there will be a hard error below.        | 
             */                                                                  | 
            break;                                                               | 
         default: /* not at limit */                                             | 
            --(png_ptr->user_chunk_cache_max);                                   | 
            /* FALLTHROUGH */                                                    | 
         case 0: /* no limit */                                                  | 
#  endif /* USER_LIMITS */                                                       | 
            /* Here when the limit isn't reached or when limits are compiled     | 
             * out; store the chunk.                                             | 
             */                                                                  | 
            png_set_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, info_ptr,                            | 
                &png_ptr->unknown_chunk, 1);                                     | 
            handled = 1;                                                         | 
#  ifdef PNG_USER_LIMITS_SUPPORTED                                               | 
            break;                                                               | 
      }                                                                          | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
   }                                                                             | 
#  else /* no store support: the chunk must be handled by the user callback */   | 
   PNG_UNUSED(info_ptr)                                                          | 
#  endif                                                                         | 
   /* Regardless of the error handling below the cached data (if any) can be     | 
    * freed now.  Notice that the data is not freed if there is a png_error, but | 
    * it will be freed by destroy_read_struct.                                   | 
    */                                                                           | 
   if (png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data != NULL)                                      | 
      png_free(png_ptr, png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data);                            | 
   png_ptr->unknown_chunk.data = NULL;                                           | 
#else /* !PNG_READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS_SUPPORTED */                                   | 
   /* There is no support to read an unknown chunk, so just skip it. */          | 
   png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                              | 
   PNG_UNUSED(info_ptr)                                                          | 
   PNG_UNUSED(keep)                                                              | 
#endif /* !READ_UNKNOWN_CHUNKS */                                                | 
   /* Check for unhandled critical chunks */                                     | 
   if (handled == 0 && PNG_CHUNK_CRITICAL(png_ptr->chunk_name))                  | 
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "unhandled critical chunk");                      | 
}                                                                                | 

=========================================================================== FUN_0011add0 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_cHRM                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks if a pointer at a given address is valid, calls   |
                                             | the function pointed to, computes a CRC32 checksum of the given memory |
                                             | region, and sets bits in a variable based on the value of a ushort at  |
                                             | a given address and stores the result in a second variable.            |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1240                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011add0                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_cHRM_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011add0(long param_1,undefined8 param_2,int param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_cHRM(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
{                                                                                |   ushort uVar1;
   png_byte buf[32];                                                             |   int iVar2;
   png_xy xy;                                                                    |   int iVar3;
                                                                                 |   int iVar4;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_cHRM");                                           |   int iVar5;
                                                                                 |   int iVar6;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   int iVar7;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   int iVar8;
                                                                                 |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & (PNG_HAVE_IDAT|PNG_HAVE_PLTE)) != 0)                |   int local_78;
   {                                                                             |   int local_74;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   int local_70;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   int local_6c;
      return;                                                                    |   int local_68;
   }                                                                             |   int local_64;
                                                                                 |   int local_60;
   if (length != 32)                                                             |   int local_5c;
   {                                                                             |   undefined local_58 [4];
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   undefined local_54 [4];
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid");                                |   undefined local_50 [4];
      return;                                                                    |   undefined local_4c [4];
   }                                                                             |   undefined local_48 [4];
                                                                                 |   undefined local_44 [4];
   png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 32);                                               |   undefined local_40 [4];
                                                                                 |   undefined local_3c [12];
   if (png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0) != 0)                                          |   long local_30;
      return;                                                                    | 
                                                                                 |   local_30 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   xy.whitex = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf);                                   |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   xy.whitey = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 4);                               |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
   xy.redx   = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 8);                               |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
   xy.redy   = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 12);                              |   }
   xy.greenx = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 16);                              |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6) == 0) {
   xy.greeny = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 20);                              |     if (param_3 == 0x20) {
   xy.bluex  = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 24);                              |       FUN_00119cb0(param_1,local_58,0x20);
   xy.bluey  = png_get_fixed_point(NULL, buf + 28);                              |       iVar2 = FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
                                                                                 |       if (iVar2 == 0) {
   if (xy.whitex == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         iVar2 = FUN_00119ae0(local_58);
       xy.whitey == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         local_60 = iVar2;
       xy.redx   == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         iVar3 = FUN_00119ae0(local_54);
       xy.redy   == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         local_5c = iVar3;
       xy.greenx == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         iVar4 = FUN_00119ae0(local_50);
       xy.greeny == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         local_78 = iVar4;
       xy.bluex  == PNG_FIXED_ERROR ||                                           |         iVar5 = FUN_00119ae0(local_4c);
       xy.bluey  == PNG_FIXED_ERROR)                                             |         local_74 = iVar5;
   {                                                                             |         iVar6 = FUN_00119ae0(local_48);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "invalid values");                         |         local_70 = iVar6;
      return;                                                                    |         iVar7 = FUN_00119ae0(local_44);
   }                                                                             |         local_6c = iVar7;
                                                                                 |         iVar8 = FUN_00119ae0(local_40);
   /* If a colorspace error has already been output skip this chunk */           |         local_68 = iVar8;
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                |         local_64 = FUN_00119ae0(local_3c);
      return;                                                                    |         if (((((((iVar2 == -1 || iVar3 == -1) || iVar4 == -1) || iVar5 == -1) || iVar6 == -1) ||
                                                                                 |              iVar7 == -1) || iVar8 == -1) || (local_64 == -1)) {
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_FROM_cHRM) != 0)              |           png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid values");
   {                                                                             |         }
      png_ptr->colorspace.flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                       |         else {
      png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                    |           uVar1 = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea);
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "duplicate");                              |           if (-1 < (short)uVar1) {
      return;                                                                    |             if ((uVar1 & 0x10) == 0) {
   }                                                                             |               *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = uVar1 | 0x10;
                                                                                 |               FUN_001098a0(param_1,param_1 + 0x4a0,&local_78,1);
   png_ptr->colorspace.flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_FROM_cHRM;                        |               FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
   (void)png_colorspace_set_chromaticities(png_ptr, &png_ptr->colorspace, &xy,   |             }
       1/*prefer cHRM values*/);                                                 |             else {
   png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                       |               *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = uVar1 | 0x8000;
}                                                                                |               FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
#endif                                                                           |               png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"duplicate");
                                                                                 |             }
                                                                                 |           }
                                                                                 |         }
                                                                                 |       }
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |     else {
                                                                                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"invalid");
                                                                                 |     }
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   else {
                                                                                 |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,param_3);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |   if (local_30 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                                                                                 |     return;
                                                                                 |   }
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |   __stack_chk_fail();
                                                                                 | }

=========================================================================== FUN_0011b110 ===========================================================================

                                                                     Real name: png_handle_iCCP                                                                     

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | The code performs a variety of operations related to compressed data,  |
                                             | including bit checking, calculations, memory allocation, setting error |
                                             | messages, checking pointer validity, function calling, and CRC32       |
                                             | checksum calculation, as well as various conversions.                  |

                             libpng/pngrutil.c:1363                              |                           Decompilation: FUN_0011b110                           
#ifdef PNG_READ_iCCP_SUPPORTED                                                   | void FUN_0011b110(long param_1,long param_2,uint param_3)
void /* PRIVATE */                                                               | 
png_handle_iCCP(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)   | {
/* Note: this does not properly handle profiles that are > 64K under DOS */      |   long lVar1;
{                                                                                |   uint uVar2;
   png_const_charp errmsg = NULL; /* error message output, or no error */        |   int iVar3;
   int finished = 0; /* crc checked */                                           |   undefined4 *puVar4;
                                                                                 |   long lVar5;
   png_debug(1, "in png_handle_iCCP");                                           |   ulong uVar6;
                                                                                 |   uint uVar7;
   if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                                     |   uint uVar8;
      png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "missing IHDR");                                  |   uint uVar9;
                                                                                 |   undefined4 *puVar10;
   else if ((png_ptr->mode & (PNG_HAVE_IDAT|PNG_HAVE_PLTE)) != 0)                |   char *pcVar11;
   {                                                                             |   undefined4 *puVar12;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   ulong uVar13;
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "out of place");                           |   uint uVar14;
      return;                                                                    |   char *pcVar15;
   }                                                                             |   long in_FS_OFFSET;
                                                                                 |   byte bVar16;
   /* Consistent with all the above colorspace handling an obviously *invalid*   |   uint local_54c [3];
    * chunk is just ignored, so does not invalidate the color space.  An         |   ulong local_540;
    * alternative is to set the 'invalid' flags at the start of this routine     |   char local_538 [96];
    * and only clear them in they were not set before and all the tests pass.    |   undefined local_4d8 [16];
    */                                                                           |   undefined local_4c8 [16];
                                                                                 |   undefined local_4b8 [16];
   /* The keyword must be at least one character and there is a                  |   undefined local_4a8 [16];
    * terminator (0) byte and the compression method byte, and the               |   undefined local_498 [16];
    * 'zlib' datastream is at least 11 bytes.                                    |   undefined local_488 [16];
    */                                                                           |   undefined local_478 [16];
   if (length < 14)                                                              |   undefined local_468 [16];
   {                                                                             |   uint local_458;
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |   undefined local_448 [1032];
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too short");                              |   long local_40;
      return;                                                                    | 
   }                                                                             |   bVar16 = 0;
                                                                                 |   local_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
   /* If a colorspace error has already been output skip this chunk */           |   local_54c[0] = param_3;
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID) != 0)                |   if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 1) == 0) {
   {                                                                             |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           |     png_chunk_error(param_1,"missing IHDR");
      return;                                                                    |   }
   }                                                                             |   uVar7 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) & 6;
                                                                                 |   if (uVar7 != 0) {
   /* Only one sRGB or iCCP chunk is allowed, use the HAVE_INTENT flag to detect |     FUN_00119dc0();
    * this.                                                                      |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"out of place");
    */                                                                           |     goto LAB_0011b367;
   if ((png_ptr->colorspace.flags & PNG_COLORSPACE_HAVE_INTENT) == 0)            |   }
   {                                                                             |   if (param_3 < 0xe) {
      uInt read_length, keyword_length;                                          | LAB_0011b350:
      char keyword[81];                                                          |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1);
                                                                                 |     png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"too short");
      /* Find the keyword; the keyword plus separator and compression method     |     goto LAB_0011b367;
       * bytes can be at most 81 characters long.                                |   }
       */                                                                        |   if ((short)*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) < 0) {
      read_length = 81; /* maximum */                                            |     FUN_00119dc0();
      if (read_length > length)                                                  |     goto LAB_0011b367;
         read_length = (uInt)length;                                             |   }
                                                                                 |   if ((*(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) & 4) != 0) {
      png_crc_read(png_ptr, (png_bytep)keyword, read_length);                    |     pcVar15 = "too many profiles";
      length -= read_length;                                                     |     goto LAB_0011b3b7;
                                                                                 |   }
      /* The minimum 'zlib' stream is assumed to be just the 2 byte header,      |   uVar14 = 0x51;
       * 5 bytes minimum 'deflate' stream, and the 4 byte checksum.              |   if (param_3 < 0x51) {
       */                                                                        |     uVar14 = param_3;
      if (length < 11)                                                           |   }
      {                                                                          |   FUN_00119cb0(param_1,local_538,uVar14);
         png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                        |   local_54c[0] = local_54c[0] - uVar14;
         png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "too short");                           |   pcVar15 = local_538;
         return;                                                                 |   if (local_54c[0] < 0xb) goto LAB_0011b350;
      }                                                                          |   while (uVar8 = uVar7, *pcVar15 != '\0') {
                                                                                 |     uVar7 = uVar8 + 1;
      keyword_length = 0;                                                        |     pcVar15 = pcVar15 + 1;
      while (keyword_length < 80 && keyword_length < read_length &&              |     uVar9 = uVar8;
         keyword[keyword_length] != 0)                                           |     if ((0x4f < uVar7) || (uVar14 <= uVar7)) goto LAB_0011b1e1;
         ++keyword_length;                                                       |   }
                                                                                 |   uVar9 = uVar8 - 1;
      /* TODO: make the keyword checking common */                               |   uVar7 = uVar8;
      if (keyword_length >= 1 && keyword_length <= 79)                           | LAB_0011b1e1:
      {                                                                          |   if (uVar9 < 0x4f) {
         /* We only understand '0' compression - deflate - so if we get a        |     pcVar15 = "bad compression method";
          * different value we can't safely decode the chunk.                    |     if (uVar14 <= uVar7 + 1) goto LAB_0011b3b7;
          */                                                                     |     uVar6 = (ulong)(uVar7 + 1);
         if (keyword_length+1 < read_length &&                                   |     pcVar15 = "bad compression method";
            keyword[keyword_length+1] == PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE)              |     if (local_538[uVar6] != '\0') goto LAB_0011b3b7;
         {                                                                       |     iVar3 = FUN_00119890(param_1,0x69434350);
            read_length -= keyword_length+2;                                     |     if (iVar3 == 0) {
                                                                                 |       local_4d8 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
            if (png_inflate_claim(png_ptr, png_iCCP) == Z_OK)                    |       *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x148) = (uVar14 - 2) - uVar7;
            {                                                                    |       *(char **)(param_1 + 0x140) = local_538 + (uVar7 + 2);
               Byte profile_header[132]={0};                                     |       local_458 = 0;
               Byte local_buffer[PNG_INFLATE_BUF_SIZE];                          |       local_540 = 0x84;
               png_alloc_size_t size = (sizeof profile_header);                  |       local_4c8 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
                                                                                 |       local_4b8 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
               png_ptr->zstream.next_in = (Bytef*)keyword + (keyword_length+2);  |       local_4a8 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
               png_ptr->zstream.avail_in = read_length;                          |       local_498 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
               (void)png_inflate_read(png_ptr, local_buffer,                     |       local_488 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
                   (sizeof local_buffer), &length, profile_header, &size,        |       local_478 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
                   0/*finish: don't, because the output is too small*/);         |       local_468 = (undefined  [16])0x0;
                                                                                 |       if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) != *(int *)(param_1 + 0x218)) {
               if (size == 0)                                                    |         *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "zstream unclaimed";
               {                                                                 | LAB_0011b30a:
                  /* We have the ICC profile header; do the basic header checks. |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                   */                                                            |         pcVar15 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170);
                  png_uint_32 profile_length = png_get_uint_32(profile_header);  |         goto LAB_0011b320;
                                                                                 |       }
                  if (png_icc_check_length(png_ptr, &png_ptr->colorspace,        |       *(undefined **)(param_1 + 0x158) = local_4d8;
                      keyword, profile_length) != 0)                             |       *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x160) = 0;
                  {                                                              |       FUN_0011a000(0,param_1,local_448,local_54c,&local_540,0);
                     /* The length is apparently ok, so we can check the 132     |       if (local_540 != 0) goto LAB_0011b30a;
                      * byte header.                                             |       lVar1 = param_1 + 0x4a0;
                      */                                                         |       uVar7 = (uint)local_4d8[0] * 0x1000000 + (uint)local_4d8[1] * 0x10000 + (uint)local_4d8[3] +
                     if (png_icc_check_header(png_ptr, &png_ptr->colorspace,     |               (uint)local_4d8[2] * 0x100;
                         keyword, profile_length, profile_header,                |       iVar3 = FUN_001079d0(param_1,lVar1,local_538);
                         png_ptr->color_type) != 0)                              |       if ((iVar3 == 0) ||
                     {                                                           |          (iVar3 = FUN_00107a60(param_1,lVar1,local_538,uVar7,local_4d8,
                        /* Now read the tag table; a variable size buffer is     |                                *(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x267)), uVar14 = local_458, iVar3 == 0)) {
                         * needed at this point, allocate one for the whole      | LAB_0011b46a:
                         * profile.  The header check has already validated      |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                         * that none of this stuff will overflow.                |         FUN_00119dc0(param_1,local_54c[0]);
                         */                                                      |         *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) | 0x8000;
                        png_uint_32 tag_count =                                  |         FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                           png_get_uint_32(profile_header + 128);                |         goto LAB_0011b367;
                        png_bytep profile = png_read_buffer(png_ptr,             |       }
                            profile_length, 2/*silent*/);                        |       uVar8 = local_458 >> 8;
                                                                                 |       uVar2 = local_458 >> 0x10;
                        if (profile != NULL)                                     |       uVar9 = local_458 >> 0x18;
                        {                                                        |       puVar4 = (undefined4 *)FUN_00119a20(param_1,(ulong)uVar7,2);
                           memcpy(profile, profile_header,                       |       if (puVar4 == (undefined4 *)0x0) {
                               (sizeof profile_header));                         |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                                                                 |         pcVar15 = "out of memory";
                           size = 12 * tag_count;                                |         goto LAB_0011b3b7;
                                                                                 |       }
                           (void)png_inflate_read(png_ptr, local_buffer,         |       puVar10 = (undefined4 *)local_4d8;
                               (sizeof local_buffer), &length,                   |       puVar12 = puVar4;
                               profile + (sizeof profile_header), &size, 0);     |       for (lVar5 = 0x21; lVar5 != 0; lVar5 = lVar5 + -1) {
                                                                                 |         *puVar12 = *puVar10;
                           /* Still expect a buffer error because we expect      |         puVar10 = puVar10 + (ulong)bVar16 * -2 + 1;
                            * there to be some tag data!                         |         puVar12 = puVar12 + (ulong)bVar16 * -2 + 1;
                            */                                                   |       }
                           if (size == 0)                                        |       uVar13 = (ulong)((uVar14 * 0x1000000 + (uVar8 & 0xff) * 0x10000 + uVar9 +
                           {                                                     |                        (uVar2 & 0xff) * 0x100) * 0xc);
                              if (png_icc_check_tag_table(png_ptr,               |       local_540 = uVar13;
                                  &png_ptr->colorspace, keyword, profile_length, |       if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) == *(int *)(param_1 + 0x218)) {
                                  profile) != 0)                                 |         *(undefined4 **)(param_1 + 0x158) = puVar4 + 0x21;
                              {                                                  |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x160) = 0;
                                 /* The profile has been validated for basic     |         FUN_0011a000(param_1,local_448,local_54c,&local_540,0);
                                  * security issues, so read the whole thing in. |       }
                                  */                                             |       else {
                                 size = profile_length - (sizeof profile_header) |         *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "zstream unclaimed";
                                     - 12 * tag_count;                           |       }
                                                                                 |       if (local_540 != 0) goto LAB_0011b30a;
                                 (void)png_inflate_read(png_ptr, local_buffer,   |       iVar3 = FUN_00107e00(param_1,lVar1,local_538);
                                     (sizeof local_buffer), &length,             |       if (iVar3 == 0) goto LAB_0011b46a;
                                     profile + (sizeof profile_header) +         |       local_540 = ((ulong)uVar7 - 0x84) - uVar13;
                                     12 * tag_count, &size, 1/*finish*/);        |       if (*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) == *(int *)(param_1 + 0x218)) {
                                                                                 |         *(ulong *)(param_1 + 0x158) = (long)puVar4 + uVar13 + 0x84;
                                 if (length > 0 && !(png_ptr->flags &            |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x160) = 0;
                                     PNG_FLAG_BENIGN_ERRORS_WARN))               |         FUN_0011a000(param_1,local_448,local_54c,&local_540);
                                    errmsg = "extra compressed data";            |       }
                                                                                 |       else {
                                 /* But otherwise allow extra data: */           |         *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170) = "zstream unclaimed";
                                 else if (size == 0)                             |       }
                                 {                                               |       if (local_54c[0] == 0) {
                                    if (length > 0)                              |         if (local_540 != 0) {
                                    {                                            | LAB_0011b779:
                                       /* This can be handled completely, so     |           *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                        * keep going.                            |           pcVar15 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170);
                                        */                                       |           goto LAB_0011b320;
                                       png_chunk_warning(png_ptr,                |         }
                                           "extra compressed data");             |       }
                                    }                                            |       else {
                                                                                 |         if ((*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x132) & 0x10) == 0) {
                                    png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);             |           *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                    finished = 1;                                |           pcVar15 = "extra compressed data";
                                                                                 |           goto LAB_0011b3b7;
# if defined(PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED) && PNG_sRGB_PROFILE_CHECKS >= 0                 |         }
                                    /* Check for a match against sRGB */         |         if (local_540 != 0) goto LAB_0011b779;
                                    png_icc_set_sRGB(png_ptr,                    |         png_chunk_warning(param_1,"extra compressed data");
                                        &png_ptr->colorspace, profile,           |       }
                                        png_ptr->zstream.adler);                 |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,local_54c[0]);
# endif                                                                          |       FUN_00109c50(param_1,lVar1,puVar4,*(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x1a0));
                                                                                 |       if (param_2 == 0) {
                                    /* Steal the profile for info_ptr. */        | LAB_0011b76a:
                                    if (info_ptr != NULL)                        |         *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                    {                                            |         goto LAB_0011b367;
                                       png_free_data(png_ptr, info_ptr,          |       }
                                           PNG_FREE_ICCP, 0);                    |       png_free_data(param_1,param_2,0x10,0);
                                                                                 |       pcVar15 = (char *)FUN_0010cbb0(param_1,uVar6);
                                       info_ptr->iccp_name = png_voidcast(char*, |       *(char **)(param_2 + 0x80) = pcVar15;
                                           png_malloc_base(png_ptr,              |       if (pcVar15 != (char *)0x0) {
                                           keyword_length+1));                   |         *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_2 + 300) | 0x10;
                                       if (info_ptr->iccp_name != NULL)          |         *(uint *)(param_2 + 0x90) = uVar7;
                                       {                                         |         pcVar11 = local_538;
                                          memcpy(info_ptr->iccp_name, keyword,   |         for (; uVar6 != 0; uVar6 = uVar6 - 1) {
                                              keyword_length+1);                 |           *pcVar15 = *pcVar11;
                                          info_ptr->iccp_proflen =               |           pcVar11 = pcVar11 + (ulong)bVar16 * -2 + 1;
                                              profile_length;                    |           pcVar15 = pcVar15 + (ulong)bVar16 * -2 + 1;
                                          info_ptr->iccp_profile = profile;      |         }
                                          png_ptr->read_buffer = NULL; /*steal*/ |         *(uint *)(param_2 + 8) = *(uint *)(param_2 + 8) | 0x1000;
                                          info_ptr->free_me |= PNG_FREE_ICCP;    |         *(undefined4 **)(param_2 + 0x88) = puVar4;
                                          info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_iCCP;      |         *(undefined8 *)(param_1 + 0x460) = 0;
                                       }                                         |         FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                                                                 |         goto LAB_0011b76a;
                                       else                                      |       }
                                       {                                         |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) | 0x8000;
                                          png_ptr->colorspace.flags |=           |       pcVar15 = "out of memory";
                                             PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;             |       FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                          errmsg = "out of memory";              |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) | 0x8000;
                                       }                                         |       *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x138) = 0;
                                    }                                            |       FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                                                                 |     }
                                    /* else the profile remains in the read      |     else {
                                     * buffer which gets reused for subsequent   |       pcVar15 = *(char **)(param_1 + 0x170);
                                     * chunks.                                   | LAB_0011b320:
                                     */                                          |       FUN_00119dc0(param_1,local_54c[0]);
                                                                                 |       *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) | 0x8000;
                                    if (info_ptr != NULL)                        |       FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                       png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);   |       if (pcVar15 == (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0011b367;
                                                                                 |     }
                                    if (errmsg == NULL)                          |   }
                                    {                                            |   else {
                                       png_ptr->zowner = 0;                      |     pcVar15 = "bad keyword";
                                       return;                                   | LAB_0011b3b7:
                                    }                                            |     FUN_00119dc0(param_1,local_54c[0]);
                                 }                                               |     *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) = *(ushort *)(param_1 + 0x4ea) | 0x8000;
                                 if (errmsg == NULL)                             |     FUN_00107970(param_1,param_2);
                                    errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;               |   }
                              }                                                  |   png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,pcVar15);
                              /* else png_icc_check_tag_table output an error */ | LAB_0011b367:
                           }                                                     |   if (local_40 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                           else /* profile truncated */                          |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                              errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;                     |     __stack_chk_fail();
                        }                                                        |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
                        else                                                     | }
                           errmsg = "out of memory";                             | 
                     }                                                           | 
                     /* else png_icc_check_header output an error */             | 
                  }                                                              | 
                  /* else png_icc_check_length output an error */                | 
               }                                                                 | 
               else /* profile truncated */                                      | 
                  errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;                                 | 
               /* Release the stream */                                          | 
               png_ptr->zowner = 0;                                              | 
            }                                                                    | 
            else /* png_inflate_claim failed */                                  | 
               errmsg = png_ptr->zstream.msg;                                    | 
         }                                                                       | 
         else                                                                    | 
            errmsg = "bad compression method"; /* or missing */                  | 
      }                                                                          | 
      else                                                                       | 
         errmsg = "bad keyword";                                                 | 
   }                                                                             | 
   else                                                                          | 
      errmsg = "too many profiles";                                              | 
   /* Failure: the reason is in 'errmsg' */                                      | 
   if (finished == 0)                                                            | 
      png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length);                                           | 
   png_ptr->colorspace.flags |= PNG_COLORSPACE_INVALID;                          | 
   png_colorspace_sync(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                       | 
   if (errmsg != NULL) /* else already output */                                 | 
      png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, errmsg);                                   | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* READ_iCCP */                                                           | 

========================================================================== png_read_info ===========================================================================

                                                                      Real name: png_read_info                                                                      

                                                                  OpenAI text-davinci-003 Summary                                                                   
                                             | This function checks the validity of a pointer, calls the related      |
                                             | function, computes a CRC32 checksum, and calls the                     |
                                             | png_error/png_chunk_warning functions with an error message or         |
                                             | warning, as well as setting various parameters for a PNG file.         |

                              libpng/pngread.c:93                                |                           Decompilation: png_read_info                          
#ifdef PNG_SEQUENTIAL_READ_SUPPORTED                                             | void png_read_info(long param_1,long param_2)
/* Read the information before the actual image data.  This has been             | 
 * changed in v0.90 to allow reading a file that already has the magic           | {
 * bytes read from the stream.  You can tell libpng how many bytes have          |   undefined4 uVar1;
 * been read from the beginning of the stream (up to the maximum of 8)           |   uint uVar2;
 * via png_set_sig_bytes(), and we will only check the remaining bytes           |   int iVar3;
 * here.  The application can then have access to the signature bytes we         |   int iVar4;
 * read if it is determined that this isn't a valid PNG file.                    | 
 */                                                                              |   if (param_1 == 0) {
void PNGAPI                                                                      |     return;
png_read_info(png_structrp png_ptr, png_inforp info_ptr)                         |   }
{                                                                                |   if (param_2 != 0) {
#ifdef PNG_HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN_SUPPORTED                                           |     FUN_00119be0();
   int keep;                                                                     |     while( true ) {
#endif                                                                           |       uVar1 = FUN_0011d820(param_1);
                                                                                 |       iVar3 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x218);
   png_debug(1, "in png_read_info");                                             |       uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
                                                                                 |       if (iVar3 == 0x49444154) break;
   if (png_ptr == NULL || info_ptr == NULL)                                      |       if ((uVar2 & 4) != 0) {
      return;                                                                    |         *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar2 | 0x2008;
                                                                                 |       }
   /* Read and check the PNG file signature. */                                  |       if (iVar3 == 0x49484452) {
   png_read_sig(png_ptr, info_ptr);                                              |         FUN_0011a560(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
                                                                                 |       }
   for (;;)                                                                      |       else if (iVar3 == 0x49454e44) {
   {                                                                             |         FUN_0011aa40(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      png_uint_32 length = png_read_chunk_header(png_ptr);                       |       }
      png_uint_32 chunk_name = png_ptr->chunk_name;                              |       else {
                                                                                 |         iVar4 = FUN_001077c0(param_1,iVar3);
      /* IDAT logic needs to happen here to simplify getting the two flags       |         if (iVar4 == 0) {
       * right.                                                                  |           if (iVar3 == 0x504c5445) {
       */                                                                        |             FUN_0011a760(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      if (chunk_name == png_IDAT)                                                |           }
      {                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x624b4744) {
         if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR) == 0)                               |             FUN_0011bd80(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
            png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "Missing IHDR before IDAT");                |           }
                                                                                 |           else if (iVar3 == 0x6348524d) {
         else if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE &&               |             FUN_0011add0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
             (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) == 0)                               |           }
            png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "Missing PLTE before IDAT");                |           else if (iVar3 == 0x65584966) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011c040(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_AFTER_IDAT) != 0)                         |           }
            png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "Too many IDATs found");             |           else if (iVar3 == 0x67414d41) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011aab0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_IDAT;                                         |           }
      }                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x68495354) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011c240(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      else if ((png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) != 0)                             |           }
      {                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x6f464673) {
         png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_CHUNK_AFTER_IDAT;                             |             FUN_0011c520(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         png_ptr->mode |= PNG_AFTER_IDAT;                                        |           }
      }                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x7043414c) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011c6b0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      /* This should be a binary subdivision search or a hash for                |           }
       * matching the chunk name rather than a linear search.                    |           else if (iVar3 == 0x7343414c) {
       */                                                                        |             FUN_0011c9f0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      if (chunk_name == png_IHDR)                                                |           }
         png_handle_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |           else if (iVar3 == 0x70485973) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011c3c0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      else if (chunk_name == png_IEND)                                           |           }
         png_handle_IEND(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |           else if (iVar3 == 0x73424954) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011aba0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
#ifdef PNG_HANDLE_AS_UNKNOWN_SUPPORTED                                           |           }
      else if ((keep = png_chunk_unknown_handling(png_ptr, chunk_name)) != 0)    |           else if (iVar3 == 0x73524742) {
      {                                                                          |             FUN_0011aff0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         png_handle_unknown(png_ptr, info_ptr, length, keep);                    |           }
                                                                                 |           else if (iVar3 == 0x69434350) {
         if (chunk_name == png_PLTE)                                             |             FUN_0011b110(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
            png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_PLTE;                                      |           }
                                                                                 |           else if (iVar3 == 0x73504c54) {
         else if (chunk_name == png_IDAT)                                        |             FUN_0011b820(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         {                                                                       |           }
            png_ptr->idat_size = 0; /* It has been consumed */                   |           else if (iVar3 == 0x74455874) {
            break;                                                               |             FUN_0011cd90(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         }                                                                       |           }
      }                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x74494d45) {
#endif                                                                           |             FUN_0011cc80(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      else if (chunk_name == png_PLTE)                                           |           }
         png_handle_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |           else if (iVar3 == 0x74524e53) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011bb10(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
      else if (chunk_name == png_IDAT)                                           |           }
      {                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x7a545874) {
         png_ptr->idat_size = length;                                            |             FUN_0011cf40(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
         break;                                                                  |           }
      }                                                                          |           else if (iVar3 == 0x69545874) {
                                                                                 |             FUN_0011d1c0(param_1,param_2,uVar1);
#ifdef PNG_READ_bKGD_SUPPORTED                                                   |           }
      else if (chunk_name == png_bKGD)                                           |           else {
         png_handle_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |             FUN_0011d520(param_1,param_2,uVar1,0);
#endif                                                                           |           }
                                                                                 |         }
#ifdef PNG_READ_cHRM_SUPPORTED                                                   |         else {
      else if (chunk_name == png_cHRM)                                           |           FUN_0011d520(param_1,param_2,uVar1,iVar4);
         png_handle_cHRM(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |           if (iVar3 == 0x504c5445) {
#endif                                                                           |             *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) | 2;
                                                                                 |           }
#ifdef PNG_READ_eXIf_SUPPORTED                                                   |         }
      else if (chunk_name == png_eXIf)                                           |       }
         png_handle_eXIf(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |     }
#endif                                                                           |     if ((uVar2 & 1) == 0) {
                                                                                 |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
#ifdef PNG_READ_gAMA_SUPPORTED                                                   |       png_chunk_error(param_1,"Missing IHDR before IDAT");
      else if (chunk_name == png_gAMA)                                           |     }
         png_handle_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |     if ((*(char *)(param_1 + 0x267) == '\x03') && ((uVar2 & 2) == 0)) {
#endif                                                                           |                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
                                                                                 |       png_chunk_error(param_1,"Missing PLTE before IDAT");
#ifdef PNG_READ_hIST_SUPPORTED                                                   |     }
      else if (chunk_name == png_hIST)                                           |     if ((uVar2 & 8) != 0) {
         png_handle_hIST(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |       png_chunk_benign_error(param_1,"Too many IDATs found");
#endif                                                                           |       uVar2 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 300);
                                                                                 |     }
#ifdef PNG_READ_oFFs_SUPPORTED                                                   |     *(uint *)(param_1 + 300) = uVar2 | 4;
      else if (chunk_name == png_oFFs)                                           |     iVar3 = FUN_001077c0(param_1,0x49444154);
         png_handle_oFFs(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |     if (iVar3 != 0) {
#endif                                                                           |       FUN_0011d520(param_1,param_2,uVar1,iVar3);
                                                                                 |       *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x248) = 0;
#ifdef PNG_READ_pCAL_SUPPORTED                                                   |       return;
      else if (chunk_name == png_pCAL)                                           |     }
         png_handle_pCAL(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             |     *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x248) = uVar1;
#endif                                                                           |   }
                                                                                 |   return;
#ifdef PNG_READ_sCAL_SUPPORTED                                                   | }
      else if (chunk_name == png_sCAL)                                           | 
         png_handle_sCAL(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_pHYs_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_pHYs)                                           | 
         png_handle_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_sBIT_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_sBIT)                                           | 
         png_handle_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_sRGB_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_sRGB)                                           | 
         png_handle_sRGB(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_iCCP_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_iCCP)                                           | 
         png_handle_iCCP(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_sPLT_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_sPLT)                                           | 
         png_handle_sPLT(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_tEXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_tEXt)                                           | 
         png_handle_tEXt(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_tIME_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_tIME)                                           | 
         png_handle_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_tRNS_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_tRNS)                                           | 
         png_handle_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_zTXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_zTXt)                                           | 
         png_handle_zTXt(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
#ifdef PNG_READ_iTXt_SUPPORTED                                                   | 
      else if (chunk_name == png_iTXt)                                           | 
         png_handle_iTXt(png_ptr, info_ptr, length);                             | 
#endif                                                                           | 
      else                                                                       | 
         png_handle_unknown(png_ptr, info_ptr, length,                           | 
             PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_AS_DEFAULT);                                       | 
   }                                                                             | 
}                                                                                | 
#endif /* SEQUENTIAL_READ */                                                     |